Senate Bill sb1782

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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1782

    By Senator Clary


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Bright Futures

  3         Scholarship Program; amending s. 1009.531,

  4         F.S.; revising program requirements to exclude

  5         from eligibility any student who is enrolled

  6         full time in an early admission program of a

  7         postsecondary institution and who enters ninth

  8         grade in the 2005-2006 school year and

  9         thereafter; amending ss. 1007.27, 1007.271, and

10         1011.62, F.S., relating to articulated

11         acceleration mechanisms, dual enrollment

12         programs, and the calculation of full-time

13         equivalent membership; conforming provisions to

14         changes made by the act; providing an effective

15         date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 1009.531, Florida

20  Statutes, is amended to read:

21         1009.531  Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program;

22  student eligibility requirements for initial awards.--

23         (1)  To be eligible for an initial award from any of

24  the three types of scholarships under the Florida Bright

25  Futures Scholarship Program, a student must:

26         (a)  Be a Florida resident as defined in s. 1009.40 and

27  rules of the State Board of Education.

28         (b)  Earn a standard Florida high school diploma or its

29  equivalent as described in s. 1003.429, s. 1003.43, or s.

30  1003.435 unless:



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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1782

 1         1.  The student is enrolled full time in the early

 2  admission program of an eligible postsecondary education

 3  institution, except that this subparagraph does not apply to

 4  any student who enters ninth grade in the 2005-2006 school

 5  year and thereafter;

 6         2.  The student or completes a home education program

 7  according to s. 1002.41; or

 8         3.2.  The student earns a high school diploma from a

 9  non-Florida school while living with a parent or guardian who

10  is on military or public service assignment away from Florida.

11         (c)  Be accepted by and enroll in an eligible Florida

12  public or independent postsecondary education institution.

13         (d)  Be enrolled for at least 6 semester credit hours

14  or the equivalent in quarter hours or clock hours.

15         (e)  Not have been found guilty of, or entered a plea

16  of nolo contendere to, a felony charge, unless the student has

17  been granted clemency by the Governor and Cabinet sitting as

18  the Executive Office of Clemency.

19         (f)  Apply for a scholarship from the program by high

20  school graduation.

21         Section 2.  Subsection (5) of section 1007.27, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         1007.27  Articulated acceleration mechanisms.--

24         (5)  Early admission shall be a form of dual enrollment

25  through which eligible secondary students enroll in a

26  postsecondary institution on a full-time basis in courses that

27  are creditable toward the high school diploma and the

28  associate or baccalaureate degree. A student Students enrolled

29  pursuant to this subsection shall be exempt from the payment

30  of registration, tuition, and laboratory fees, but may not



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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1782

 1  receive a Bright Futures Scholarship award until the student

 2  has complied with the provisions of s. 1009.531(1)(b).

 3         Section 3.  Subsections (2), (7), (8), and (13) of

 4  section 1007.271, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 5         1007.271  Dual enrollment programs.--

 6         (2)  For the purpose of this section, an eligible

 7  secondary student is a student who is enrolled in a Florida

 8  public secondary school or in a Florida private secondary

 9  school which is in compliance with s. 1002.42(2) and conducts

10  a secondary curriculum pursuant to s. 1003.43. Students

11  enrolled in postsecondary instruction that is not creditable

12  toward the high school diploma shall not be classified as dual

13  enrollments. Students who are eligible for dual enrollment

14  pursuant to this section shall be permitted to enroll in dual

15  enrollment courses conducted during school hours, after school

16  hours, and during the summer term. Instructional time for such

17  enrollment may exceed 900 hours; however, the school district

18  may only report the student for a maximum of 1.0 FTE, as

19  provided in s. 1011.61(4). Any student so enrolled is exempt

20  from the payment of registration, tuition, and laboratory

21  fees, but the student may not receive a Bright Futures

22  Scholarship award until the student has complied with the

23  provisions of s. 1009.531(1)(b). Vocational-preparatory

24  instruction, college-preparatory instruction and other forms

25  of precollegiate instruction, as well as physical education

26  courses that focus on the physical execution of a skill rather

27  than the intellectual attributes of the activity, are

28  ineligible for inclusion in the dual enrollment program.

29  Recreation and leisure studies courses shall be evaluated

30  individually in the same manner as physical education courses

31  for potential inclusion in the program.


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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1782

 1         (7)  Early admission shall be a form of dual enrollment

 2  through which eligible secondary students enroll in a

 3  postsecondary institution on a full-time basis in courses that

 4  are creditable toward the high school diploma and the

 5  associate or baccalaureate degree. A student Students enrolled

 6  pursuant to this subsection shall be exempt from the payment

 7  of registration, tuition, and laboratory fees, but may not

 8  receive a Bright Futures Scholarship award until the student

 9  has complied with the provisions of s. 1009.531(1)(b).

10         (8)  Career early admission is a form of career dual

11  enrollment through which eligible secondary students enroll

12  full time in a career center or a community college in courses

13  that are creditable toward the high school diploma and the

14  certificate or associate degree. Participation in the career

15  early admission program shall be limited to students who have

16  completed a minimum of 6 semesters of full-time secondary

17  enrollment, including studies undertaken in the ninth grade. A

18  student Students enrolled pursuant to this section is are

19  exempt from the payment of registration, tuition, and

20  laboratory fees, but may not receive a Bright Futures

21  Scholarship award until the student has complied with the

22  provisions of s. 1009.531(1)(b).

23         (13)  It is the intent of the Legislature that students

24  who meet the eligibility requirements of this section

25  subsection and who choose to participate in dual enrollment

26  programs be exempt from the payment of registration, tuition,

27  and laboratory fees, but that such students may not receive a

28  Bright Futures Scholarship award until complying with the

29  provisions of s. 1009.531(1)(b).

30         Section 4.  Paragraph (i) of subsection (1) of section

31  1011.62, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:


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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1782

 1         1011.62  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual

 2  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each

 3  district for operation of schools is not determined in the

 4  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing

 5  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as

 6  follows:


 8  OPERATION.--The following procedure shall be followed in

 9  determining the annual allocation to each district for

10  operation:

11         (i)  Calculation of full-time equivalent membership

12  with respect to instruction from community colleges or state

13  universities.--Students enrolled in community college or

14  university dual enrollment instruction pursuant to s. 1007.271

15  may be included in calculations of full-time equivalent

16  student memberships for basic programs for grades 9 through 12

17  by a district school board. Such students may also be

18  calculated as the proportional shares of full-time equivalent

19  enrollments they generate for the community college or

20  university conducting the dual enrollment instruction. Early

21  admission students shall be considered dual enrollments for

22  funding purposes. Students may be enrolled in dual enrollment

23  instruction provided by an eligible independent college or

24  university and may be included in calculations of full-time

25  equivalent student memberships for basic programs for grades 9

26  through 12 by a district school board. However, those

27  provisions of law which exempt dual enrolled and early

28  admission students from payment of instructional materials and

29  tuition and fees, including laboratory fees, shall not apply

30  to students who select the option of enrolling in an eligible

31  independent institution. An independent college or university


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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1782

 1  which is located and chartered in Florida, is not for profit,

 2  is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern

 3  Association of Colleges and Schools or the Accrediting Council

 4  for Independent Colleges and Schools, and which confers

 5  degrees as defined in s. 1005.02 shall be eligible for

 6  inclusion in the dual enrollment or early admission program. A

 7  student Students enrolled in dual enrollment instruction shall

 8  be exempt from the payment of tuition and fees, including

 9  laboratory fees, but may not receive a Bright Futures

10  Scholarship award until the student has complied with the

11  provisions of s. 1009.531(1)(b). No student enrolled in

12  college credit mathematics or English dual enrollment

13  instruction shall be funded as a dual enrollment unless the

14  student has successfully completed the relevant section of the

15  entry-level examination required pursuant to s. 1008.30.

16         Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.


18            *****************************************

19                          SENATE SUMMARY

20    Revises the eligibility requirements for the Florida
      Bright Futures Scholarship Program to exclude from
21    eligibility any student who is enrolled full time in an
      early admission program of a postsecondary institution
22    and who enters ninth grade in the 2005-2006 school year
      and thereafter.










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