1 | Representative Goodlette offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | Remove lines 6478-6479, and insert: |
5 | Section 218. Subsection (2) of section 20.165, Florida |
6 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
7 | 20.165 Department of Business and Professional |
8 | Regulation.--There is created a Department of Business and |
9 | Professional Regulation. |
10 | (2) The following divisions of the Department of Business |
11 | and Professional Regulation are established: |
12 | (a) Division of Administration. |
13 | (b) Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco. |
14 | (c) Division of Certified Public Accounting. |
15 | 1. The director of the division shall be appointed by the |
16 | secretary of the department, subject to approval by a majority |
17 | of the Board of Accountancy. |
18 | 2. The offices of the division shall be located in |
19 | Gainesville. |
20 | (d) Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and |
21 | Mobile Homes. |
22 | (e) Division of Hotels and Restaurants. |
23 | (f) Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering. |
24 | (g) Division of Professions and Regulation. |
25 | (h) Division of Real Estate. |
26 | 1. The director of the division shall be appointed by the |
27 | secretary of the department, subject to approval by a majority |
28 | of the Florida Real Estate Commission. |
29 | 2. The offices of the division shall be located in |
30 | Orlando. |
31 | (i) Division of Service Operations Regulation. |
32 | (j) Division of Technology, Licensure, and Testing. |
33 | Section 219. Effective October 1, 2005, paragraph (a) of |
34 | subsection (4) of section 20.165, Florida Statutes, as amended |
35 | by section 135 of chapter 2004-301, Laws of Florida, is amended |
36 | to read: |
37 | 20.165 Department of Business and Professional |
38 | Regulation.--There is created a Department of Business and |
39 | Professional Regulation. |
40 | (4)(a) The following boards are established within the |
41 | Division of Professions and Regulation: |
42 | 1. Board of Architecture and Interior Design, created |
43 | under part I of chapter 481. |
44 | 2. Florida Board of Auctioneers, created under part VI of |
45 | chapter 468. |
46 | 3. Barbers' Board, created under chapter 476. |
47 | 4. Florida Building Code Administrators and Inspectors |
48 | Board, created under part XII of chapter 468. |
49 | 5. Construction Industry Licensing Board, created under |
50 | part I of chapter 489. |
51 | 6. Board of Cosmetology, created under chapter 477. |
52 | 7. Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board, created under |
53 | part II of chapter 489. |
54 | 8. Board of Employee Leasing Companies, created under part |
55 | XI of chapter 468. |
56 | 9. Board of Landscape Architecture, created under part II |
57 | of chapter 481. |
58 | 10. Board of Pilot Commissioners, created under chapter |
59 | 310. |
60 | 11. Board of Professional Engineers, created under chapter |
61 | 471. |
62 | 12. Board of Professional Geologists, created under |
63 | chapter 492. |
64 | 13. Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, created |
65 | under chapter 472. |
66 | 14. Board of Veterinary Medicine, created under chapter |
67 | 474. |
68 | Section 220. Subsection (1) of section 309.01, Florida |
69 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
70 | 309.01 Deposit of material in tidewater regulated.-- |
71 | (1) It is not lawful for any person to discharge or cause |
72 | to be discharged or deposit or cause to be deposited, in the |
73 | tide or salt waters of any bay, port, harbor, or river of this |
74 | state, any ballast or material of any kind other than clear |
75 | stone or rock, free from gravel or pebbles, which said clear |
76 | stone or rock shall be deposited or discharged only in the |
77 | construction of enclosures in connection with wharves, piers, |
78 | quays, jetties, or in the construction of permanent bulkheads |
79 | connecting the solid and permanent portion of wharves. It is |
80 | lawful to construct three characters of bulkheads for retention |
81 | of material in solid wharves. First, clear stone or rock |
82 | enclosures, or bulkheads, may be built upon all sides to a |
83 | height not less than 21/2 feet above high watermark; and after |
84 | the enclosures have been made so solid, tight, and permanent as |
85 | to prevent any sand, mud, gravel, or other material that may be |
86 | discharged or deposited in them from drifting or escaping |
87 | through such enclosures, any kind of ballast may be discharged |
88 | or deposited within the enclosures. The enclosures may be |
89 | constructed of wood, stone, and rock combined, the stone and |
90 | rocks to be placed on the outside of the wood to a height not |
91 | less at any point than 21/2 feet above high watermark. Second, a |
92 | bulkhead may be built by a permanent wharf consisting of |
93 | thoroughly creosoted piles not less than 12 inches in diameter |
94 | at the butt end, to be driven close together and to be capped |
95 | with timber not less than 10 or 14 inches drift, bolted to each |
96 | pile, and one or more longitudinal stringers to be placed on the |
97 | outside of the bulkhead and securely anchored by means of iron |
98 | rods to piles driven within the bulkheads, clear rock to be on |
99 | the inside of the bulkhead, to a height of not less than 21/2 |
100 | feet above high water; and after this is done, ballast or other |
101 | material may be deposited within the permanent enclosure so |
102 | constructed. Third, a bulkhead may be constructed to consist of |
103 | creosoted piles, as described herein, driven not exceeding 4 |
104 | feet apart from center to center, inside of which two or more |
105 | longitudinal stringers may be placed and securely bolted to the |
106 | piles. Inside of these longitudinal pieces, two thicknesses of |
107 | creosoted sheet piling are to be driven, each course of the |
108 | sheet piling to make a joint with the other so as to form an |
109 | impenetrable wharf; and within this permanent bulkhead so |
110 | constructed, any ballast or other material may be deposited. No |
111 | such enclosure, pier, quay, or jetty shall be begun until the |
112 | point whereat it is to be built shall have been connected by a |
113 | substantial wharf with a shore or with a permanent wharf; except |
114 | that the owners of wharves may at any time, with the consent of |
115 | the Board of Pilot Commissioners of the Division of Professions |
116 | of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, build |
117 | wharves of clear stone or rock, or creosoted walls as |
118 | hereinafter provided, on each side of their wharves from the |
119 | shore to a point at which the water is not more than 15 feet |
120 | deep, and when such walls have attained a height of 21/2 feet |
121 | above high watermark and have been securely closed at the |
122 | deepwater end by stone or creosoted walls of the same height, |
123 | any kind of ballast may be deposited in them. Nothing contained |
124 | in this section shall interfere with any rights or privileges |
125 | now enjoyed by riparian owners. While this section empowers |
126 | those who desire to construct the several characters of wharves, |
127 | piers, quays, jetties, and bulkheads provided for and described |
128 | herein, nothing in this section shall be so construed as to |
129 | require any person not desiring to construct a permanent wharf |
130 | by filling up with ballast, stone, or other material to |
131 | construct under the specifications contained herein; and nothing |
132 | in this chapter shall be so construed as to prevent any person |
133 | from constructing any wharf or placing any pilings, logs, or |
134 | lumber in any waters where the person would have heretofore had |
135 | the right so to do. |
136 | Section 221. Subsection (1) of section 310.011, Florida |
137 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
138 | 310.011 Board of Pilot Commissioners.-- |
139 | (1) A board is established within the Division of |
140 | Professions and Regulation of the Department of Business and |
141 | Professional Regulation to be known as the Board of Pilot |
142 | Commissioners. The board shall be composed of 10 members, to be |
143 | appointed by the Governor, 5 of whom shall be licensed state |
144 | pilots actively practicing their profession. The board shall |
145 | perform such duties and possess and exercise such powers |
146 | relative to the protection of the waters, harbors, and ports of |
147 | this state as are prescribed and conferred on it in this |
148 | chapter. |
149 | Section 222. Subsections (1) and (6) of section 455.01, |
150 | Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
151 | 455.01 Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the term: |
152 | (1) "Board" means any board or commission, or other |
153 | statutorily created entity to the extent such entity is |
154 | authorized to exercise regulatory or rulemaking functions, |
155 | within the department, including the Florida Real Estate |
156 | Commission; except that, for ss. 455.201-455.245, "board" means |
157 | only a board, or other statutorily created entity to the extent |
158 | such entity is authorized to exercise regulatory or rulemaking |
159 | functions, within the Division of Certified Public Accounting, |
160 | the Division of Professions and Regulation, or the Division of |
161 | Real Estate. |
162 | (6) "Profession" means any activity, occupation, |
163 | profession, or vocation regulated by the department in the |
164 | Divisions of Certified Public Accounting, Professions and |
165 | Regulation, and Real Estate, and Regulation. |
166 | Section 223. Section 455.017, Florida Statutes, is amended |
167 | to read: |
168 | 455.017 Applicability of this chapter.--The provisions of |
169 | this chapter apply only to the regulation by the Department of |
170 | Business and Professional Regulation professions. |
171 | Section 224. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section |
172 | 455.217, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
173 | 455.217 Examinations.--This section shall be read in |
174 | conjunction with the appropriate practice act associated with |
175 | each regulated profession under this chapter. |
176 | (1) The Division of Service Operations Technology, |
177 | Licensure, and Testing of the Department of Business and |
178 | Professional Regulation shall provide, contract, or approve |
179 | services for the development, preparation, administration, |
180 | scoring, score reporting, and evaluation of all examinations. |
181 | The division shall seek the advice of the appropriate board in |
182 | providing such services. |
183 | (a) The department, acting in conjunction with the |
184 | Division of Service Operations Technology, Licensure, and |
185 | Testing and the Division of Real Estate, as appropriate, shall |
186 | ensure that examinations adequately and reliably measure an |
187 | applicant's ability to practice the profession regulated by the |
188 | department. After an examination developed or approved by the |
189 | department has been administered, the board or department may |
190 | reject any question which does not reliably measure the general |
191 | areas of competency specified in the rules of the board or |
192 | department, when there is no board. The department shall use |
193 | professional testing services for the development, preparation, |
194 | and evaluation of examinations, when such services are available |
195 | and approved by the board. |
196 | Section 225. Except as otherwise provided herein, this act |
197 | shall take effect upon becoming a law. |
198 |
199 | ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ============= |
200 | Remove lines 188-189 and insert: |
201 |
202 | outdated plans, reports, and programs; amending ss. |
203 | 20.165, 309.01, 310.011, 455.01, 455.017, and 455.217, |
204 | F.S.; revising terminology relating to the organization of |
205 | the Department of Business and Professional Regulation; |
206 | providing effective dates. |