(LATE FILED)Amendment
Bill No. 1513
Amendment No. 555283
Senate House

1Representative Gelber offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove lines 37 through 58 and insert:
5     768.1259  Manufacturer indemnification of sellers.--
6     (1)  As used in this section, the term "seller" means a
7person who sells a product as a retailer, distributor, or
8wholesaler or who otherwise transfers a product to another for
10     (2)  Any suit brought against a seller of a product for
11strict liability will allow the seller a claim or action against
12the manufacturer of the product for indemnification for
13liability and a claim for attorney's fees and costs for pursuing
14the indemnification claim against the manufacturer of the
15product and defending the strict liability claim.
17================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
18     Remove lines 9 through 12 and insert:
19768.1259, F.S.; defining the term "seller"; providing that
20a strict liability suit against a seller of a product
21allows the seller an indemnification claim against the
22product's manufacturer; providing for costs of an
23indemnification claim; amending s.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.