Senate Bill sb0184c2

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    Florida Senate - 2005                     CS for CS for SB 184

    By the Committees on Judiciary; Children and Families; and
    Senators Lynn and Wilson


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to drug court programs;

  3         amending s. 39.001, F.S.; providing additional

  4         legislative purposes and intent with respect to

  5         the treatment of substance abuse, including the

  6         use of the drug court program model;

  7         authorizing the court to require certain

  8         persons to undergo treatment following

  9         adjudication; providing that the court is not

10         precluded from ordering drug testing; amending

11         s. 39.407, F.S.; authorizing the court to order

12         specified persons to submit to a substance

13         abuse assessment upon a showing of good cause

14         in connection with a shelter petition or

15         petition for dependency; amending ss. 39.507

16         and 39.521, F.S.; authorizing the court to

17         order specified persons to submit to a

18         substance abuse assessment as part of an

19         adjudicatory order or under a disposition

20         hearing; requiring a showing of good cause;

21         authorizing the court to require participation

22         in a treatment-based drug court program;

23         authorizing the court to impose sanctions for

24         noncompliance; amending s. 39.701, F.S.;

25         authorizing the court to extend the time for

26         completing a case plan during judicial review,

27         based upon participation in a treatment-based

28         drug court program; amending s. 397.334, F.S.;

29         revising legislative intent with respect to

30         treatment-based drug court programs to reflect

31         participation by community support agencies,


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 1         the Department of Education, and other

 2         individuals; including postadjudicatory

 3         programs as part of treatment-based drug court

 4         programs; providing requirements and sanctions,

 5         including clinical placement or incarceration,

 6         for the coordinated strategy developed by the

 7         drug court team to encourage participant

 8         compliance; requiring each judicial circuit to

 9         establish a position for a coordinator of the

10         treatment-based drug court program, subject to

11         annual appropriation by the Legislature;

12         authorizing the chief judge of each judicial

13         circuit to appoint an advisory committee for

14         the treatment-based drug court program;

15         providing for membership of the committee;

16         revising provisions with respect to an annual

17         report; amending s. 910.035, F.S.; revising

18         provisions with respect to conditions for the

19         transfer of a case in the drug court treatment

20         program to a county other than that in which

21         the charge arose; amending ss. 948.08, 948.16,

22         and 985.306, F.S., relating to felony,

23         misdemeanor, and delinquency pretrial substance

24         abuse education and treatment intervention

25         programs; providing requirements and sanctions,

26         including clinical placement or incarceration,

27         for the coordinated strategy developed by the

28         drug court team to encourage participant

29         compliance and removing provisions authorizing

30         the appointment of an advisory committee, to



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 1         conform to changes made by the act; providing

 2         an effective date.


 4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


 6         Section 1.  Subsection (4) of section 39.001, Florida

 7  Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         39.001  Purposes and intent; personnel standards and

 9  screening.--


11         (a)  The Legislature recognizes that early referral and

12  comprehensive treatment can help combat substance abuse in

13  families and that treatment is cost-effective.

14         (b)  The Legislature establishes the following goals

15  for the state relating to substance abuse treatment services

16  in the dependency system:

17         1.  To ensure the safety of children.

18         2.  To prevent and remediate the consequences of

19  substance abuse on families involved in protective supervision

20  or foster care and reduce substance abuse, including alcohol

21  abuse, for families who are at risk of being involved in

22  protective supervision or foster care.

23         3.  To expedite permanency for children and reunify

24  healthy, intact families, when appropriate.

25         4.  To support families in recovery.

26         (c)  The Legislature finds that children in the care of

27  the state's dependency system need appropriate health care

28  services, that the impact of substance abuse on health

29  indicates the need for health care services to include

30  substance abuse services to children and parents where

31  appropriate, and that it is in the state's best interest that


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 1  the such children be provided the services they need to enable

 2  them to become and remain independent of state care.  In order

 3  to provide these services, the state's dependency system must

 4  have the ability to identify and provide appropriate

 5  intervention and treatment for children with personal or

 6  family-related substance abuse problems.

 7         (d)  It is the intent of the Legislature to encourage

 8  the use of the drug court program model established by s.

 9  397.334, and authorize courts to assess parents and children

10  where good cause is shown to identify and address substance

11  abuse problems as the court deems appropriate at every stage

12  of the dependency process. Participation in treatment,

13  including a treatment-based drug court program, may be

14  required by the court following adjudication. Participation in

15  assessment and treatment before adjudication is voluntary,

16  except as provided in s. 39.407(15).

17         (e)  It is therefore the purpose of the Legislature to

18  provide authority for the state to contract with community

19  substance abuse treatment providers for the development and

20  operation of specialized support and overlay services for the

21  dependency system, which will be fully implemented and used

22  utilized as resources permit.

23         (f)  Participation in the treatment-based drug court

24  program does not divest any public or private agency of its

25  responsibility for a child or adult but is intended to enable

26  these agencies to better meet their needs through shared

27  responsibility and resources.

28         Section 2.  Section 39.407, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         39.407  Medical, psychiatric, and psychological

31  examination and treatment of child; physical, or mental, or


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 1  substance abuse examination of a parent or person with or

 2  requesting custody of child.--

 3         (1)  When any child is removed from the home and

 4  maintained in an out-of-home placement, the department is

 5  authorized to have a medical screening performed on the child

 6  without authorization from the court and without consent from

 7  a parent or legal custodian.  Such medical screening shall be

 8  performed by a licensed health care professional and shall be

 9  to examine the child for injury, illness, and communicable

10  diseases and to determine the need for immunization.  The

11  department shall by rule establish the invasiveness of the

12  medical procedures authorized to be performed under this

13  subsection.  In no case does this subsection authorize the

14  department to consent to medical treatment for such children.

15         (2)  When the department has performed the medical

16  screening authorized by subsection (1), or when it is

17  otherwise determined by a licensed health care professional

18  that a child who is in an out-of-home placement, but who has

19  not been committed to the department, is in need of medical

20  treatment, including the need for immunization, consent for

21  medical treatment shall be obtained in the following manner:

22         (a)1.  Consent to medical treatment shall be obtained

23  from a parent or legal custodian of the child; or

24         2.  A court order for such treatment shall be obtained.

25         (b)  If a parent or legal custodian of the child is

26  unavailable and his or her whereabouts cannot be reasonably

27  ascertained, and it is after normal working hours so that a

28  court order cannot reasonably be obtained, an authorized agent

29  of the department shall have the authority to consent to

30  necessary medical treatment, including immunization, for the

31  child. The authority of the department to consent to medical


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 1  treatment in this circumstance shall be limited to the time

 2  reasonably necessary to obtain court authorization.

 3         (c)  If a parent or legal custodian of the child is

 4  available but refuses to consent to the necessary treatment,

 5  including immunization, a court order shall be required unless

 6  the situation meets the definition of an emergency in s.

 7  743.064 or the treatment needed is related to suspected abuse,

 8  abandonment, or neglect of the child by a parent, caregiver,

 9  or legal custodian.  In such case, the department shall have

10  the authority to consent to necessary medical treatment.  This

11  authority is limited to the time reasonably necessary to

12  obtain court authorization.


14  In no case shall the department consent to sterilization,

15  abortion, or termination of life support.

16         (3)(a)  A judge may order a child in an out-of-home

17  placement to be examined by a licensed health care

18  professional.

19         (b)  The judge may also order such child to be

20  evaluated by a psychiatrist or a psychologist or, if a

21  developmental disability is suspected or alleged, by the

22  developmental disability diagnostic and evaluation team of the

23  department.  If it is necessary to place a child in a

24  residential facility for such evaluation, the criteria and

25  procedure established in s. 394.463(2) or chapter 393 shall be

26  used, whichever is applicable.

27         (c)  The judge may also order such child to be

28  evaluated by a district school board educational needs

29  assessment team. The educational needs assessment provided by

30  the district school board educational needs assessment team

31  shall include, but not be limited to, reports of intelligence


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 1  and achievement tests, screening for learning disabilities and

 2  other handicaps, and screening for the need for alternative

 3  education as defined in s. 1001.42.

 4         (4)  A judge may order a child in an out-of-home

 5  placement to be treated by a licensed health care professional

 6  based on evidence that the child should receive treatment.

 7  The judge may also order such child to receive mental health

 8  or developmental disabilities services from a psychiatrist,

 9  psychologist, or other appropriate service provider.  Except

10  as provided in subsection (5), if it is necessary to place the

11  child in a residential facility for such services, the

12  procedures and criteria established in s. 394.467 or chapter

13  393 shall be used, whichever is applicable. A child may be

14  provided developmental disabilities or mental health services

15  in emergency situations, pursuant to the procedures and

16  criteria contained in s. 394.463(1) or chapter 393, whichever

17  is applicable.

18         (5)  Children who are in the legal custody of the

19  department may be placed by the department, without prior

20  approval of the court, in a residential treatment center

21  licensed under s. 394.875 or a hospital licensed under chapter

22  395 for residential mental health treatment only pursuant to

23  this section or may be placed by the court in accordance with

24  an order of involuntary examination or involuntary placement

25  entered pursuant to s. 394.463 or s. 394.467. All children

26  placed in a residential treatment program under this

27  subsection must have a guardian ad litem appointed.

28         (a)  As used in this subsection, the term:

29         1.  "Residential treatment" means placement for

30  observation, diagnosis, or treatment of an emotional



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 1  disturbance in a residential treatment center licensed under

 2  s. 394.875 or a hospital licensed under chapter 395.

 3         2.  "Least restrictive alternative" means the treatment

 4  and conditions of treatment that, separately and in

 5  combination, are no more intrusive or restrictive of freedom

 6  than reasonably necessary to achieve a substantial therapeutic

 7  benefit or to protect the child or adolescent or others from

 8  physical injury.

 9         3.  "Suitable for residential treatment" or

10  "suitability" means a determination concerning a child or

11  adolescent with an emotional disturbance as defined in s.

12  394.492(5) or a serious emotional disturbance as defined in s.

13  394.492(6) that each of the following criteria is met:

14         a.  The child requires residential treatment.

15         b.  The child is in need of a residential treatment

16  program and is expected to benefit from mental health

17  treatment.

18         c.  An appropriate, less restrictive alternative to

19  residential treatment is unavailable.

20         (b)  Whenever the department believes that a child in

21  its legal custody is emotionally disturbed and may need

22  residential treatment, an examination and suitability

23  assessment must be conducted by a qualified evaluator who is

24  appointed by the Agency for Health Care Administration. This

25  suitability assessment must be completed before the placement

26  of the child in a residential treatment center for emotionally

27  disturbed children and adolescents or a hospital. The

28  qualified evaluator must be a psychiatrist or a psychologist

29  licensed in Florida who has at least 3 years of experience in

30  the diagnosis and treatment of serious emotional disturbances

31  in children and adolescents and who has no actual or perceived


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 1  conflict of interest with any inpatient facility or

 2  residential treatment center or program.

 3         (c)  Before a child is admitted under this subsection,

 4  the child shall be assessed for suitability for residential

 5  treatment by a qualified evaluator who has conducted a

 6  personal examination and assessment of the child and has made

 7  written findings that:

 8         1.  The child appears to have an emotional disturbance

 9  serious enough to require residential treatment and is

10  reasonably likely to benefit from the treatment.

11         2.  The child has been provided with a clinically

12  appropriate explanation of the nature and purpose of the

13  treatment.

14         3.  All available modalities of treatment less

15  restrictive than residential treatment have been considered,

16  and a less restrictive alternative that would offer comparable

17  benefits to the child is unavailable.


19  A copy of the written findings of the evaluation and

20  suitability assessment must be provided to the department and

21  to the guardian ad litem, who shall have the opportunity to

22  discuss the findings with the evaluator.

23         (d)  Immediately upon placing a child in a residential

24  treatment program under this section, the department must

25  notify the guardian ad litem and the court having jurisdiction

26  over the child and must provide the guardian ad litem and the

27  court with a copy of the assessment by the qualified

28  evaluator.

29         (e)  Within 10 days after the admission of a child to a

30  residential treatment program, the director of the residential

31  treatment program or the director's designee must ensure that


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 1  an individualized plan of treatment has been prepared by the

 2  program and has been explained to the child, to the

 3  department, and to the guardian ad litem, and submitted to the

 4  department. The child must be involved in the preparation of

 5  the plan to the maximum feasible extent consistent with his or

 6  her ability to understand and participate, and the guardian ad

 7  litem and the child's foster parents must be involved to the

 8  maximum extent consistent with the child's treatment needs.

 9  The plan must include a preliminary plan for residential

10  treatment and aftercare upon completion of residential

11  treatment. The plan must include specific behavioral and

12  emotional goals against which the success of the residential

13  treatment may be measured. A copy of the plan must be provided

14  to the child, to the guardian ad litem, and to the department.

15         (f)  Within 30 days after admission, the residential

16  treatment program must review the appropriateness and

17  suitability of the child's placement in the program. The

18  residential treatment program must determine whether the child

19  is receiving benefit toward the treatment goals and whether

20  the child could be treated in a less restrictive treatment

21  program. The residential treatment program shall prepare a

22  written report of its findings and submit the report to the

23  guardian ad litem and to the department. The department must

24  submit the report to the court. The report must include a

25  discharge plan for the child. The residential treatment

26  program must continue to evaluate the child's treatment

27  progress every 30 days thereafter and must include its

28  findings in a written report submitted to the department. The

29  department may not reimburse a facility until the facility has

30  submitted every written report that is due.



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 1         (g)1.  The department must submit, at the beginning of

 2  each month, to the court having jurisdiction over the child, a

 3  written report regarding the child's progress toward achieving

 4  the goals specified in the individualized plan of treatment.

 5         2.  The court must conduct a hearing to review the

 6  status of the child's residential treatment plan no later than

 7  3 months after the child's admission to the residential

 8  treatment program. An independent review of the child's

 9  progress toward achieving the goals and objectives of the

10  treatment plan must be completed by a qualified evaluator and

11  submitted to the court before its 3-month review.

12         3.  For any child in residential treatment at the time

13  a judicial review is held pursuant to s. 39.701, the child's

14  continued placement in residential treatment must be a subject

15  of the judicial review.

16         4.  If at any time the court determines that the child

17  is not suitable for continued residential treatment, the court

18  shall order the department to place the child in the least

19  restrictive setting that is best suited to meet his or her

20  needs.

21         (h)  After the initial 3-month review, the court must

22  conduct a review of the child's residential treatment plan

23  every 90 days.

24         (i)  The department must adopt rules for implementing

25  timeframes for the completion of suitability assessments by

26  qualified evaluators and a procedure that includes timeframes

27  for completing the 3-month independent review by the qualified

28  evaluators of the child's progress toward achieving the goals

29  and objectives of the treatment plan which review must be

30  submitted to the court. The Agency for Health Care

31  Administration must adopt rules for the registration of


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 1  qualified evaluators, the procedure for selecting the

 2  evaluators to conduct the reviews required under this section,

 3  and a reasonable, cost-efficient fee schedule for qualified

 4  evaluators.

 5         (6)  When a child is in an out-of-home placement, a

 6  licensed health care professional shall be immediately called

 7  if there are indications of physical injury or illness, or the

 8  child shall be taken to the nearest available hospital for

 9  emergency care.

10         (7)  Except as otherwise provided herein, nothing in

11  this section shall be deemed to eliminate the right of a

12  parent, legal custodian, or the child to consent to

13  examination or treatment for the child.

14         (8)  Except as otherwise provided herein, nothing in

15  this section shall be deemed to alter the provisions of s.

16  743.064.

17         (9)  A court shall not be precluded from ordering

18  services or treatment to be provided to the child by a duly

19  accredited practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means

20  for healing in accordance with the tenets and practices of a

21  church or religious organization, when required by the child's

22  health and when requested by the child.

23         (10)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to

24  authorize the permanent sterilization of the child unless such

25  sterilization is the result of or incidental to medically

26  necessary treatment to protect or preserve the life of the

27  child.

28         (11)  For the purpose of obtaining an evaluation or

29  examination, or receiving treatment as authorized pursuant to

30  this section, no child alleged to be or found to be dependent

31  shall be placed in a detention home or other program used


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 1  primarily for the care and custody of children alleged or

 2  found to have committed delinquent acts.

 3         (12)  The parents or legal custodian of a child in an

 4  out-of-home placement remain financially responsible for the

 5  cost of medical treatment provided to the child even if either

 6  one or both of the parents or if the legal custodian did not

 7  consent to the medical treatment. After a hearing, the court

 8  may order the parents or legal custodian, if found able to do

 9  so, to reimburse the department or other provider of medical

10  services for treatment provided.

11         (13)  Nothing in this section alters the authority of

12  the department to consent to medical treatment for a dependent

13  child when the child has been committed to the department and

14  the department has become the legal custodian of the child.

15         (14)  At any time after the filing of a shelter

16  petition or petition for dependency, when the mental or

17  physical condition, including the blood group, of a parent,

18  caregiver, legal custodian, or other person who has custody or

19  is requesting custody of a child is in controversy, the court

20  may order the person to submit to a physical or mental

21  examination by a qualified professional.  The order may be

22  made only upon good cause shown and under pursuant to notice

23  and procedures as set forth by the Florida Rules of Juvenile

24  Procedure.

25         (15)  At any time after a shelter petition or petition

26  for dependency is filed, the court may order a child or a

27  person who has custody or is requesting custody of the child

28  to submit to a substance abuse assessment and evaluation. The

29  assessment or evaluation must be administered by a qualified

30  professional, as defined in s. 397.311. The order may be made

31  only upon good cause shown. This section does not authorize


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 1  placing the child with a person seeking custody, other than

 2  the parent or legal custodian, who requires substance abuse

 3  treatment.

 4         Section 3.  Subsection (9) is added to section 39.507,

 5  Florida Statutes, to read:

 6         39.507  Adjudicatory hearings; orders of

 7  adjudication.--

 8         (9)  After an adjudication of dependency, or a finding

 9  of dependency when adjudication is withheld, the court may

10  order a child or a person who has custody or is requesting

11  custody of the child to submit to a substance abuse assessment

12  or evaluation. The assessment or evaluation must be

13  administered by a qualified professional, as defined in s.

14  397.311. The court may also require the person to participate

15  in and comply with treatment and services identified as

16  necessary, including, when appropriate and available,

17  participation in and compliance with a treatment-based drug

18  court program established under s. 397.334. In addition to

19  supervision by the department, the court, including the

20  treatment-based drug court program, may oversee the progress

21  and compliance with treatment by the child or a person who has

22  custody or is requesting custody of the child. The court may

23  impose appropriate available sanctions for noncompliance upon

24  the child or a person who has custody or is requesting custody

25  of the child, or make a finding of noncompliance for

26  consideration when determining whether an alternative

27  placement of the child is in the child's best interests. Any

28  order entered under this subsection may be made only upon good

29  cause shown. This section does not authorize placing the child

30  with a person seeking custody, other than the parent or legal

31  custodian, who requires substance abuse treatment.


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 1         Section 4.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

 2  39.521, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         39.521  Disposition hearings; powers of disposition.--

 4         (1)  A disposition hearing shall be conducted by the

 5  court, if the court finds that the facts alleged in the

 6  petition for dependency were proven in the adjudicatory

 7  hearing, or if the parents or legal custodians have consented

 8  to the finding of dependency or admitted the allegations in

 9  the petition, have failed to appear for the arraignment

10  hearing after proper notice, or have not been located despite

11  a diligent search having been conducted.

12         (b)  When any child is adjudicated by a court to be

13  dependent, the court having jurisdiction of the child has the

14  power by order to:

15         1.  Require the parent and, when appropriate, the legal

16  custodian and the child, to participate in treatment and

17  services identified as necessary.

18         2.  Require, if the court deems necessary, the parties

19  to participate in dependency mediation. The court may require

20  the child or person who has custody or who is requesting

21  custody of the child to submit to a substance abuse assessment

22  or evaluation. The assessment or evaluation must be

23  administered by a qualified professional, as defined in s.

24  397.311. The court may also require the person to participate

25  in and comply with treatment and services identified as

26  necessary, including, when appropriate and available,

27  participation in and compliance with a treatment-based drug

28  court program established under s. 397.334. In addition to

29  supervision by the department the court, including the

30  treatment-based drug court program, may oversee the progress

31  and compliance with treatment by the child or a person who has


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 1  custody or is requesting custody of the child. The court may

 2  impose appropriate available sanctions for noncompliance upon

 3  the child or a person who has custody or is requesting custody

 4  of the child, or make a finding of noncompliance for

 5  consideration when determining whether an alternative

 6  placement of the child is in the best interests of the child.

 7  Any order entered under this subsection may be made only upon

 8  good cause shown. This section does not authorize placing the

 9  child with a person seeking custody, other than the parent or

10  legal custodian, who requires substance abuse treatment.

11         3.  Require placement of the child either under the

12  protective supervision of an authorized agent of the

13  department in the home of one or both of the child's parents

14  or in the home of a relative of the child or another adult

15  approved by the court, or in the custody of the department.

16  Protective supervision continues until the court terminates it

17  or until the child reaches the age of 18, whichever date is

18  first. Protective supervision shall be terminated by the court

19  whenever the court determines that permanency has been

20  achieved for the child, whether with a parent, another

21  relative, or a legal custodian, and that protective

22  supervision is no longer needed. The termination of

23  supervision may be with or without retaining jurisdiction, at

24  the court's discretion, and shall in either case be considered

25  a permanency option for the child. The order terminating

26  supervision by the department shall set forth the powers of

27  the custodian of the child and shall include the powers

28  ordinarily granted to a guardian of the person of a minor

29  unless otherwise specified. Upon the court's termination of

30  supervision by the department, no further judicial reviews are



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 1  required, so long as permanency has been established for the

 2  child.

 3         Section 5.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (9) of section

 4  39.701, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         39.701  Judicial review.--

 6         (9)

 7         (d)  The court may extend the time limitation of the

 8  case plan, or may modify the terms of the plan, which, in

 9  addition to other modifications, may include a requirement

10  that the parent, or legal custodian participate in a

11  treatment-based drug court program established under s.

12  397.334 based upon information provided by the social service

13  agency, and the guardian ad litem, if one has been appointed,

14  the parent or parents, and the foster parents or legal

15  custodian, and any other competent information on record

16  demonstrating the need for the amendment. If the court extends

17  the time limitation of the case plan, the court must make

18  specific findings concerning the frequency of past

19  parent-child visitation, if any, and the court may authorize

20  the expansion or restriction of future visitation.

21  Modifications to the plan must be handled as prescribed in s.

22  39.601. Any extension of a case plan must comply with the time

23  requirements and other requirements specified by this chapter.

24         Section 6.  Section 397.334, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         397.334  Treatment-based drug court programs.--

27         (1)  Each county may fund a treatment-based drug court

28  program under which persons in the justice system assessed

29  with a substance abuse problem will be processed in such a

30  manner as to appropriately address the severity of the

31  identified substance abuse problem through treatment services


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 1  plans tailored to the individual needs of the participant. It

 2  is the intent of the Legislature to encourage the Department

 3  of Corrections, the Department of Children and Family

 4  Services, the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Department

 5  of Health, the Department of Law Enforcement, the Department

 6  of Education, and such other agencies, local governments, law

 7  enforcement agencies, and other interested public or private

 8  sources, and individuals to support the creation and

 9  establishment of these problem-solving court programs.

10  Participation in the treatment-based drug court programs does

11  not divest any public or private agency of its responsibility

12  for a child or adult, but enables allows these agencies to

13  better meet their needs through shared responsibility and

14  resources.

15         (2)  Entry into a pretrial treatment-based drug court

16  program is voluntary. The court may order an individual to

17  enter into a pretrial treatment-based drug court program only

18  upon written agreement by the individual, which must include

19  an acknowledgement that the individual understands the

20  requirements of the program and the potential sanctions for

21  failing to comply with them.

22         (3)(2)  The treatment-based drug court programs shall

23  include therapeutic jurisprudence principles and adhere to the

24  following 10 key components, recognized by the Drug Courts

25  Program Office of the Office of Justice Programs of the United

26  States Department of Justice and adopted by the Florida

27  Supreme Court Treatment-Based Drug Court Steering Committee:

28         (a)  Drug court programs integrate alcohol and other

29  drug treatment services with justice system case processing.




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 1         (b)  Using a nonadversarial approach, prosecution and

 2  defense counsel promote public safety while protecting

 3  participants' due process rights.

 4         (c)  Eligible participants are identified early and

 5  promptly placed in the drug court program.

 6         (d)  Drug court programs provide access to a continuum

 7  of alcohol, drug, and other related treatment and

 8  rehabilitation services.

 9         (e)  Abstinence is monitored by frequent testing for

10  alcohol and other drugs.

11         (f)  A coordinated strategy governs drug court program

12  responses to participants' compliance.

13         (g)  Ongoing judicial interaction with each drug court

14  program participant is essential.

15         (h)  Monitoring and evaluation measure the achievement

16  of program goals and gauge program effectiveness.

17         (i)  Continuing interdisciplinary education promotes

18  effective drug court program planning, implementation, and

19  operations.

20         (j)  Forging partnerships among drug court programs,

21  public agencies, and community-based organizations generates

22  local support and enhances drug court program effectiveness.

23         (4)(3)  Treatment-based drug court programs may include

24  pretrial intervention programs as provided in ss. 948.08,

25  948.16, and 985.306, treatment-based drug court programs

26  authorized in chapter 39, postadjudicatory programs, and the

27  monitoring of sentenced offenders through a treatment-based

28  drug court program. While enrolled in a treatment-based drug

29  court program, the participant is subject to a coordinated

30  strategy developed by the drug court team under paragraph

31  (3)(f). Each coordinated strategy must include a protocol of


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 1  sanctions that may be imposed on the participant. The protocol

 2  of sanctions must include as available options placement in a

 3  secure licensed clinical or jail-based treatment program or

 4  serving a period of incarceration for noncompliance with the

 5  program rules within the time limits established for contempt

 6  of court. The coordinated strategy must be given to the

 7  participant, in writing, before the participant agrees to

 8  enter into a pretrial treatment-based drug court program.

 9         (5)  Contingent upon an annual appropriation by the

10  Legislature, each judicial circuit shall establish, at a

11  minimum, one coordinator position for the treatment-based drug

12  court program within the state courts system to coordinate the

13  responsibilities of the participating agencies and service

14  providers. Each coordinator shall provide direct support to

15  the treatment-based drug court program by providing

16  coordination between the multidisciplinary team and the

17  judiciary, providing case management, monitoring compliance of

18  the participants in the treatment-based drug court program

19  with court requirements, and providing program evaluation and

20  accountability.

21         (6)(a)(4)(a)  The Florida Association of Drug Court

22  Program Professionals is created. The membership of the

23  association may consist of treatment-based drug court program

24  practitioners who comprise the multidisciplinary

25  treatment-based drug court program team, including, but not

26  limited to, judges, state attorneys, defense counsel, drug

27  court program coordinators, probation officers, law

28  enforcement officers, community representatives members of the

29  academic community, and treatment professionals. Membership in

30  the association shall be voluntary.



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 1         (b)  The association shall annually elect a chair whose

 2  duty is to solicit recommendations from members on issues

 3  relating to the expansion, operation, and institutionalization

 4  of treatment-based drug court programs. The chair is

 5  responsible for providing on or before October 1 of each year

 6  the association's recommendations and an annual report to the

 7  appropriate Supreme Court Treatment-Based Drug Court Steering

 8  committee or to the appropriate personnel of the Office of the

 9  State Courts Administrator, and shall submit a report each

10  year, on or before October 1, to the steering committee.

11         (7)(5)  If a county chooses to fund a treatment-based

12  drug court program, the county must secure funding from

13  sources other than the state for those costs not otherwise

14  assumed by the state under pursuant to s. 29.004. However,

15  this does not preclude counties from using treatment and other

16  service dollars provided through state executive branch

17  agencies. Counties may provide, by interlocal agreement, for

18  the collective funding of these programs.

19         (8)  The chief judge of each judicial circuit may

20  appoint an advisory committee for the treatment-based drug

21  court program. The committee shall include the chief judge, or

22  his or her designee, who shall serve as chair of the

23  committee, the judge of the treatment-based drug court

24  program, if not otherwise designated by the chief judge as his

25  or her designee, the state attorney, or his or her designee,

26  the public defender, or his or her designee, the

27  treatment-based drug court program coordinator, community

28  representatives, treatment representatives, and any other

29  persons the chair finds are appropriate.

30         Section 7.  Paragraphs (b) and (e) of subsection (5) of

31  section 910.035, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:


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 1         910.035  Transfer from county for plea and sentence.--

 2         (5)  Any person eligible for participation in a drug

 3  court treatment program pursuant to s. 948.08(6) may be

 4  eligible to have the case transferred to a county other than

 5  that in which the charge arose if the drug court program

 6  agrees and if the following conditions are met:

 7         (b)  If approval for transfer is received from all

 8  parties, the trial court shall accept a plea of nolo

 9  contendere and enter a transfer order directing the clerk to

10  transfer the case to the county which has accepted the

11  defendant into its drug court program.

12         (e)  Upon successful completion of the drug court

13  program, the jurisdiction to which the case has been

14  transferred shall dispose of the case under pursuant to s.

15  948.08(6).  If the defendant does not complete the drug court

16  program successfully, the jurisdiction to which the case has

17  been transferred shall dispose of the case within the

18  guidelines of the Criminal Punishment Code case shall be

19  prosecuted as determined by the state attorneys of the sending

20  and receiving counties.

21         Section 8.  Subsections (6), (7), and (8) of section

22  948.08, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         948.08  Pretrial intervention program.--

24         (6)(a)  Notwithstanding any provision of this section,

25  a person who is charged with a felony of the second or third

26  degree for purchase or possession of a controlled substance

27  under chapter 893, prostitution, tampering with evidence,

28  solicitation for purchase of a controlled substance, or

29  obtaining a prescription by fraud; who has not been charged

30  with a crime involving violence, including, but not limited

31  to, murder, sexual battery, robbery, carjacking, home-invasion


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 1  robbery, or any other crime involving violence; and who has

 2  not previously been convicted of a felony nor been admitted to

 3  a felony pretrial program referred to in this section is

 4  eligible for voluntary admission into a pretrial substance

 5  abuse education and treatment intervention program, including

 6  a treatment-based drug court program established under s.

 7  397.334, approved by the chief judge of the circuit, for a

 8  period of not less than 1 year in duration, upon motion of

 9  either party or the court's own motion, except:

10         1.  If a defendant was previously offered admission to

11  a pretrial substance abuse education and treatment

12  intervention program at any time before prior to trial and the

13  defendant rejected that offer on the record, then the court or

14  the state attorney may deny the defendant's admission to the

15  such a program.

16         2.  If the state attorney believes that the facts and

17  circumstances of the case suggest the defendant's involvement

18  in the dealing and selling of controlled substances, the court

19  shall hold a preadmission hearing. If the state attorney

20  establishes, by a preponderance of the evidence at the such

21  hearing, that the defendant was involved in the dealing or

22  selling of controlled substances, the court shall deny the

23  defendant's admission into a pretrial intervention program.

24         (b)  While enrolled in a pretrial intervention program

25  authorized by this section, the participant is subject to a

26  coordinated strategy developed by a drug court team under s.

27  397.334(3). The coordinated strategy must include a protocol

28  of sanctions that may be imposed upon the participant. The

29  protocol of sanctions must include as available options

30  placement in a secure licensed clinical or jail-based

31  treatment program or serving a period of incarceration for


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 1  noncompliance with program rules within the time limits

 2  established for contempt of court. The coordinated strategy

 3  must be given to the participant, in writing, before the

 4  participant agrees to enter a pretrial treatment-based drug

 5  court program, or other pretrial intervention program.

 6         (c)(b)  At the end of the pretrial intervention period,

 7  the court shall consider the recommendation of the

 8  administrator under pursuant to subsection (5) and the

 9  recommendation of the state attorney as to disposition of the

10  pending charges.  The court shall determine, by written

11  finding, whether the defendant has successfully completed the

12  pretrial intervention program.

13         (c)1.  If the court finds that the defendant has not

14  successfully completed the pretrial intervention program, the

15  court may order the person to continue in education and

16  treatment or order that the charges revert to normal channels

17  for prosecution.

18         2.  The court shall dismiss the charges upon a finding

19  that the defendant has successfully completed the pretrial

20  intervention program.

21         (d)  Any entity, whether public or private, providing a

22  pretrial substance abuse education and treatment intervention

23  program under this subsection must contract with the county or

24  appropriate governmental entity, and the terms of the contract

25  must include, but need not be limited to, the requirements

26  established for private entities under s. 948.15(3).

27         (7)  The chief judge in each circuit may appoint an

28  advisory committee for the pretrial intervention program

29  composed of the chief judge or his or her designee, who shall

30  serve as chair; the state attorney, the public defender, and

31  the program administrator, or their designees; and such other


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 1  persons as the chair deems appropriate. The advisory committee

 2  may not designate any defendant eligible for a pretrial

 3  intervention program for any offense that is not listed under

 4  paragraph (6)(a) without the state attorney's recommendation

 5  and approval. The committee may also include persons

 6  representing any other agencies to which persons released to

 7  the pretrial intervention program may be referred.

 8         (7)(8)  The department may contract for the services

 9  and facilities necessary to operate pretrial intervention

10  programs.

11         Section 9.  Section 948.16, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         948.16  Misdemeanor pretrial substance abuse education

14  and treatment intervention program.--

15         (1)(a)  A person who is charged with a misdemeanor for

16  possession of a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia

17  under chapter 893, and who has not previously been convicted

18  of a felony nor been admitted to a pretrial program, is

19  eligible for voluntary admission into a misdemeanor pretrial

20  substance abuse education and treatment intervention program,

21  including a treatment-based drug court program established

22  under s. 397.334, approved by the chief judge of the circuit,

23  for a period based on the program requirements and the

24  treatment plan for the offender, upon motion of either party

25  or the court's own motion, except, if the state attorney

26  believes the facts and circumstances of the case suggest the

27  defendant is involved in dealing and selling controlled

28  substances, the court shall hold a preadmission hearing. If

29  the state attorney establishes, by a preponderance of the

30  evidence at the such hearing, that the defendant was involved

31  in dealing or selling controlled substances, the court shall


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 1  deny the defendant's admission into the pretrial intervention

 2  program.

 3         (b)  While enrolled in a pretrial intervention program

 4  authorized by this section, the participant is subject to a

 5  coordinated strategy developed by a drug court team under s.

 6  397.334(3). The coordinated strategy must include a protocol

 7  of sanctions which may be imposed upon the participant. The

 8  protocol of sanctions must include as available options

 9  placement in a secure licensed clinical or jail-based

10  treatment program or serving a period of incarceration for

11  noncompliance with program rules within the time limits

12  established for contempt of court. The coordinated strategy

13  must be given to the participant, in writing, before the

14  participant agrees to enter a pretrial treatment-based drug

15  court program, or other pretrial intervention program.

16         (2)  At the end of the pretrial intervention period,

17  the court shall consider the recommendation of the treatment

18  program and the recommendation of the state attorney as to

19  disposition of the pending charges. The court shall determine,

20  by written finding, whether the defendant successfully

21  completed the pretrial intervention program.

22         (a)  If the court finds that the defendant has not

23  successfully completed the pretrial intervention program, the

24  court may order the person to continue in education and

25  treatment or return the charges to the criminal docket for

26  prosecution.

27         (b)  The court shall dismiss the charges upon finding

28  that the defendant has successfully completed the pretrial

29  intervention program.

30         (3)  Any public or private entity providing a pretrial

31  substance abuse education and treatment program under this


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 1  section shall contract with the county or appropriate

 2  governmental entity. The terms of the contract shall include,

 3  but not be limited to, the requirements established for

 4  private entities under s. 948.15(3).

 5         Section 10.  Section 985.306, Florida Statutes, is

 6  amended to read:

 7         985.306  Delinquency pretrial intervention program.--

 8         (1)(a)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the

 9  contrary, a child who is charged under chapter 893 with a

10  felony of the second or third degree for purchase or

11  possession of a controlled substance, under chapter 893,

12  tampering with evidence, solicitation for purchase of a

13  controlled substance, or obtaining a prescription by fraud,

14  and who has not previously been adjudicated for a felony nor

15  been admitted to a delinquency pretrial intervention program

16  under this section, is eligible for voluntary admission into a

17  delinquency pretrial substance abuse education and treatment

18  intervention program, including a treatment-based drug court

19  program established under s. 397.334 approved by the chief

20  judge or alternative sanctions coordinator of the circuit to

21  the extent that funded programs are available, for a period

22  based on the program requirements and the treatment services

23  that are suitable for the child of not less than 1 year in

24  duration, upon motion of either party or the court's own

25  motion. If the state attorney believes that the facts and

26  circumstances of the case suggest the child's involvement in

27  the dealing and selling of controlled substances, the court

28  shall hold a preadmission hearing. If the state attorney

29  establishes by a preponderance of the evidence at such hearing

30  that the child was involved in the dealing and selling of



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 1  controlled substances, the court shall deny the child's

 2  admission into a delinquency pretrial intervention program.

 3         (2)  A child is subject to a coordinated strategy

 4  developed by a drug court team under s. 397.334(3) while

 5  enrolled in a delinquency pretrial intervention program

 6  authorized by this section. The coordinated strategy must

 7  include a protocol of sanctions which may be imposed upon the

 8  child. The protocol of sanctions must include as available

 9  options placement in a secure licensed clinical facility or

10  placement in a secure detention facility under s. 985.216 for

11  noncompliance with program rules. The coordinated strategy

12  must be provided to the child in writing before the child

13  agrees to enter the pretrial treatment-based drug court

14  program or other pretrial intervention program.

15         (3)(b)  At the end of the delinquency pretrial

16  intervention period, the court shall consider the

17  recommendation of the state attorney and the program

18  administrator as to disposition of the pending charges.  The

19  court shall determine, by written finding, whether the child

20  has successfully completed the delinquency pretrial

21  intervention program.

22         (c)1.  If the court finds that the child has not

23  successfully completed the delinquency pretrial intervention

24  program, the court may order the child to continue in an

25  education, treatment, or urine monitoring program if resources

26  and funding are available or order that the charges revert to

27  normal channels for prosecution.

28         2.  The court may dismiss the charges upon a finding

29  that the child has successfully completed the delinquency

30  pretrial intervention program.



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 1         (4)(d)  Any entity, whether public or private,

 2  providing pretrial substance abuse education, treatment

 3  intervention, and a urine monitoring program under this

 4  section must contract with the county or appropriate

 5  governmental entity, and the terms of the contract must

 6  include, but need not be limited to, the requirements

 7  established for private entities under s. 948.15(3). It is the

 8  intent of the Legislature that public or private entities

 9  providing substance abuse education and treatment intervention

10  programs involve the active participation of parents, schools,

11  churches, businesses, law enforcement agencies, and the

12  department or its contract providers.

13         (2)  The chief judge in each circuit may appoint an

14  advisory committee for the delinquency pretrial intervention

15  program composed of the chief judge or designee, who shall

16  serve as chair; the state attorney, the public defender, and

17  the program administrator, or their designees; and such other

18  persons as the chair deems appropriate.  The committee may

19  also include persons representing any other agencies to which

20  children released to the delinquency pretrial intervention

21  program may be referred.

22         Section 11.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

23  law.










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                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 2                        CS/Senate Bill 184


    --   Specifies that the Legislature rather than the Department
 5       of Children and Family Services establishes goals for the
         state relating to substance abuse treatment services and
 6       the dependency system.

 7  --   Deletes court authorization to order the child or the
         child's parent, caregiver, legal custodian, or other
 8       person requesting custody of the child to submit to a
         substance abuse assessment or evaluation at the shelter
 9       hearing.

10  --   Authorizes the court to order post adjudicatory
         participation in certain substance abuse services only
11       upon good cause shown.

12  --   Specifies that participation in substance abuse
         evaluation and treatment is voluntary prior to
13       adjudication except as provided for under s. 397.334(15),
    --   Specifies that the provisions of this bill do not
15       authorize placing the child with a person seeking
         custody, other than the parent or legal custodian, who
16       requires substance abuse treatment.

17  --   Authorizes the court, after an adjudication of
         dependency, or a finding of dependency when adjudication
18       is withheld, to order a child or a person who has custody
         or is requesting custody of the child to participate in
19       certain substance abuse services.

20  --   Moves the provision allowing the court to require
         specified persons to submit to substance abuse
21       assessment, participate in specified treatment programs,
         oversee compliance with programs, or to impose sanctions
22       upon good cause shown from s. 39.521(b)(1), F.S., to s.
         39.521(b)(2), F.S., addressing dependency mediation.
    --   Removes court authorization to extend the time limitation
24       of a case plan requiring the foster parent to participate
         in a treatment-based drug court program.
    --   Deletes authorization for treatment-based drug court
26       programs to provide supervision for offenders who
         transfer from a jail or prison-based treatment program.
    --   Requires that participation in a pre-trial intervention
28       program be voluntary and that the participant sign an
         agreement indicating his or her understanding of the
29       program requirements and the possible sanctions that may
         be imposed if the individual fails to meet those
30       requirements.

31  --   Requires that the coordinated strategy be given to the
         participant, in writing, before the participant agrees to

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 1       enter the pretrial treatment-based drug court program,
         rather than at the time the participant enters the
 2       program.































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