HB 1797CS


1The Health Care Regulation Committee recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to access to adverse medical incident
7records; creating s. 381.028, F.S.; providing a popular
8name; providing a purpose; providing legislative findings;
9providing definitions; specifying a patient's right of
10access to records relating to adverse medical incidents;
11prohibiting disclosure of a patient's identity and
12requiring the maintenance of federal privacy restrictions;
13providing application; providing construction; limiting
14the discoverability or admissibility into evidence of
15certain records; providing requirements and limitations
16for health care facilities and health care providers in
17the production of records, including copy fees; providing
18an effective date.
20Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
22     Section 1.  Section 381.028, Florida Statutes, is created
23to read:
24     381.028  Adverse medical incidents.--
25     (1)  POPULAR NAME.--This section may be cited as the
26"Patients' Right to Know about Adverse Medical Incidents Act."
27     (2)  PURPOSE; LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.--It is the purpose of
28this section to implement s. 25, Art. X of the State
29Constitution. The Legislature finds that s. 25, Art. X of the
30State Constitution is intended to grant patient access to
31records of adverse medical incidents made or received in the
32course of business by a health care facility or provider and not
33to repeal or otherwise modify existing laws regulating the use
34of these records and the information contained therein. The
35Legislature further finds that all existing laws extending
36criminal and civil immunity to persons providing information to
37quality-of-care committees or organizations and all existing
38laws concerning the discoverability or admissibility into
39evidence of records of an adverse medical incident in any
40judicial or administrative proceeding should remain in full
41force and effect.
42     (3)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in s. 25, Art. X of the State
43Constitution and for purposes of this section:
44     (a)  "Adverse medical incident" means medical negligence,
45intentional misconduct, or any other act, neglect, or default of
46a health care facility or health care provider that caused or
47could have caused injury to or death of a patient, including,
48but not limited to, those incidents that are required by state
49or federal law to be reported to any governmental agency or body
50and incidents that are reported to or reviewed by any health
51care facility peer review, risk management, quality assurance,
52credentials, or similar committee or any representative of any
53such committee.
54     (b)  "Access" means, in addition to any other procedure for
55producing records provided by general law, making records
56available for inspection and copying upon formal or informal
57request by the patient or representative of the patient,
58provided current records that have been made publicly available
59by publication or on the Internet may be provided by reference
60to the location at which the records are publicly available.
61     (c)  "Health care provider" means a physician licensed
62under chapter 458 or chapter 459.
63     (d)  "Health care facility" means a facility licensed under
64chapter 395.
65     (e)  "Identity" means any individually identifiable health
66information as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and
67Accountability Act of 1996 or its implementing regulations.
68     (f)  "Patient" means an individual who has sought, is
69seeking, is undergoing, or has undergone care or treatment in a
70health care facility or by a health care provider.
71     (g)  "Privacy restrictions imposed by federal law" means
72the provisions relating to the disclosure of patient privacy
73information under federal law, including, but not limited to,
74the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
75(HIPAA), Public Law 104-91, and its implementing regulations,
76the Federal Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. s. 552(a), and its
77implementing regulations, and any other federal law, including,
78but not limited to, federal common law and decisional law, that
79would prohibit the disclosure of patient privacy information.
80     (h)  "Records" means the final report of any adverse
81medical incident. Medical records that are not the final report
82of any adverse medical incident, including drafts or other
83nonfinal versions or notes, and any documents or portions
84thereof that constitute, contain, or reflect any attorney-client
85communications or any attorney-client work product, shall not be
86considered records for purposes of s. 25, Art. X of the State
87Constitution and this section.
88     (i)  "Representative of the patient" means a parent of a
89minor patient, a court-appointed guardian for the patient, a
90health care surrogate, or a person holding a power of attorney
91or notarized consent appropriately executed by the patient
92granting permission to a health care facility or health care
93provider to disclose the patient's health care information to
94that person. The term "representative of the patient" in the
95case of a deceased patient also means the personal
96representative of the estate of the deceased patient; the
97deceased patient's surviving spouse, surviving parent, or
98surviving adult child; the parent or guardian of a surviving
99minor child of the deceased patient; or the attorney for any of
100such persons.
101     (4)  PATIENT RIGHT OF ACCESS.--Patients have a right of
102access to any records made or received in the course of business
103by a health care facility or health care provider relating to
104any adverse medical incident. In providing access to these
105records, the health care facility or health care provider shall
106not disclose the identity of patients involved in the incidents
107and shall maintain any privacy restrictions imposed by federal
109     (5)  APPLICABILITY.--Section 25, Art. X of the State
110Constitution shall apply to records created and incidents
111occurring on or after November 3, 2004. Section 25, Art. X of
112the State Constitution shall not apply to records created or
113incidents occurring prior to November 3, 2004. A patient
114requesting records on or after November 3, 2008, shall be
115eligible to receive records created within 4 years prior to the
116date of the request.
117     (6)  USES OF RECORDS.--
118     (a)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to repeal
119or otherwise alter any existing restrictions on the
120discoverability or admissibility of records relating to adverse
121medical incidents otherwise provided by law, including, but not
122limited to, restrictions contained in ss. 395.0191, 395.0193,
123395.0197, 766.101, and 766.1016, or to repeal or otherwise alter
124any immunity provided to, or prohibition against compelling
125testimony by, persons providing information or participating in
126any peer review panel, medical review committee, hospital
127committee, or other hospital board otherwise provided by law,
128including, but not limited to, ss. 395.0191, 395.0193, 766.101,
129and 766.1016.
130     (b)  Except as otherwise provided by act of the
131Legislature, records of adverse medical incidents, including any
132information contained in such records, obtained pursuant to s.
13325, Art. X of the State Constitution shall not be discoverable
134or admissible into evidence for any purpose, including
135impeachment in any civil or administrative action against a
136health care facility or health care provider. This prohibition
137includes information relating to performance or quality
138improvement initiatives and information relating to the identity
139of reviewers, complainants, or any person providing information
140contained in or used in or person participating in the creation
141of the records of adverse medical incidents.
143     (a)  Pursuant to s. 25, Art. X of the State Constitution,
144adverse medical incident records to which a patient is granted
145access are those of the facility or provider of which he or she
146is a patient and that pertain to any adverse medical incident
147affecting the patient or affecting any other patient whose
148condition, treatment, or diagnosis is the same as or
149substantially similar to that of the patient requesting access.
150     (b)1.  Using the process provided in s. 395.0197, a health
151care facility is responsible for identifying records as records
152of an adverse medical incident, as defined in s. 25, Art. X of
153the State Constitution.
154     2.  Using the process provided in s. 458.351 or s. 459.026,
155a health care provider is responsible for identifying records as
156records of an adverse medical incident, as defined in s. 25,
157Art. X of the State Constitution, occurring in an office
159     (c)1.  Fees charged by a health care facility for copies of
160records requested by a patient pursuant to s. 25, Art. X of the
161State Constitution shall not exceed the reasonable and actual
162cost to comply with the request, including a reasonable charge
163for the staff time necessary to prevent the disclosure of the
164identity of any patient involved in the adverse medical incident
165through redaction or other means as required by the Health
166Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or its
167implementing regulations. The health care facility may require
168payment, in full or in part, prior to acting on the records
170     2.  Fees charged by a health care provider for copies of
171records requested by a patient pursuant to s. 25, Art. X of the
172State Constitution shall not exceed the amount established
173pursuant to s. 456.057(16), which may include a reasonable
174charge for the staff time necessary to prevent the disclosure of
175the identity of any patient involved in the adverse medical
176incident through redaction or other means as required by the
177Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or
178its implementing regulations. The health care provider may
179require payment, in full or in part, prior to acting on the
180records request.
181     (d)1.  Requests for production of adverse medical incident
182records shall be processed by a health care facility or health
183care provider in a timely manner after having a reasonable
184opportunity to determine whether the requested record is a
185record subject to disclosure and to prevent the disclosure of
186the identity of any patient involved in the adverse medical
187incident through redaction or other means.
188     2.  A request for production of records must be submitted
189in writing and identify the patient requesting access to the
190records by name, address, and the last four digits of the
191patient's social security number, describe the patient's
192condition, treatment, or diagnosis, and provide the name of the
193health care providers whose records are being sought.
194     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.