1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to the Beverage Law; creating s. 561.707, |
3 | F.S.; prohibiting licensees from selling alcoholic |
4 | beverages having a container lid other than that provided |
5 | by the manufacturer or having a container affixed with a |
6 | logo stating that the beverage is nonalcoholic; providing |
7 | penalties; providing an effective date. |
8 |
9 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
10 |
11 | Section 1. Section 561.707, Florida Statutes, is created |
12 | to read: |
13 | 561.707 Alcoholic beverage containers.-- |
14 | (1) A licensee may not sell any alcoholic beverage for |
15 | consumption either on or off premises: |
16 | (a) Having a container lid other than that provided by the |
17 | manufacturer. |
18 | (b) Having a container affixed with a logo stating that |
19 | the beverage is nonalcoholic. |
20 | (2) The division may suspend or revoke the license of, and |
21 | may impose a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 against, any |
22 | person in violation of this section, as provided in s. 561.29. |
23 | Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2005. |