(LATE FILED)Amendment
Bill No. 0152
Amendment No. 782921
Senate House

1Representative Gannon offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     On page 4, between lines 20 and 21,
7     Section 2.  Section 83.683, Florida Statutes, is created to
9     83.683  Termination of a rental agreement by a victim of
10domestic violence, repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating
12     (1)  As used in this section, the term:
13     (a)  "Permanent injunction" means an injunction for
14protection against domestic violence, issued under s. 741.30(6),
15or an injunction for protection against repeat violence, sexual
16violence, or dating violence, issued under s. 784.046(7),
17regardless of whether a motion for rehearing or a notice of
18appeal is filed.
19     (b)  "Respondent" means a person against whom a permanent
20injunction for protection against domestic violence under s.
21741.30(6) or a permanent injunction for protection against
22repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence under s.
23784.046(7) has been issued.
24     (c)  "Victim" means an adult, or the parent or guardian of
25a minor, who has been granted a permanent injunction against
26domestic violence, as defined in s. 741.28(2), or who has been
27granted a permanent injunction against sexual violence, dating
28violence, or acts of repeat violence, as defined in s. 784.046.
29     (d)  "Conviction" has the same meaning as in s. 921.0021.
30     (2)(a)  A victim may elect to terminate a rental agreement
31and vacate the dwelling unit if the victim gives the landlord
32written notice of the victim's intent to terminate the lease and
33a copy of the permanent injunction. The victim must give the
34landlord the notice and copy of the injunction no later than 15
35days after the injunction is entered.
36     (b)  The victim must report the incident of domestic
37violence, as defined in s. 741.28(2), or sexual violence, dating
38violence, or acts of repeat violence, as defined in s. 784.046,
39to the appropriate authorities and must comply with any criminal
40investigation and prosecution of any such incident, including
41testifying truthfully at a criminal trial. If the victim
42complies with the criminal investigation and prosecution and the
43respondent is convicted, the respondent shall be liable for the
44entire amount of liquidated damages pursuant to s. 83.595(1)(d),
45the respondent shall reimburse the victim for any amount the
46victim has paid pursuant to s. 83.595(1)(d), and subsection (3)
47shall apply. If the respondent is not convicted, subsection (3)
48shall apply.
49     (c)  The victim must vacate the dwelling unit on the date
50the lease expires or 30 days after the landlord receives notice
51of the termination, whichever comes first.
52     (d)  The landlord shall mail the notice required by s.
5383.49 to both the victim and the respondent.
54     (3)  The lease or tenancy shall continue in all respects
55subject to the terms and conditions of the lease or tenancy,
56except that the victim shall be released from all future
57obligations of the lease or tenancy; however, all tenants,
58including the victim, the respondent, and other tenants, are
59responsible for damages to the dwelling unit that exceed
60ordinary wear and tear, excluding those damages incurred as a
61result of any incident of domestic violence, sexual violence,
62dating violence, or repeat violence, in which case the cost
63shall be the sole responsibility of the respondent. Nothing in
64this subsection shall be interpreted so as to impair the right
65of any landlord to evict any tenant in accordance with any terms
66and conditions of the lease or tenancy that provide for eviction
67in the event of a tenant's participation in unlawful activity.
68     (4)  If the respondent or any other tenant who is a party
69to the rental agreement fails to retake possession of the
70dwelling unit within 15 days after the date the victim gave the
71landlord as the date the victim would vacate the dwelling unit
72and the rent is unpaid, the dwelling unit shall be considered
73abandoned and the landlord may retake possession and dispose of
74any abandoned property in any way the landlord sees fit.
75     (5)  The provisions of this section may not be waived or
76modified by agreement between the victim and the respondent.
77     (6)  This section applies to all rental agreements subject
78to this part and executed on or after July 1, 2005.
79     Section 3.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (3) of
80section 83.59, Florida Statutes, to read:
81     83.59  Right of action for possession.--
82     (3)  The landlord shall not recover possession of a
83dwelling unit except:
84     (d)  When, 45 days after the date of death of the tenant,
85the rent is unpaid and the landlord has not been notified of the
86existence of a probate estate or name and address of a personal
88     Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 83.595, Florida
89Statutes, is amended to read:
90     83.595  Choice of remedies upon breach by tenant.--
91     (1)  If the tenant breaches the rental agreement lease for
92the dwelling unit and the landlord has obtained a writ of
93possession, or the tenant has surrendered possession of the
94dwelling unit to the landlord, or the tenant has abandoned the
95dwelling unit, the landlord may:
96     (a)  Treat the rental agreement lease as terminated and
97retake possession for his or her own account, thereby
98terminating any further liability of the tenant; or
99     (b)  Retake possession of the dwelling unit for the account
100of the tenant, holding the tenant liable for the difference
101between the rent rental stipulated to be paid under the rental
102lease agreement and what, in good faith, the landlord is able to
103recover from a reletting; or
104     (c)  Stand by and do nothing, holding the lessee liable for
105the rent as it comes due; or
106     (d)  Obtain liquidated damages upon breach and a fee for
107the tenant to obtain an early termination of the rental
108agreement, or both, if such had been provided for in the rental
109agreement, upon the tenant's giving the landlord notice as
110provided in the rental agreement of up to 60 days. The landlord
111shall treat such a rental agreement as terminated and charge the
112tenant liquidated damages or the early termination fee as
113specified in the rental agreement, equal to not more than 2
114months' rent, in addition to the unpaid rent and other charges
115due under the rental agreement through the end of the month in
116which the landlord retakes possession of the dwelling unit. In
117such event, the remedies set forth in paragraphs (a), (b), and
118(c) are not available to the landlord. This paragraph shall not
119apply when the breach is a failure to give notice at the end of
120the rental agreement as provided in s. 83.575.
122================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =================
123     On page 1, between lines 9 and 10,
126creating s. 83.683, F.S.; providing definitions; providing
127for early lease termination if a victim of domestic
128violence, repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating
129violence elects to leave a residential rental property;
130providing requirements for termination; requiring the
131victim to comply with any criminal investigation and
132prosecution related to such offenses; providing that a
133residential lease shall continue in all terms and
134conditions for all tenants except the victim; providing
135that all tenants, including the victim and respondent, are
136responsible for damage to the property exceeding ordinary
137wear and tear, except that the respondent shall be
138responsible for the costs of damage resulting from any
139incident of domestic violence; providing for repossession
140by the landlord in case of abandonment by other tenants;
141providing that an agreement between the victim and the
142respondent may not waive or modify certain rights of
143victims; providing applicability; amending s. 83.59, F.S.;
144providing conditions under which a landlord may reclaim
145possession of a dwelling unit after the tenant has died;
146amending s. 83.595, F.S.; allowing a rental agreement to
147provide for liquidated damages upon breach and for a fee
148for the tenant to obtain an early termination of the
149rental agreement in certain circumstances;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.