Senate Bill sb1286

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1286

    By Senator Bennett


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to funds for the operation of

  3         schools; amending s. 1011.62, F.S.; revising

  4         the formula for determining the sparsity

  5         supplement; requiring that a district having a

  6         wealth adjustment receive no less than the

  7         statewide average amount of per-student

  8         funding; providing an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section

13  1011.62, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         1011.62  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual

15  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each

16  district for operation of schools is not determined in the

17  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing

18  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as

19  follows:


21         (c)  Each district's allocation of sparsity supplement

22  funds shall be adjusted in the following manner:

23         1.  A maximum discretionary levy per FTE value for each

24  district shall be calculated by dividing the value of each

25  district's maximum discretionary levy by its FTE student

26  count;

27         2.  A state average discretionary levy value per FTE

28  shall be calculated by dividing the total maximum

29  discretionary levy value for all districts by the state total

30  FTE student count;



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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1286

 1         3.  A total potential funds per FTE for each district

 2  shall be calculated by dividing the total potential funds, not

 3  including minimum guarantee, for each district by its FTE

 4  student count;

 5         4.  A state average total potential funds per FTE shall

 6  be calculated by dividing the total potential funds, not

 7  including minimum guarantee, for all districts by the state

 8  total FTE student count;

 9         5.3.  For districts that have a levy value per FTE as

10  calculated in subparagraph 1. higher than the state average

11  calculated in subparagraph 2., a sparsity wealth adjustment

12  shall be calculated as the product of the difference between

13  the state average levy value per FTE calculated in

14  subparagraph 2. and the district's levy value per FTE

15  calculated in subparagraph 1. and the district's FTE student

16  count and -1; however, a district may not have a wealth

17  adjustment that, when applied to the total potential funds

18  calculated under subparagraph 3., would cause the district's

19  total potential funds per FTE to be less than the statewide

20  average calculated under subparagraph 4.;

21         6.4.  Each district's sparsity supplement allocation

22  shall be calculated by adding the amount calculated as

23  specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) and the wealth adjustment

24  amount calculated in this paragraph.

25         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1. 2005.


27            *****************************************

28                          SENATE SUMMARY

29    Amends the formula for determining the sparsity
      supplement that is used in calculating funds for
30    operating public schools. Requires that a district having
      a wealth adjustment receive no less than the statewide
31    average amount of per-student funding.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.