HB 0181CS


1The Commerce Council recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to pari-mutuel permitholders; amending s.
7550.002, F.S.; revising the definition of "full schedule
8of live racing or games" for certain jai alai
9permitholders; amending s. 550.09511, F.S.; providing for
10license fees and taxes for certain jai alai permitholders;
11amending s. 550.334, F.S.; revising permitting and
12operational requirements for quarter horse permitholders;
13deleting a provision to allow quarter horse racing by vote
14of the county commission in lieu of referendum approval of
15such racing within a county; providing that specified
16provisions relating to elections to ratify permits and
17elections to revoke permits shall apply to quarter horse
18racing; revising requirements for substitution of
19thoroughbred horse racing for quarter horse racing;
20removing certain restrictions on such substitutions and
21requiring written consent from other permitholders within
22a certain area; revising restrictions on intertrack
23wagering for quarter horse permitholders and requiring
24written consent from other permitholders within a certain
25area; amending s. 849.086, F.S.; removing a prohibition on
26transfer of cardroom licenses; providing for transfer of
27the cardroom license when a permit is relocated within a
28county under certain conditions; providing an effective
31Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
33     Section 1.  Subsection (11) of section 550.002, Florida
34Statutes, is amended to read:
35     550.002  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the term:
36     (11)  "Full schedule of live racing or games" means, for a
37greyhound or jai alai permitholder, the conduct of a combination
38of at least 100 live evening or matinee performances during the
39preceding year; for a permitholder who has a converted permit or
40filed an application on or before June 1, 1990, for a converted
41permit, the conduct of a combination of at least 100 live
42evening and matinee wagering performances during either of the 2
43preceding years; for a jai alai permitholder who does not
44operate slot machines in its pari-mutuel facility, who has
45conducted at least 100 live performances per year for at least
4610 years after December 31, 1992, and whose handle on live jai
47alai games conducted at its pari-mutuel facility has been less
48than $4 million per state fiscal year for at least 2 consecutive
49years after June 30, 1992, the conduct of a combination of at
50least 40 live evening or matinee performances during the
51preceding year; for a jai alai permitholder who operates slot
52machines in its pari-mutuel facility, the conduct of a
53combination of at least 150 performances during the preceding
54year; for a harness permitholder, the conduct of at least 100
55live regular wagering performances during the preceding year;
56for a quarter horse permitholder, the conduct of at least 40
57live regular wagering performances during the preceding year;
58and for a thoroughbred permitholder, the conduct of at least 40
59live regular wagering performances during the preceding year.
60For a permitholder which is restricted by statute to certain
61operating periods within the year when other members of its same
62class of permit are authorized to operate throughout the year,
63the specified number of live performances which constitute a
64full schedule of live racing or games shall be adjusted pro rata
65in accordance with the relationship between its authorized
66operating period and the full calendar year and the resulting
67specified number of live performances shall constitute the full
68schedule of live games for such permitholder and all other
69permitholders of the same class within 100 air miles of such
70permitholder. A live performance must consist of no fewer than
71eight races or games conducted live for each of a minimum of
72three performances each week at the permitholder's licensed
73facility under a single admission charge.
74     Section 2.  Subsection (4) of section 550.09511, Florida
75Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (5) and a new subsection
76(4) is added to said section to read:
77     550.09511  Jai alai taxes; abandoned interest in a permit
78for nonpayment of taxes.--
79     (4)  A jai alai permitholder conducting fewer than 100 live
80performances in any calendar year shall pay to the state the
81same aggregate amount of daily license fees on live jai alai
82games, admissions tax, and tax on live handle as that
83permitholder paid to the state during the most recent prior
84calendar year in which the jai alai permitholder conducted at
85least 100 live performances.
86     Section 3.  Subsections (1), (4), (7), and (10) of section
87550.334, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
88     550.334  Quarter horse racing; substitutions.--
89     (1)  Subject to all the applicable provisions of this
90chapter, any person who possesses the qualifications prescribed
91in this chapter may apply to the division for a permit to
92conduct quarter horse race meetings and racing under this
93chapter. The applicant must demonstrate that the location or
94locations where the permit will be used are available for such
95use and that she or he has the financial ability to satisfy the
96reasonably anticipated operational expenses of the first racing
97year following final issuance of the permit. If the racing
98facility is already built, the application must contain a
99statement, with reasonable supporting evidence, that the permit
100will be used for quarter horse racing within 1 year after the
101date on which it is granted; if the facility is not already
102built, the application must contain a statement, with reasonable
103supporting evidence, that substantial construction will be
104started within 1 year after the issuance of the permit. After
105receipt of an application, the division shall convene to
106consider and act upon permits applied for. The division shall
107disapprove an application if it fails to meet the requirements
108of this chapter. Upon each application filed and approved, a
109permit shall be issued setting forth the name of the applicant
110and a statement showing qualifications of the applicant to
111conduct racing under this chapter. If a favorable referendum on
112a pari-mutuel facility has not been held previously within the
113county, then, before a quarter horse permit may be issued by the
114division, a referendum ratified by a majority of the electors in
115the county is required on the question of allowing quarter horse
116races within that county; but if there is an extraordinary vote
117of the board of county commissioners of that county to allow
118quarter horse racing, the requirement for a referendum does not
120     (4)  Section Sections 550.054 is, 550.0651, and 550.175 are
121inapplicable to quarter horse racing as permitted under this
122section. All other provisions of this chapter apply to, govern,
123and control such racing, and the same must be conducted in
124compliance therewith.
125     (7)(a)  Any quarter horse racing permitholder operating
126under a valid permit issued by the division is authorized to
127substitute other races of other breeds of horses, except
128thoroughbreds, which are, respectively, registered with the
129American Paint Horse Association, Appaloosa Horse Club, Arabian
130Horse Registry of America, Jockey Club, Palomino Horse Breeders
131of America, or United States Trotting Association, for no more
132than 50 percent of the quarter horse races daily, and may
133substitute races of thoroughbreds registered with the Jockey
134Club for no more than 50 percent of the quarter horse races
135daily with the written consent of all greyhound, harness, and
136thoroughbred permitholders whose pari-mutuel facilities are
137located within 50 air miles of such quarter horse racing
138permitholder's pari-mutuel facility.
139     (b)  Any permittee operating within an area of 50 air miles
140of a licensed thoroughbred track may not substitute thoroughbred
141races under this section while a thoroughbred horse race meet is
142in progress within that 50 miles. Any permittee operating within
143an area of 125 air miles of a licensed thoroughbred track may
144not substitute live thoroughbred races under this section while
145a thoroughbred permittee who pays taxes under s. 550.09515(2)(a)
146is conducting a thoroughbred meet within that 125 miles. These
147mileage restrictions do not apply to any permittee that holds a
148nonwagering permit issued pursuant to s. 550.505. Races
149comprised of thoroughbred horses under this section registered
150with the Jockey Club may not be permitted during the period
151beginning September 1 and ending January 5 of each year in any
152county where there are one or more licensed dog tracks
153conducting race meets. This section does not affect the
154competitive award of matinee performances to jai alai frontons
155or dog tracks in opposition to races comprised of thoroughbred
156horses registered with the Jockey Club under this section.
157     (10)  Intertrack wagering shall not be authorized for any
158quarter horse permitholder without the written consent of all
159greyhound, harness, and thoroughbred permitholders whose pari-
160mutuel facilities are located within 50 air miles of such
161quarter horse permitholder's pari-mutuel facility an existing
162greyhound track unless such quarter horse permitholder has
163incurred a minimum capital expenditure of at least $7.5 million.
164"Capital expenditure" means an expenditure, including an
165expenditure for a construction project undertaken by a quarter
166horse permitholder as its own contractor, which, under generally
167accepted accounting principles, is not properly chargeable as an
168expense of operation and maintenance; and includes the cost, in
169current value, of the studies, surveys, designs, plans, working
170drawings, specifications, refinancing costs, and other
171activities essential to the acquisition, improvement, expansion,
172or replacement of the plant and equipment.
173     Section 4.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) and paragraph
174(a) of subsection (17) of section 849.086, Florida Statutes, are
175amended to read:
176     849.086  Cardrooms authorized.--
177     (5)  LICENSE REQUIRED; APPLICATION; FEES.--No person may
178operate a cardroom in this state unless such person holds a
179valid cardroom license issued pursuant to this section.
180     (a)  Only those persons holding a valid cardroom license
181issued by the division may operate a cardroom. A cardroom
182license may only be issued to a licensed pari-mutuel
183permitholder and an authorized cardroom may only be operated at
184the same facility at which the permitholder is authorized under
185its valid pari-mutuel wagering permit to conduct pari-mutuel
186wagering activities. Cardroom licenses are not transferable.
188     (a)  Notwithstanding any provisions of this section, no
189cardroom gaming license issued under this section shall be
190transferred, or reissued when such reissuance is in the nature
191of a transfer, so as to permit or authorize a licensee to change
192the location of the cardroom except upon proof in such form as
193the division may prescribe that a referendum election has been
195     1.  If the proposed new location is within the same county
196as the already licensed location, in the county where the
197licensee desires to conduct cardroom gaming and that a majority
198of the electors voting on the question in such election voted in
199favor of the transfer of such license. However, the division
200shall transfer, without requirement of a referendum election,
201the cardroom license of any permitholder that relocated its
202permit pursuant to s. 550.0555.
203     2.  If the proposed new location is not within the same
204county as the already licensed location, in the county where the
205licensee desires to conduct cardroom gaming and that a majority
206of the electors voting on that question in each such election
207voted in favor of the transfer of such license.
208     Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.