HB 1425

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Technological Research and
3Development Authority, Brevard County; codifying,
4amending, reenacting, and repealing special acts relating
5to the district; providing purposes of the authority;
6setting a commission to govern the authority; prescribing
7the duties and responsibilities of the commission and
8terms of office; providing a procedure for the appointment
9of the commission; providing for liberal construction;
10providing severability; providing an effective date.
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  Pursuant to section 189.429, Florida Statutes,
15this act constitutes the codification of all special acts
16relating to the Technological Research and Development
17Authority, Brevard County. It is the intent of the Legislature
18in enacting this law to provide a single, comprehensive special
19act charter for the authority, including all current legislative
20authority granted to the district by its several legislative
21enactments and any additional authority granted by this act. It
22is further the intent of this act to preserve all district
24     Section 2.  Chapters 87-455, 89-500, and 94-423, Laws of
25Florida, are codified, reenacted, amended, and repealed as
26herein provided.
27     Section 3.  The charter for the Technological Research and
28Development Authority is reenacted and re-created to read:
29     Section 1.  The Legislature finds it is in the public
30interest to provide for the creation of a Technological Research
31and Development Authority, which will promote scientific
32research and development in Brevard County. The establishment of
33Brevard County as a center for research and development will
34promote a diversification of the economic base of the county and
35state and serve public good.
36     Section 2.  There is hereby created and incorporated the
37Technological Research and Development Authority for the purpose
38of promoting scientific research and development and for the
39purpose of fostering higher education which relates to the
40promotion of scientific research and development or provides for
41the economic development of Brevard County as a center for high
42technology and scientific research and development.
43     Section 3.  (1)  The authority shall be governed by a
44commission of five persons who are residents of Brevard County.
45The Brevard County Legislative Delegation shall nominate three
46candidates for each commission vacancy and the Governor shall
47appoint a member of the commission from the nominees for the
48vacancy. Of the members first appointed, two shall serve for 2
49years and the remainder for 4 years and in each case until a
50successor is appointed and has qualified. Thereafter, the
51Governor shall appoint each member for 4 years unless a vacancy
52occurs during a member's term, which the Governor shall be
53authorized to fill for the remainder of the member's term. The
54Governor may remove any member for misfeasance, malfeasance, or
55willful neglect of duty. Each member of the authority before
56entering upon his or her duties shall take and subscribe the
57oath of affirmation required by the State Constitution.
58     (2)  The authority shall annually elect one of its members
59as chair and one as vice chair and may also appoint a secretary
60who shall serve at the pleasure of the authority. The authority
61may also appoint such other officers as it may deem necessary.
62     Section 4.  The commission shall have powers and duties as
64     (1)  To plan and undertake a program of action which
65promotes scientific research and development and fosters higher
66education which relates to scientific research and development
67or provides for the economic development of Brevard County as a
68center for high technology and scientific research and
70     (2)  To contract with and support the programs of those
71accredited institutions of higher learning with research
72capability and whose main campuses are located within Brevard
73County and to contract with any other accredited institutions of
74higher learning with a research capability in furtherance of the
75objectives of the authority.
76     (3)  To enter into grants, bequests, contracts, and other
77agreements with units of government and private parties for the
78purpose of obtaining funds for projects and programs which
79further the objectives of the authority.
80     (4)  To establish an annual budget, amend the budget when
81necessary, and utilize all funds received by the authority only
82for projects, contracts, programs, and grants which further the
83objectives of the authority.
84     (5)  To adopt an official seal and alter the same at its
86     (6)  To maintain an office at such a place or places in
87Brevard County as it may designate.
88     (7)  To sue and be sued in its own name.
89     (8)  To acquire by lease, purchase, or option real and
90personal property for any uses consistent with the purposes
91authorized by this act.
92     (9)  To finance or refinance and to secure the issuance and
93repayment of bonds, provided that all revenue bonds or other
94debt obligations shall be payable solely from the revenues
95derived from the sale, operation, or leasing of projects to the
96authority. Any bonds issued by the authority shall not be deemed
97to constitute a debt, liability, or obligation of any authority
98or county or of the state or political subdivision, and such
99revenue bond or debt obligations shall be paid solely from
100revenues derived from the sale, operation, or leasing of a
101project or projects.
102     (10)  To employ personnel, consultants, accountants,
103attorneys, engineers, and such other experts as may be necessary
104and convenient in the execution of the powers of the authority.
105     Section 5.  This act shall be liberally construed to
106effectuate its purposes.
107     Section 6.  If any provision of this act or the application
108thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
109invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of
110the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision
111or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
112declared severable.
113     Section 4.  Chapters 87-455, 89-500, and 94-423, Laws of
114Florida, are repealed.
115     Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.