Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1592
Barcode 884854
Senate House
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 The Committee on Community Affairs (Haridopolos) recommended
12 the following amendment:
14 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
15 Delete everything after the enacting clause
17 and insert:
18 Section 1. Present subsections (20), (21), (22), and
19 (23) of section 250.01, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as
20 subsections (21), (22), (23), and (24), respectively, and a
21 new subsection (20) is added to that section, to read:
22 250.01 Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the
23 term:
24 (20) "Servicemembers' group life insurance" means the
25 life insurance purchased by the Federal Government from a
26 commercial life insurance company which is currently available
27 to all members of the uniformed services, including members of
28 the Florida Air National Guard and the Florida Army National
29 Guard.
30 Section 2. Section 250.342, Florida Statutes, is
31 created to read:
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1592
Barcode 884854
1 250.342 Life insurance benefits.--
2 (1) The Department of Military Affairs shall provide
3 life insurance on the life of every eligible member of the
4 Florida National Guard. Life insurance coverage under this
5 section shall be provided through the Service Members Group
6 Life Insurance Program or another life insurance program
7 determined by the Adjutant General.
8 (2) Subject to a specific appropriation, the
9 Department of Military Affairs is responsible for paying any
10 premiums for life insurance coverage provided under this
11 section.
12 (3) The life insurance benefits provided under this
13 section are supplemental to any other benefits provided to a
14 member of the Florida National Guard.
15 (4) The Department of Military Affairs shall report to
16 the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of
17 the House of Representatives the number of life insurance
18 policies provided and the amount of premiums paid under this
19 section.
20 Section 3. Section 250.5206, Florida Statutes, is
21 created to read:
22 250.5206 Family Readiness Program.--The Department of
23 Military Affairs shall establish a state Family Readiness
24 Program, headed by a program director and based on the United
25 States Department of Defense's National Guard and Reserve
26 Family Readiness Strategic Plan 2004-2005 initiative.
27 (1) PROGRAM PURPOSE.--The purpose of the program shall
28 be to provide need-based assistance to families of members of
29 the Florida National Guard who are on active duty serving in
30 the global war on terrorism and who are federally deployed or
31 participating in state operations for homeland defense.
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1592
Barcode 884854
1 (2) FUNDING.--Implementation of the program is subject
2 to appropriations expressly provided for the program. All
3 funding must be used to purchase needed services and may not
4 be used to fund staffing or administrative costs.
5 (3) ELIGIBLE SERVICES.--Program funds may be used in
6 emergency situations to purchase critically needed services,
7 including, but not limited to, reasonable living expenses,
8 housing, vehicles, equipment or renovations necessary to meet
9 disability needs, and health care requirements.
10 (4) ELIGIBILITY.--Eligible recipients include persons
11 who are designated as beneficiaries on the United States
12 Department of Defense Form 93 or who are otherwise dependents
13 of eligible servicemembers.
15 for assistance must be validated and assessed at the local
16 level by a federal Family Center Support Specialist stationed
17 at a state armory. Recommendations subsequent to assessment
18 and validation must be forwarded to the program director, who
19 shall review the recommendations for eligibility,
20 appropriateness, and sufficiency of documentation. The
21 Adjutant General or his or her designee shall receive the
22 recommendations from the program director and is authorized to
23 award funds pursuant to subsections (3) and (4).
24 (6) AUDITS.--The inspector general of the department
25 shall conduct a monthly audit review of the program.
26 (7) ANNUAL REPORT.--The department shall maintain
27 sufficient data to provide an annual report to the Governor
28 and the Legislature on the families served under the program,
29 the types of services provided, and the allocation of funds
30 spent.
31 (8) RULES.--The department may adopt rules necessary
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1592
Barcode 884854
1 to administer this program, including procedures for applying
2 for assistance, rules relating to qualifying services, and
3 criteria for eligibility.
4 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.
7 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
8 And the title is amended as follows:
9 Delete everything before the enacting clause
11 and insert:
12 A bill to be entitled
13 An act relating to the Department of Military
14 Affairs; amending s. 250.01, F.S.; defining the
15 term "servicemembers' group life insurance";
16 creating s. 250.342, F.S.; requiring the
17 department to provide life insurance for
18 members of the Florida National Guard, subject
19 to appropriation; requiring a report; creating
20 s. 250.5206, F.S.; requiring the Department of
21 Military Affairs to establish the Family
22 Readiness Program; stating that the purpose of
23 the program is to provide need-based assistance
24 to families of specified members of the Florida
25 National Guard who are on active duty;
26 providing that implementation of the program is
27 subject to appropriations expressly provided
28 for the program; specifying uses of the funds;
29 specifying services for which the funds may be
30 used; providing criteria for program
31 eligibility; providing for a review of requests
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1592
Barcode 884854
1 for assistance under the program; creating a
2 Family Readiness Advisory Board; providing for
3 membership of the board; providing that the
4 Adjutant General or the Adjutant General's
5 designee has the authority to disburse program
6 funds; providing for periodic audits of the
7 program; requiring the department to provide an
8 annual report to the Governor and the
9 Legislature; authorizing the department to
10 adopt rules; providing an effective date.
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