Senate Bill sb1814c1

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    Florida Senate - 2005                           CS for SB 1814

    By the Committee on Transportation; and Senator Baker


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to franchised motor vehicle

  3         dealers; amending s. 320.13, F.S.; specifying a

  4         definition for purposes of provisions for

  5         issuance of dealer license plates; amending s.

  6         320.60, F.S.; revising the definition of the

  7         term "demonstrator"; defining the term

  8         "existing franchised motor vehicle dealer";

  9         amending s. 320.64, F.S.; prohibiting applicant

10         or licensee failure to pay certain costs and

11         amounts to a dealer after termination of

12         franchise; providing that the prohibition does

13         not apply to terminations, cancellations, or

14         nonrenewals implemented as a result of the sale

15         of assets or stock of the dealer; requiring

16         that certain procedures be followed; amending

17         s. 320.641, F.S.; providing procedures for

18         discontinuation, cancellation, nonrenewal,

19         modification, or replacement of a franchise

20         agreement based upon an alleged failure of the

21         dealer to comply with certain sales or service

22         obligations; amending s. 320.642, F.S.;

23         revising criteria and procedures to establish

24         an additional dealership or relocate an

25         existing dealer in an area where the same

26         line-make vehicle is presently represented;

27         revising provisions for determination by the

28         Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

29         that the existing franchised motor vehicle

30         dealer or dealers are providing adequate

31         representation; revising criteria for protest


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 1         by an existing dealer; revising provisions

 2         excluding certain openings and reopenings from

 3         consideration as an additional or relocated

 4         motor vehicle dealer; prohibiting notice of an

 5         additional dealer for a certain period of time

 6         within a certain distance from a dealer that

 7         was opened or reopened and not considered an

 8         additional dealer subject to protest; requiring

 9         distance between sites to be measured from the

10         geometric centroid of each site; amending s.

11         320.643, F.S.; exempting a transferee from

12         location requirements in the franchise

13         agreement when the transferee proposes to

14         simultaneously relocate dealership operations

15         in conjunction with the purchase of the

16         dealership under certain circumstances;

17         providing requirements for such proposals;

18         amending s. 320.699, F.S.; revising procedures

19         for administrative hearings; requiring a

20         certain schedule unless extended by the

21         administrative law judge under certain

22         conditions; providing an effective date.


24  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


26         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 320.13, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         320.13  Dealer and manufacturer license plates and

29  alternative method of registration.--

30         (1)(a)  Any licensed motor vehicle dealer and any

31  licensed mobile home dealer may, upon payment of the license


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 1  tax imposed by s. 320.08(12), secure one or more dealer

 2  license plates, which are valid for use on motor vehicles or

 3  mobile homes owned by the dealer to whom such plates are

 4  issued while the motor vehicles are in inventory and for sale,

 5  or while being operated in connection with such dealer's

 6  business, as defined in s. 320.60(3), but are not valid for

 7  use for hire. Dealer license plates may not be used on any tow

 8  truck or wrecker unless the tow truck or wrecker is being

 9  demonstrated for sale, and the dealer license plates may not

10  be used on a vehicle used to transport another motor vehicle

11  for the motor vehicle dealer.

12         (b)1.  Marine boat trailer dealers and manufacturers

13  may, upon payment of the license taxes imposed by s.

14  320.08(12), secure one or more dealer plates, which are valid

15  for use on boat trailers owned by the dealer to whom such

16  plates are issued while being used in connection with such

17  dealer's business, but are not valid for use for hire.

18         2.  It is the intent of the Legislature that the method

19  currently used to license marine boat trailer dealers to do

20  business in the state, that is, by an occupational license

21  issued by the city or county, not be changed. The department

22  shall not interpret this act to mean that it is empowered to

23  license such dealers to do business. An occupational license

24  tax certificate shall be sufficient proof upon which the

25  department may issue dealer license plates.

26         Section 2.  Subsection (3) of section 320.60, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (17) is added to that

28  section, to read:

29         320.60  Definitions for ss. 320.61-320.70.--Whenever

30  used in ss. 320.61-320.70, unless the context otherwise



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 1  requires, the following words and terms have the following

 2  meanings:

 3         (3)  "Demonstrator" means any new motor vehicle which

 4  is carried on the records of the dealer as a demonstrator and

 5  is used by, being inspected or driven by the dealer or his or

 6  her employees, or while being operated or driven, with the

 7  permission of such motor vehicle dealer, by an owner, officer,

 8  employee, or independent contractor of a motor vehicle dealer

 9  or by a member of such owner's, officer's, or employee's

10  immediate family, or driven by prospective customers for the

11  purpose of demonstrating vehicle characteristics in the sale

12  or display of motor vehicles sold by the dealer.

13         (17)  "Existing franchised motor vehicle dealer" means

14  any motor vehicle dealer that has a franchise agreement with a

15  licensee. For purposes of notice and identification under s.

16  320.642 only, all dealer locations of an existing motor

17  vehicle dealer or a person that is subject to an unexpired

18  final order permitting the establishment of an additional

19  location or a relocation, where the location is not yet open

20  for business, will be entitled to the same notice and protest

21  rights as an existing dealer under the provisions of s.

22  320.642. A final order expires upon the failure of the dealer

23  or other person that is authorized to establish a location or

24  to relocate to become established at the proposed location

25  within the period provided by law or rule.

26         Section 3.  Subsection (36) is added to section 320.64,

27  Florida Statutes, to read:

28         320.64  Denial, suspension, or revocation of license;

29  grounds.--A license of a licensee under s. 320.61 may be

30  denied, suspended, or revoked within the entire state or at

31  any specific location or locations within the state at which


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 1  the applicant or licensee engages or proposes to engage in

 2  business, upon proof that the section was violated with

 3  sufficient frequency to establish a pattern of wrongdoing, and

 4  a licensee or applicant shall be liable for claims and

 5  remedies provided in ss. 320.695 and 320.697 for any violation

 6  of any of the following provisions. A licensee is prohibited

 7  from committing the following acts:

 8         (36)(a)  Notwithstanding the terms of any franchise

 9  agreement, after termination of a franchise an applicant or

10  licensee has failed to pay to the motor vehicle dealer all of

11  the following amounts:

12         1.  The net cost paid by the dealer for each new motor

13  vehicle in the dealer's inventory with mileage of 6,000 miles

14  or less, exclusive of mileage placed on the vehicle before it

15  was delivered to the dealer, provided that for every mile in

16  excess of 1,000 miles there shall be a reduction of the

17  required repurchase price at a rate equivalent to the

18  then-prevailing rate promulgated by the Internal Revenue

19  Service.

20         2.  The cost paid by the dealer for each new, unused,

21  undamaged, and unsold part or accessory that:

22         a.  Is in the current parts catalog and is still in the

23  original, resalable merchandising package and in an unbroken

24  lot, except that, in the case of sheet metal, a comparable

25  substitute for the original package may be used; and

26         b.  Was purchased by the dealer either directly from

27  the manufacturer or distributor or was purchased from an

28  outgoing authorized dealer as a part of the dealer's initial

29  inventory.

30         3.  The fair market value of each undamaged sign,

31  excluding normal wear and tear, owned by the dealer that bears


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 1  a trademark or trade name used or claimed by the applicant or

 2  licensee or a representative of the applicant or licensee and

 3  that was purchased from or at the request of the applicant or

 4  licensee or a representative of the applicant or licensee.

 5         4.  The fair market value of all special tools, data

 6  processing equipment, and automotive service equipment owned

 7  by the dealer that:

 8         a.  Were recommended in writing by the applicant or

 9  licensee or a representative of the applicant or licensee and

10  designated as special tools and equipment;

11         b.  Were purchased from or at the request of the

12  applicant or licensee or a representative of the applicant or

13  licensee; and

14         c.  Are in usable and good condition except for

15  reasonable wear and tear.

16         5.  The cost of transporting, handling, packing,

17  storing, and loading any property subject to repurchase under

18  this section.

19         (b)  This subsection does not apply to terminations,

20  cancellations, and nonrenewals that are implemented as a

21  result of the sale of the assets or stock of the dealer. The

22  dealer shall return the property listed in this subsection to

23  the licensee within 90 days after the effective date of the

24  termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal. The licensee shall

25  supply the new vehicle dealer with reasonable instructions on

26  the method by which the new vehicle dealer must return the

27  property to the licensee. The compensation for the property

28  shall be paid by the licensee within 60 days after the tender

29  of inventory and other items, provided the new motor vehicle

30  dealer has clear title to the inventory and other items and is

31  in a position to convey that title to the manufacturer or


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 1  distributor. In the event the inventory or other items are

 2  subject to a security interest, the licensee may make payment

 3  jointly to the new motor vehicle dealer and the holder of the

 4  security interest.


 6  A motor vehicle dealer who can demonstrate that a violation

 7  of, or failure to comply with, any of the preceding provisions

 8  by an applicant or licensee will or can adversely and

 9  pecuniarily affect the complaining dealer, shall be entitled

10  to pursue all of the remedies, procedures, and rights of

11  recovery available under ss. 320.695 and 320.697.

12         Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 320.641, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         320.641  Discontinuations, cancellations, nonrenewals,

15  modifications, and replacement of franchise agreements.--

16         (1)(a)  An applicant or licensee shall give written

17  notice to the motor vehicle dealer and the department of the

18  licensee's intention to discontinue, cancel, or fail to renew

19  a franchise agreement or of the licensee's intention to modify

20  a franchise or replace a franchise with a succeeding

21  franchise, which modification or replacement will adversely

22  alter the rights or obligations of a motor vehicle dealer

23  under an existing franchise agreement or will substantially

24  impair the sales, service obligations, or investment of the

25  motor vehicle dealer, at least 90 days before the effective

26  date thereof, together with the specific grounds for such

27  action.

28         (b)  The failure by the licensee to comply with the

29  90-day notice period and procedure prescribed herein shall

30  render voidable, at the option of the motor vehicle dealer,

31  any discontinuation, cancellation, nonrenewal, modification,


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 1  or replacement of any franchise agreement. Designation of a

 2  franchise agreement at a specific location as a "nondesignated

 3  point" shall be deemed an evasion of this section and

 4  constitutes an unfair cancellation.

 5         (c)  If the notice required in paragraph (a) is based

 6  upon an alleged failure of the dealer to comply with the

 7  obligations of the dealer agreement with respect to the

 8  performance of sales or service obligations, the applicant or

 9  licensee shall transmit to the dealer a notice of default not

10  less than 180 days prior to transmission of the notice

11  required in paragraph (a). The notice of default under this

12  paragraph shall specify the sales and service deficiencies

13  alleged by the applicant or licensee and afford the dealer a

14  period of time of not less than 180 days to cure those

15  deficiencies.

16         Section 5.  Subsections (2), (3), and (5) of section

17  320.642, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (7) is

18  added to that section, to read:

19         320.642  Dealer licenses in areas previously served;

20  procedure.--

21         (2)(a)  An application for a motor vehicle dealer

22  license in any community or territory shall be denied when:

23         1.  A timely protest is filed by a presently existing

24  franchised motor vehicle dealer with standing to protest as

25  defined in subsection (3); and

26         2.  The licensee fails to show that the existing

27  franchised dealer or dealers who register new motor vehicle

28  retail sales or retail leases of the same line-make in the

29  community or territory of the proposed dealership are not

30  providing adequate representation of such line-make motor

31  vehicles in such community or territory as a whole and not


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 1  with respect to any part thereof or identifiable plot therein.

 2  The burden of proof in establishing inadequate representation

 3  shall be on the licensee.

 4         (b)  In determining whether the existing franchised

 5  motor vehicle dealer or dealers are providing adequate

 6  representation in the community or territory for the

 7  line-make, the department shall may consider evidence

 8  including which may include, but is not limited to:

 9         1.  The impact of the establishment of the proposed or

10  relocated dealer on the consumers, public interest, existing

11  dealers, and the licensee; provided, however, that financial

12  impact may only be considered with respect to the protesting

13  dealer or dealers.

14         2.  The size and permanency of investment reasonably

15  made and reasonable obligations incurred by the existing

16  dealer or dealers to perform their obligations under the

17  dealer agreement.

18         3.  The reasonably expected market penetration of the

19  line-make motor vehicle for the community or territory

20  involved, after consideration of all factors which may affect

21  said penetration, including, but not limited to, demographic

22  factors such as age, income, education, size class preference,

23  product popularity, retail lease transactions, whether located

24  in a metropolitan or nonmetropolitan area, or other factors

25  affecting sales to consumers of the community or territory.

26  With respect to any geographic comparison area used to

27  evaluate the performance of the line-make within the community

28  or territory, the comparison area may not be smaller than an

29  entire county and may not include any geographic area located

30  outside this state. Reasonably expected market penetration

31  shall be measured with respect to the community or territory


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    Florida Senate - 2005                           CS for SB 1814

 1  as a whole and not with respect to any part thereof or

 2  identifiable plot therein. In order to satisfy its burden of

 3  proof under this section, the licensee must prove that any

 4  deviation or shortfall in market penetration from a reasonable

 5  comparison area is substantial and significant, considering

 6  factors including, but not limited to, the size of the

 7  community or territory and the projected sales of the proposed

 8  dealership.

 9         4.  Any actions by the licensees in denying its

10  existing dealer or dealers of the same line-make the

11  opportunity for reasonable growth, market expansion, or

12  relocation, including the availability of line-make vehicles

13  in keeping with the reasonable expectations of the licensee in

14  providing an adequate number of dealers in the community or

15  territory.

16         5.  Any attempts by the licensee to coerce the existing

17  dealer or dealers into consenting to additional or relocated

18  franchises of the same line-make in the community or

19  territory.

20         6.  Distance, travel time, traffic patterns, and

21  accessibility between the existing dealer or dealers of the

22  same line-make and the location of the proposed additional or

23  relocated dealer.

24         7.  Whether benefits to consumers will likely occur

25  from the establishment or relocation of the dealership which

26  cannot be obtained by other geographic or demographic changes

27  or expected changes in the community or territory.

28         8.  Whether the protesting dealer or dealers are in

29  substantial compliance with their dealer agreement.

30         9.  Whether there is adequate interbrand and intrabrand

31  competition with respect to said line-make in the community or


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 1  territory and adequately convenient consumer care for the

 2  motor vehicles of the line-make, including the adequacy of

 3  sales and service facilities.

 4         10.  Whether the establishment or relocation of the

 5  proposed dealership appears to be warranted and justified

 6  based on economic and marketing conditions pertinent to

 7  dealers competing in the community or territory, including

 8  anticipated future changes.

 9         11.  The volume of registrations and service business

10  transacted by the existing dealer or dealers of the same

11  line-make in the relevant community or territory of the

12  proposed dealership.

13         (3)  An existing franchised motor vehicle dealer or

14  dealers shall have standing to protest a proposed additional

15  or relocated motor vehicle dealer where the existing motor

16  vehicle dealer or dealers have a franchise agreement for the

17  same line-make vehicle to be sold or serviced by the proposed

18  additional or relocated motor vehicle dealer and are

19  physically located so as to meet or satisfy any of the

20  following requirements or conditions:

21         (a)  If the proposed additional or relocated motor

22  vehicle dealer is to be located in a county with a population

23  of less than 300,000 according to the most recent data of the

24  United States Census Bureau or the data of the Bureau of

25  Economic and Business Research of the University of Florida:

26         1.  The proposed additional or relocated motor vehicle

27  dealer is to be located in the area designated or described as

28  the area of responsibility, or such similarly designated area,

29  including the entire area designated as a multiple-point area,

30  in the franchise agreement or in any related document or

31  commitment with the existing motor vehicle dealer or dealers


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 1  of the same line-make as such agreement existed upon October

 2  1, 1988;

 3         2.  The existing motor vehicle dealer or dealers of the

 4  same line-make have a licensed franchise location within a

 5  radius of 20 miles of the location of the proposed additional

 6  or relocated motor vehicle dealer; or

 7         3.  Any existing motor vehicle dealer or dealers of the

 8  same line-make can establish that, during any consecutive

 9  12-month period of the 36-month period preceding the month in

10  which the publication of the proposed additional or relocated

11  dealership appears in the Florida Administrative Weekly,

12  filing of the licensee's application for the proposed

13  dealership, such dealer or its predecessor made 25 percent of

14  the its retail sales or leases of new motor vehicles made by

15  such dealer or its predecessor were to persons or entities

16  that whose registered the purchased or leased vehicle to an

17  address household addresses were located within a radius of 20

18  miles of the geometric centroid of the property that will

19  encompass all location of the proposed additional or relocated

20  motor vehicle dealer operations; provided such existing dealer

21  is located in the same county or any county contiguous to the

22  county where the additional or relocated dealer is proposed to

23  be located.

24         (b)  If the proposed additional or relocated motor

25  vehicle dealer is to be located in a county with a population

26  of more than 300,000 according to the most recent data of the

27  United States Census Bureau or the data of the Bureau of

28  Economic and Business Research of the University of Florida:

29         1.  Any existing motor vehicle dealer or dealers of the

30  same line-make have a licensed franchise location within a



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    Florida Senate - 2005                           CS for SB 1814

 1  radius of 12.5 miles of the location of the proposed

 2  additional or relocated motor vehicle dealer; or

 3         2.  Any existing motor vehicle dealer or dealers of the

 4  same line-make can establish that, during any consecutive

 5  12-month period of the 36-month period preceding the month in

 6  which the publication of the proposed additional or relocated

 7  dealership appears in the Florida Administrative Weekly,

 8  filing of the licensee's application for the proposed

 9  dealership, such dealer or its predecessor made 25 percent of

10  the its retail sales or leases of new motor vehicles made by

11  such dealer or its predecessor were to persons or entities

12  that whose registered the purchased or leased vehicle to an

13  address household addresses were located within a radius of

14  12.5 miles of the geometric centroid of the property that will

15  encompass all location of the proposed additional or relocated

16  motor vehicle dealer; provided such existing dealer is located

17  in the same county or any county contiguous to the county

18  where the additional or relocated dealer is proposed to be

19  located.

20         (c)  The date of sale shall be the later of the dates

21  on which the sale is reported to the licensee or the

22  department. In the event of a conflict between the address

23  listed by the purchaser on the registration with the licensee

24  and that listed on the registration with the department, the

25  address listed with the department shall be used.

26         (5)(a)  The opening or reopening of the same or a

27  successor motor vehicle dealer within 12 months after the date

28  that the department revokes a previously issued license and

29  all legal proceedings, including appeal, regarding such

30  revocation are completed, or the dealer voluntarily terminates

31  the previously issued license, or the opening of a relocated


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 1  dealer within 12 months after the date that the department

 2  approves an application for change of address, shall not be

 3  considered an additional motor vehicle dealer subject to

 4  protest within the meaning of this section, if:

 5         1.(a)  The opening or reopening is within the same or

 6  an adjacent county and, is within 2 miles of the former motor

 7  vehicle dealer location;,

 8         2.(b)  There is no dealer within 25 miles of the

 9  proposed location or the proposed location is further from

10  each existing dealer of the same line-make than the prior

11  location is from each dealer of the same line-make within 25

12  miles of the new location;,

13         3.(c)  The opening or reopening is within 6 miles of

14  the prior location and, if any existing motor vehicle dealer

15  of the same line-make is located within 15 miles of the former

16  location, the proposed location is no closer to any existing

17  dealer of the same line-make within 15 miles of the proposed

18  location;, or

19         4.(d)  The opening or reopening is within 6 miles of

20  the prior location and, if all existing motor vehicle dealers

21  of the same line-make are beyond 15 miles of the former

22  location, the proposed location is further than 15 miles from

23  any existing motor vehicle dealer of the same line-make.


25  Any other such opening or reopening shall constitute an

26  additional motor vehicle dealer within the meaning of this

27  section.

28         (b)  If an opening or reopening is accomplished under

29  the terms of this subsection and therefore is not considered

30  an additional motor vehicle dealer subject to protest, the

31  licensee may not notice an additional motor vehicle dealer of


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 1  the same line-make that is to be located within 4 miles from

 2  the previous location for a period of 2 years after the date

 3  of the exempt relocation.

 4         (7)  All measurements required by this section of the

 5  distance between existing motor vehicle dealer locations or

 6  existing motor vehicle dealer locations and a proposed motor

 7  vehicle dealer's location shall be taken from the geometric

 8  centroid of the property that encompasses all of the existing

 9  or proposed motor vehicle dealer operations.

10         Section 6.  Subsection (5) of section 320.643, Florida

11  Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (6), and a new

12  subsection (5) is added to that section, to read:

13         320.643  Transfer, assignment, or sale of franchise

14  agreements.--

15         (5)  A transferee proposing to simultaneously relocate

16  motor vehicle dealership operations in conjunction with an

17  asset purchase under subsection (1) or an equity purchase

18  under subsection (2) may not be required to comply with the

19  location requirements of the franchise agreement then in

20  effect and the proposal shall be subject to this section if:

21         (a)  The proposed relocation is a relocation exempt

22  from protest and not considered as an additional motor vehicle

23  dealer under s. 320.642(5)(a)1.;

24         (b)  The proposed dealership's facility satisfies

25  facility requirements in effect between the licensee and the

26  dealer proposing the transfer at the time the transfer is

27  proposed; and

28         (c)  The proposed facility is otherwise an appropriate

29  location, taking into account the accessibility and

30  convenience to consumers of the proposed location, the

31  location of other dealers of the same line-make, and other


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 1  factors related to the appropriateness of the facility for its

 2  proposed use, and whether the proposed dealership facility and

 3  dealership operations are separate from any other line-makes.

 4         Section 7.  Subsection (3) is added to section 320.699,

 5  Florida Statutes, to read:

 6         320.699  Administrative hearings and adjudications;

 7  procedure.--

 8         (3)  If a complaint is filed under s. 320.641, except a

 9  complaint filed under s. 320.641(5), a hearing shall be held

10  not sooner than 180 days and not later than 240 days after the

11  date of filing of the complaint unless the time is extended by

12  the administrative law judge for good cause shown. This

13  subsection governs the schedule of hearings in lieu of any

14  other provision of law with respect to an administrative

15  hearing conducted by the Department of Highway Safety and

16  Motor Vehicles or the Division of Administrative Hearings.

17         Section 8.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
20                         Senate Bill 1814


22  The CS expands the definition of "demonstrator" to include new
    vehicles owned by a dealer that are driven or operated by
23  family members of the dealer or employees of the dealership
    and to include independent contractors of the dealership.
    The CS clarifies conditions for the return of dealership
25  inventory upon termination of a franchise. The inventory must
    be returned to the licensee within 90 days of the termination
26  and payment from the licensee must be received within 60 days
    of the return.
    The CS establishes a 180 day period for franchised dealers to
28  respond to claims from a licensee regarding the dealer's sales
    performance obligations and take corrective actions. If a
29  licensee opens a new dealership which is not open to protest,
    the licensee may not propose additional dealerships within
30  four miles of the previous dealerships for two years.



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