Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 1216
Barcode 704504
Senate House
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04/12/2005 05:36 PM .
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 The Committee on Justice Appropriations (Argenziano)
12 recommended the following amendment:
14 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
15 On page 34, line 5, through
16 page 36, line 7, delete section 13
18 and insert:
19 Section 13. Section 948.061, Florida Statutes, is
20 created to read:
21 948.061 Identifying, assessing, and monitoring certain
22 offenders on community supervision; providing cumulative
23 criminal and supervision histories to the court.--
24 (1) By December 1, 2005, the department shall develop
25 a graduated risk assessment for offenders who are placed on
26 probation or in community control. The risk assessment must
27 consider the offender's age, whether the offender has
28 previously been placed on probation or in community control,
29 has a history of committing multiple violations of community
30 supervision in this state, or has previously been incarcerated
31 in this state, and any other factors that the department
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 1216
Barcode 704504
1 determines necessary for risk assessment.
2 (2) In providing criminal history and background
3 information to the court, the correctional probation officer
4 shall provide to the court at each violation hearing personal
5 identifying information existing in the department's
6 offender-based information system which includes any known
7 alias, prior criminal arrest history, residential history, the
8 circumstances of the violation, the offender's statement
9 regarding the violation, the history of supervision which
10 includes residential history, employment, sources of income,
11 monthly salary, prior violations of supervision and
12 dispositions, and the offender's status or compliance with
13 court-ordered special conditions such as drug treatment,
14 mental health treatment, public service work, or monetary
15 obligations. The department may adopt rules as necessary to
16 administer this section.
17 (3) In monitoring the location of offenders, the
18 department, shall, no later than October 1, 2006, have
19 fingerprint-reading equipment and capability that will
20 immediately identify the probationer or community controllee
21 when they report to their designated probation officer and
22 alert department probation officials when probationers and
23 community controllees are subsequently rearrested.
26 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
27 And the title is amended as follows:
28 On page 1, line 2, through
29 page 2, line 30, delete those lines
31 and insert:
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 1216
Barcode 704504
1 An act relating to offenders; providing a short
2 title; amending s. 775.21, F.S.; extending the
3 period for a petition to remove a sexual
4 predator designation; providing that it is a
5 criminal offense to fail to report or to
6 provide false information about a sexual
7 predator or to harbor or hide a sexual
8 predator; amending s. 775.082, F.S.; providing
9 for specified sentencing of persons convicted
10 of the life felony offense in s. 800.04(5)(b),
11 F.S.; amending s. 800.04, F.S.; providing that
12 it is a life felony for an offender 18 years of
13 age or older to commit lewd or lascivious
14 molestation against a victim younger than 12
15 years of age; amending s. 921.0022, F.S.;
16 deleting ranking for offenses involving sexual
17 predators and sexual offenders failing to
18 comply with registration requirements; ranking
19 offenses involving sexual predators and sexual
20 offenders failing to comply with registration
21 requirements and other requirements; ranking
22 new criminal offenses for failing to report or
23 providing false information about a sexual
24 predator and harboring or hiding a sexual
25 predator; correcting a reference to the felony
26 degree of a lewd or lascivious offense;
27 amending s. 921.141, F.S.; providing an
28 additional aggravating circumstance pertaining
29 to sexual predators for the purpose of imposing
30 the death penalty; amending s. 943.043, F.S.;
31 requiring the Department of Law Enforcement to
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 1216
Barcode 704504
1 provide to local law enforcement agencies
2 information on sexual predators and sexual
3 offenders who fail to respond to address
4 verification attempts or abscond from
5 registration; amending s. 943.0435, F.S.;
6 providing that it is a criminal offense to fail
7 to report or to provide false information about
8 a sexual offender or to harbor or hide a sexual
9 offender; creating s. 943.04352, F.S.;
10 requiring a search of the sexual offender and
11 sexual predator registry by entities providing
12 probation services; amending s. 944.607, F.S.;
13 providing that it is a criminal offense to fail
14 to report or to provide false information about
15 a sexual offender or to harbor or hide a sexual
16 offender; amending s. 947.1405, F.S.; requiring
17 electronic monitoring for certain offenders
18 placed on conditional release supervision;
19 amending s. 948.012, F.S.; requiring the court
20 to impose a split sentence in certain
21 circumstances; creating s. 948.061, F.S.;
22 requiring the Department of Corrections to
23 develop a risk assessment system to monitor
24 certain offenders placed on probation or
25 community control; requiring increased
26 supervision of such offenders under certain
27 circumstances; providing requirements for the
28 risk assessment; requiring that information be
29 provided to the court by the correctional
30 probation officer; requiring the department to
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