Florida Senate - 2005                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1488
                        Barcode 435724
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  WD/2R          .                    
       05/05/2005 08:09 PM         .                    
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11  Senator Haridopolos moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 5, line 24, through
15            page 7, line 6, delete those lines
17  and insert:  
18         (e)  "Retention" means the amount of losses below which
19  an insurer is not entitled to reimbursement from the fund. The
20  term comprises two components, one consisting of an annual
21  aggregate retention that must be satisfied only once during
22  any single calendar year in order for an insurer to be
23  eligible for reimbursement and a second component consisting
24  of a per-hurricane retention that must be satisfied with
25  respect to any hurricane in order for an insurer to be
26  eligible for reimbursement as to that hurricane.
27         1.  An insurer's annual aggregate retention shall be
28  calculated as follows:
29         a.1.  The board shall calculate and report to each
30  insurer the retention multiples for that year. For the
31  contract year beginning June 1, 2005 2004, the annual
    7:03 PM   05/02/05                             s1488c2c-26-c4g

Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1488 Barcode 435724 1 aggregate retention multiple shall be equal to $3.5 $4.5 2 billion divided by the total estimated reimbursement premium 3 for the contract year; for subsequent years, the annual 4 aggregate retention multiple shall be equal to $3.5 $4.5 5 billion, adjusted based upon the reported exposure from the 6 prior contract year to reflect the percentage growth in 7 exposure to the fund for covered policies since 2004 2003, 8 divided by the total estimated reimbursement premium for the 9 contract year. Total reimbursement premium for purposes of the 10 calculation under this subparagraph shall be estimated using 11 the assumption that all insurers have selected the 90-percent 12 coverage level. 13 b.2. The annual aggregate retention multiple as 14 determined under sub-subparagraph a. subparagraph 1. shall be 15 adjusted to reflect the coverage level elected by the insurer. 16 For insurers electing the 90-percent coverage level, the 17 adjusted annual aggregate retention multiple is 100 percent of 18 the amount determined under sub-subparagraph a. subparagraph 19 1. For insurers electing the 75-percent coverage level, the 20 annual aggregate retention multiple is 120 percent of the 21 amount determined under sub-subparagraph a. subparagraph 1. 22 For insurers electing the 45-percent coverage level, the 23 annual aggregate adjusted retention multiple is 200 percent of 24 the amount determined under sub-subparagraph a. subparagraph 25 1. 26 c.3. An insurer shall determine its provisional annual 27 aggregate retention by multiplying its provisional 28 reimbursement premium by the applicable adjusted annual 29 aggregate retention multiple and shall determine its actual 30 retention by multiplying its actual reimbursement premium by 31 the applicable adjusted annual aggregate retention multiple. 2 7:03 PM 05/02/05 s1488c2c-26-c4g
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1488 Barcode 435724 1 d. The insurer shall be deemed to have satisfied its 2 annual aggregate retention once the insurer has reported 3 covered losses to the fund equal to the annual aggregate 4 retention, beginning with covered losses from the first 5 hurricane of the calendar year. 6 2. An insurer's per-hurricane retention shall be 7 calculated as follows: 8 a. The board shall calculate and report to each 9 insurer the per-hurricane retention multiples for that year. 10 The per-hurricane retention multiple shall be equal to $1.5 11 billion divided by the total estimated reimbursement premium 12 for the contract year. Total reimbursement premium for 13 purposes of the calculation under this subparagraph shall be 14 estimated using the assumption that all insurers have selected 15 the 90-percent coverage level. 16 b. The per-hurricane retention multiple as determined 17 under sub-subparagraph a. shall be adjusted to reflect the 18 coverage level elected by the insurer. For insurers electing 19 the 90-percent coverage level, the adjusted per-hurricane 20 retention multiple equals 100 percent of the amount determined 21 under sub-subparagraph a. For insurers electing the 75-percent 22 coverage level, the adjusted per-hurricane retention multiple 23 equals 120 percent of the amount determined under 24 sub-subparagraph a. For insurers electing the 45-percent 25 coverage level, the adjusted per-hurricane retention multiple 26 equals 200 percent of the amount determined under 27 sub-subparagraph a. 28 c. An insurer shall determine its provisional 29 per-hurricane retention by multiplying its provisional 30 reimbursement premium by the applicable adjusted per-hurricane 31 retention multiple and shall determine its actual retention by 3 7:03 PM 05/02/05 s1488c2c-26-c4g
Florida Senate - 2005 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1488 Barcode 435724 1 multiplying its actual reimbursement premium by the applicable 2 adjusted per-hurricane retention multiple. 3 4 5 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 6 And the title is amended as follows: 7 On page 1, lines 3 through 6, delete those lines 8 9 and insert: 10 s. 215.555, F.S.; redefining the term 11 "retention" for purposes of the Florida 12 Hurricane Catastrophe Fund; providing criteria 13 and requirements for determining the annual 14 aggregate retention component and the 15 per-hurricane retention component of retention; 16 providing requirements for calculating, 17 satisfying, and reporting such components; 18 amending s. 215.559, F.S.; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 7:03 PM 05/02/05 s1488c2c-26-c4g