HB 1325CS


1The Commerce Council recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to governmental authority in communication
7services; creating the Governmental Authority Provision
8for Communication Services Act of 2005; providing
9definitions; authorizing governmental authorities to
10provide communication services in certain circumstances;
11providing requirements for the provision of communication
12services; requiring a referendum for the provision of such
13services; requiring regulatory compliance by governmental
14authorities and service providers; providing for the use
15of certain structures and facilities; authorizing
16governmental authorities to secure funding for certain
17costs; authorizing governmental authorities providing
18specific services prior to a date certain to continue to
19offer those specific services; providing for the payment
20of taxes on certain acquired entities; providing
21severability; providing an effective date.
23Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
25     Section 1.  Governmental authority provision of
26communication services.--
27     (1)  This section may be cited as the "Governmental
28Authority Provision of Communication Services Act of 2005."
29     (2)  As used in this section:
30     (a)  "Advanced service" means high-speed Internet access
31service capability in excess of 144 kilobits per second in the
32upstream or the downstream direction, including any service
33application provided over the high-speed access service or any
34information service as defined in 47 U.S.C. s. 153(20), using
35any technology or medium.
36     (b)  "Covered service" means an advanced service, cable
37service, or telecommunications service and should be construed
38in the broadest sense.
39     (c)  "Cable service" has the same meaning as in 47 U.S.C.
40s. 522(6).
41     (d)  "Governmental authority" means any political
42subdivision as defined in s. 1.01, Florida Statutes, and any
43utility authority, other authority, board, branch, department,
44or unit thereof. The term includes any person owned, operated,
45or controlled by a governmental authority or in which a
46governmental authority otherwise has an interest, whether direct
47or indirect. The term does not include an airport authority or
48other airport governmental entity which provides communication
49services to itself and its tenant within the boundaries of its
50airport layout plan as defined in s. 333.01(6), Florida
52     (e)  "Omitted service" means a covered service that a
53governmental authority determines is desired by the authority's
54residents but is not being provided to the residents by any
55private provider of covered services.
56     (f)  "Person" has the same meaning as defined in s. 1.01,
57Florida Statutes.
58     (g)  "Private provider" means a provider of covered
59services that is not a governmental authority.
60     (h)  "Providing," "provide," or "provision," with respect
61to a covered service, means offering or supplying a service for
62a fee or other consideration to a person, including any portion
63of the public or a governmental authority or private provider. A
64provider is a person that provides a covered service.
65     (i)  "Subscriber" means a person who receives a covered
67     (j)  "Supplying," with respect to a covered service, means
68actually supplying a service for a fee or other consideration to
69a person, including any portion of the public or a governmental
70authority or private provider.
71     (k)  "Telecommunications services" means the transmission
72of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, messages, data, or
73other information of the user's choosing, by wire, radio, light
74waves, or other electromagnetic means, without change in the
75form or content of the information as sent and received by the
76user and regardless of the facilities used, and including fixed
77and mobile terrestrial wireless technologies or applications.
78     (3)  Except as specified in subsection (4), no governmental
79authority shall provide a covered service or a facility used to
80provide a covered service. The foregoing prohibition shall not
81apply to, and shall not prohibit a governmental authority from
82supplying, a covered service, or a facility used to provide a
83covered service, for internal operational needs,
84intergovernmental communications, and public service
86     (4)(a)  Any governmental authority that is supplying a
87covered service on May 1, 2005, shall be permitted to continue
88supplying such service; however, the governmental authority may
89not extend or expand its services or service areas for existing
90or new subscribers.
91     (b)  If a governmental authority determines that there are
92omitted services, the governmental authority may commence
93providing the omitted services only upon the following
94conditions in the following order:
95     1.  The governmental authority provides written notice to
96all dealers of communications services registered under chapter
97202, Florida Statutes, with the Department of Revenue describing
98the omitted services.
99     2.  No provider commences to provide the noticed omitted
100services or other substantially similar services within 120 days
101after the date of the written notice.
102     3.  The governmental authority retains a feasibility
103consultant to assess, in a written report, the feasibility of
104the governmental authority's provision of the omitted services,
105including consideration of the capital investment in facilities
106to be used to provide the omitted services; the expenditure of
107funds for labor, financing, and administering the proposed
108omitted services; using full-cost accounting, the projected
109annual operating expenses and revenues; and the governmental
110authority's proposed method of financing.
111     4.  If the feasibility study indicates that the
112governmental authority's provision of the omitted services is
113feasible, the governing body schedules a public hearing to be
114held to consider the feasibility study, to afford the public an
115opportunity to offer comments on whether the governmental
116authority should provide one or more of the noticed omitted
117services, and to then vote on whether to proceed.
118     5.  If the governing body votes in favor of proceeding, it
119calls an election on whether the governmental authority may
120provide the omitted services that were the subject of the
121governing body's vote. The notice of the election shall include,
122with any other information required by law, a summary of the
123omitted services and a statement that the feasibility study is
124available for inspection and copying at a designated location.
125The ballot at the election shall pose the question substantially
126as follows: "Shall [insert name of the governmental authority]
127operate a business providing [telecovered or advanced services,
128or cable services, as applicable (meaning those services
129identified in the governing body's vote)] to the inhabitants of
130the [governmental authority] at a total cost of approximately
131[insert amount from feasibility study] per year?"
132     (c)  The ballot proposition may not take effect until
133submitted to the electors and approved by a majority of those
134voting on the ballot.
135     (d)  If a majority of the electors vote to approve the
136ballot question, the governmental authority may thereafter
137provide the omitted services that were referenced in the ballot
139     (e)  Any governmental authority that issued public debt
140guaranteed by the revenue of any covered service prior to the
141effective date of this law may continue to offer the specific
142services offered as of March 1, 2005, to existing customers or
143any other residents within the geographic boundaries of the
144governmental authority.
145     (5)(a)  A governmental authority that provides a cable
146service shall comply with the Cable Communications Policy Act of
1471984, 47 U.S.C. ss. 521 et seq.; the regulations issued by the
148Federal Communications Commission under the Cable Communications
149Policy Act of 1984, 47 U.S.C. ss. 521 et seq.; and all
150applicable state and federal rules and regulations, including,
151but not limited, to s. 166.046, Florida Statutes, and those
152provisions of chapters 202, 212, and 337, Florida Statutes,
153applicable to a provider of such services.
154     (b)  A governmental authority that provides a
155telecommunications service or advanced service shall comply, if
156applicable, with chapter 364, Florida Statutes, and rules
157adopted by the Florida Public Service Commission; chapter 166,
158Florida Statutes; and all applicable state and federal rules and
159regulations, including, but not limited to, those provisions of
160chapters 202, 212, and 337, Florida Statutes, applicable to a
161provider of such services.
162     (c)  Exercise of a governmental authority's power or
163authority in any area, including zoning or land use, to require
164use by any person, including residents of a particular
165development, of any of the governmental authority's covered
166services is prohibited.
167     (d)  A governmental authority shall apply the governmental
168authority's ordinances, rules, and policies and exercise any
169authority under state or federal laws, including those relating
170to the following subjects, without discrimination as to itself
171and any private provider of covered services:
172     1.  Allowing access to and use of public rights-of-way.
173     2.  Allowing access to, use of, and payment for use of
174governmental authority-owned or controlled poles, conduits,
175easements, and similar facilities, such that the governmental
176authority shall be subject to the same terms, conditions, and
177fees, if any, for access to such poles, conduits, easements, or
178similar facilities that the governmental authority applies to a
179private provider for such access.
180     (e)  A governmental authority may not pledge any revenues
181in support of the issuance of any bonds to finance the provision
182of covered services outside the governmental authority's
183geographical boundaries. The governing body of a governmental
184authority may, upon approval by a vote of the electors, issue
185one or more bonds to finance the capital costs for facilities to
186provide covered services. The election shall be conducted as
187specified in chapter 100, Florida Statutes. Any bonds issued to
188finance the governmental authority's provision of covered
189services shall be secured and paid solely from the revenues
190generated by the governmental authority from its provision of
191covered services. A governmental authority may not pay any such
192bonds, or any origination, financing, or other costs associated
193with such bonds, from the general funds or other enterprises of
194the governmental authority or from the proceeds of bonds secured
195and to be paid by the general taxing powers of the governmental
196authority. This paragraph shall not apply to bonds issued by a
197governmental authority prior to the effective date of this
199     (f)  Notwithstanding s. 542.235, Florida Statutes, or any
200other provision of law, a governmental authority that provides
201covered services is subject to the same prohibitions applicable
202to private providers under ss. 542.18 and 542.19, Florida
204     (6)  If a governmental authority acquires any tax-paying
205entity that is providing water or wastewater services, the
206governmental authority must continue to pay the applicable taxes
207levied upon the entity.
208     (7)  In all decisions concerning governmental authority
209relating to the acquisition of, or contracting with, covered
210services, water services, or wastewater services, when all
211factors are comparable, the Florida Public Service Commission
212shall rule in favor of tax-paying entities.
213     (8)  If any provisions of this section or the application
214of any provision of this section is found invalid, the remainder
215of this section shall be given effect without the invalid
216provision or application.
217     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.