HB 1529

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Beverage Law; amending s. 561.32,
3F.S., relating to transfer of certain licenses to sell
4alcoholic beverages; providing exception to waiver of
5certain transfer fees when a described transfer is within
6a specified period; amending s. 561.221, F.S.; revising
7provisions for limited permits issued by the Division of
8Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco for wine tastings and
9sales at certain events; amending s. 561.57, F.S.;
10revising provisions limiting vehicles used in making
11deliveries of alcoholic beverages; amending s. 599.004,
12F.S.; allowing a Florida Farm Winery to lease its premises
13to a vendor; allowing sales to occur only on the premises
14of the winery; providing an effective date.
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  Subsection (5) of section 561.32, Florida
19Statutes, is amended to read:
20     561.32  Transfer of licenses; change of officers or
21directors; transfer of interest.--
22     (4)(a)  Except as provided in paragraph (b), a license
23issued under s. 561.20(1) shall not be transferable in any
24manner, either directly or indirectly, including by any change
25in stock, partnership shares, or other form of ownership of any
26entity holding the license, except by probate or guardianship
27proceedings, for a period of 3 years from the date of original
28issuance. Any attempted assignment, sale, or transfer of
29interest in such license either directly or indirectly in
30violation of this provision is hereby declared void, and the
31license shall be deemed abandoned and shall revert to the state
32to be issued in the manner provided by law for issuance of new
34     (b)  A license issued under s. 561.20(1) may be transferred
35as provided by law within the 3-year period only upon payment to
36the division of a transfer fee in an amount equal to 15 times
37the annual license fee specified in s. 565.02(1)(b)-(f) in the
38county in which the license is valid. However, if the county is
39only authorized for the issuance of liquor licenses for package
40sales only, the transfer fee shall be in an amount equal to 15
41times the annual license fee specified in s. 565.02(1)(a).
42Subsequent to any such transfer, the transferee shall be subject
43to the provisions of the beverage laws with respect to the
44requirement for initial issuance of a license. Any change of
45ownership in any manner, either directly or indirectly,
46including any change in stock, partnership shares, or other form
47of ownership of any entity holding the license shall be
48considered a transfer and subject to the fees set forth in this
49paragraph. The transfer fees provided for in this paragraph
50shall be in addition to any other transfer fee provided for by
51this section. The funds collected pursuant to this paragraph
52shall be deposited in the Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Trust
53Fund and shall be used by the division to defray the costs of
55     (5)  The division shall waive the transfer fee and the
56delinquent penalties, but not the license renewal fee, when the
57transfer of an interest in an alcoholic beverage license occurs
58by operation of law because of a death, judicial proceedings,
59court appointment of a fiduciary, foreclosure or forced judicial
60sale, bankruptcy proceedings, or seizure of a license by a
61government agency. The waiver provided for in this subsection
62shall not apply to transfers due to a foreclosure or forced
63judicial sale made within the 3-year period set forth in
64subsection (4).
65     Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 561.221, Florida
66Statutes, is amended to read:
67     561.221  Licensing of manufacturers and distributors as
68vendors and of vendors as manufacturers; conditions and
70     (1)(a)  Nothing contained in s. 561.22, s. 561.42, or any
71other provision of the Beverage Law prohibits the ownership,
72management, operation, or control of not more than three
73vendor's licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages by a
74manufacturer of wine who is licensed and engaged in the
75manufacture of wine in this state, even if such manufacturer is
76also licensed as a distributor; provided that no such vendor's
77license shall be owned, managed, operated, or controlled by any
78licensed manufacturer of wine unless the licensed premises of
79the vendor are situated on property contiguous to the
80manufacturing premises of the licensed manufacturer of wine.
81     (b)  The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco shall
82issue permits to a certified Florida Farm Winery to conduct
83tastings tasting and sales of wine produced by certified Florida
84Farm Wineries at Florida fairs, trade shows, expositions, and
85festivals. The certified Florida Farm Winery shall pay all entry
86fees and shall have a winery representative present during the
87event. The permit is limited to the length of the event.
88     (c)  The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco shall
89issue permits to vendors to conduct tastings and sales of wine
90at Florida fairs, trade shows, expositions, and festivals. The
91permit is limited to the length of the event.
92     Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 561.57, Florida
93Statutes, is amended to read:
94     561.57  Deliveries by licensees.--
95     (2)  Manufacturers and distributors may make deliveries to
96other manufacturers and distributors in vehicles that are owned
97or leased by the licensee or by common carrier. Distributors may
98make deliveries to vendors in vehicles that are owned or leased
99by the licensee or by common carrier. Vendors may make
100deliveries to consumers in vehicles that are owned or leased by
101the licensee or by common carrier. However, a vendor that holds
102a manufacturer's or distributor's license in the same entity as
103the vendor or in a subsidiary or affiliated entity may not make
104any deliveries to consumers Deliveries made by a manufacturer,
105distributor, or vendor away from his or her place of business
106may be made only in vehicles which are owned or leased by the
107licensee. By acceptance of an alcoholic beverage license and the
108use of such vehicles that are owned or leased by the licensee,
109the licensee agrees that such vehicle shall always be subject to
110be inspected and searched without a search warrant, for the
111purpose of ascertaining that all provisions of the alcoholic
112beverage laws are complied with, by authorized employees of the
113division and also by sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, and police
114officers during business hours or other times the vehicle is
115being used to transport or deliver alcoholic beverages.
116     Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 599.004, Florida
117Statutes, is amended to read:
118     599.004  Florida Farm Winery Program; registration; logo;
120     (1)  The Florida Farm Winery Program is established within
121the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Under this
122program, a winery may qualify as a tourist attraction only if it
123is registered with and certified by the department as a Florida
124Farm Winery. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Beverage
125Law, a Florida Farm Winery may lease a portion of its premises
126to a vendor. A winery may not claim to be certified unless it
127has received written approval from the department.
128     (a)  To qualify as a certified Florida Farm Winery, a
129winery shall meet the following standards:
130     1.  Produce or sell less than 250,000 gallons of wine
132     2.  Maintain a minimum of 10 acres of owned or managed
133vineyards in Florida.
134     3.  Be open to the public for tours, tastings, and sales at
135least 30 hours each week. Sales may occur only on the premises
136of the Florida Farm Winery.
137     4.  Make annual application to the department for
138recognition as a Florida Farm Winery, on forms provided by the
140     5.  Pay an annual application and registration fee of $100.
141     (b)  To maintain certification and recognition as a Florida
142Farm Winery, a winery must comply with the qualifications
143provided in this section. The Commissioner of Agriculture is
144authorized to officially recognize a certified Florida Farm
145Winery as a state tourist attraction.
146     Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.