HB 1463

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to beach access and use; providing
3legislative findings and intent; requiring the Attorney
4General to take all steps necessary to protect and defend
5the public right of beach access and use; prohibiting
6persons from creating an obstruction that denies public
7access to or use of the beach; prohibiting persons from
8erecting a sign, barrier, or other structure intending to
9restrict public access to or use of the beach; providing
10an effective date.
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  Legislative findings and intent; public policy;
15protection of beach access.--The Legislature finds that since
16time immemorial the public has enjoyed a right to access, make
17recreational use of, and use for customary purposes the beach,
18and that such use has been ancient, reasonable, without
19interruption, and free from dispute. Further, it is the intent
20of the Legislature to mandate that the government define,
21protect, and enforce the public's customary rights of beach
22access and use. It is not the intent of this act to affect the
23title of the owner of land adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean or
24Gulf of Mexico, to impair the right of any such owner to contest
25the existence of the customary right of the public to access and
26use any particular area of privately owned beach, or to reduce
27or limit any rights, other than customary rights, of public
28access or use that may exist or arise. It is therefore the
29state's public policy that the public, subject to the provisions
30of this act, shall have the right to make recreational and other
31customary uses of the beach. The Office of the Attorney General
32shall be authorized to take all steps necessary to protect and
33defend the public right of access and use declared by this
35     Section 2.  Prohibition of obstruction; right of personal
36access.--Except as provided for in this act, it shall be
37prohibited for any person to:
38     (1)  Create, erect, or construct any structure, barrier, or
39restraint, either vegetative or manmade, that will interfere
40with or obstruct the right of the public to enter or leave the
41beach by way of any approach or to lawfully use any part of the
42beach for recreation or other customary purposes.
43     (2)   Erect any sign, barrier, or other structure with the
44intent of falsely notifying the public that the public does not
45have the right to access or use the beach adjacent to the
46owner's land.
47     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.