HB 1639

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to youthful drivers; amending s. 318.143,
3F.S.; authorizing the court to require a minor found to
4have committed certain traffic infractions and the minor's
5parents or guardians to participate in a registered
6youthful driver monitoring service; creating s. 318.1435,
7F.S.; providing for youthful driver monitoring services to
8notify parents or guardians with information about a
9minor's driving; providing for registration with the
10Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles; amending
11s. 322.16, F.S.; revising license restrictions for certain
12minors participating in a registered youthful driver
13monitoring service; creating s. 627.06525, F.S.;
14authorizing insurance discounts for participation in a
15registered youthful driver monitoring service; providing
16an effective date.
18Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
20     Section 1.  Paragraph (f) is added to subsection (1) of
21section 318.143, Florida Statutes, to read:
22     318.143  Sanctions for infractions by minors.--
23     (1)  If the court finds that a minor has committed a
24violation of any of the provisions of chapter 316, the court may
25also impose one or more of the following sanctions:
26     (f)  The court may require the minor and his or her parents
27or guardians to participate in a registered youthful driver
28monitoring service as described in s. 318.1435.
29     Section 2.  Section 318.1435, Florida Statutes, is created
30to read:
31     318.1435  Youthful driver monitoring services.--
32     (1)  A "youthful driver monitoring service" is an entity
33that enables parents or guardians to monitor the driving
34performance of their minor children. The service may provide
35monitoring by either or both of the following methods:
36     (a)  The posting of a placard on a vehicle that shows a
37toll-free telephone number and a unique identifying number and
38includes a request to members of the public to call the toll-
39free telephone number to report inappropriate driving practices.
40The service shall enter into a contract with the parents or
41guardians under which the service shall timely forward to the
42parents or guardians all reports of inappropriate driving
43practices by the minor child.
44     (b)  Wireless telephones or similar technologies using a
45global positioning system. The service shall enter into a
46contract with the parents or guardians under which the service
47shall provide the parents or guardians with real-time
48information about the location and speed of movement of the
49minor child or the vehicle in which the minor child is
51     (2)  A youthful driver monitoring service may register with
52the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The
53registration shall consist of a narrative description of the
54services offered by the youthful driver monitoring service, the
55name of the manager in charge of the service, the service's
56address, and the service's telephone number. Registration under
57this subsection remains valid indefinitely, but it is the
58responsibility of the youthful driver monitoring service to
59timely file a revised registration statement to reflect any
60changes in the required information. If the department
61determines that the youthful driver monitoring service is not
62providing the services described in the narrative statement, the
63department may suspend the registration; however, the department
64must reinstate the registration when the service files a revised
65statement reflecting its actual practices.
66     Section 3.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 322.16,
67Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
68     322.16  License restrictions.--
69     (2)  Except as provided in subsection (3), a person who
70holds a driver's license and who is under 17 years of age, when
71operating a motor vehicle after 11 p.m. and before 6 a.m., must
72be accompanied by a driver who holds a valid license to operate
73the type of vehicle being operated and is at least 21 years of
74age unless that person is driving directly to or from work.
75     (3)(a)  A person who holds a driver's license who is 17
76years of age, when operating a motor vehicle after 1 a.m. and
77before 5 a.m., must be accompanied by a driver who holds a valid
78license to operate the type of vehicle being operated, and is at
79least 21 years of age unless that person is driving directly to
80or from work.
81     (b)  A person who holds a driver's license who is at least
8216 years and 6 months of age but less than 18 years of age, and
83who is a participant in a registered youthful driver monitoring
84service as described in s. 318.1435, when operating a motor
85vehicle after 1 a.m. and before 5 a.m., must be accompanied by a
86driver who holds a valid license to operate the type of vehicle
87being operated and is at least 21 years of age unless that
88person is driving directly to or from work.
89     Section 4.  Section 627.06525, Florida Statutes, is created
90to read:
91     627.06525  Insurance discounts for participation in
92registered youthful driver monitoring services.--
93     (1)  Any rates, rating schedules, or rating manuals for the
94liability, personal injury protection, and collision coverages
95of a motor vehicle insurance policy may provide for an
96appropriate reduction in premium charges if any driver covered
97under the policy is a minor child who is participating in a
98registered youthful driver monitoring service as described in s.
100     (2)  If an insurer makes a rate filing that includes the
101premium discount referred to in subsection (1), the amount of
102the discount shall be deemed approved and the insurer may apply
103the discount unless the office determines that the discount will
104produce a rate that is inadequate or unfairly discriminatory.
105     Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.