1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to Medicaid; providing for the Agency for |
3 | Health Care Administration to expand certain pilot and |
4 | demonstration project waivers under certain conditions; |
5 | providing for integration of state funding to persons who |
6 | are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid; requiring |
7 | the agency to provide a choice of managed care plans to |
8 | recipients; providing requirements for managed care plans; |
9 | permitting the agency to withhold certain funding |
10 | contingent upon the performance of a plan; requiring the |
11 | plan to rebate certain profits to the agency; authorizing |
12 | the agency to limit the number of enrollees in a plan |
13 | under certain circumstances; providing for certain |
14 | services in demonstration areas; providing for imposition |
15 | of liquidated damages; permitting a modification of |
16 | certificate-of-need conditions to nursing homes under |
17 | certain circumstances; requiring integration of Medicare |
18 | and Medicaid services; providing legislative intent; |
19 | providing for awarding of funds for managed care delivery, |
20 | contingent upon an appropriation; granting rulemaking |
21 | authority to the agency; requiring legislative authority |
22 | to implement the waiver; providing for future review and |
23 | repeal of the act; providing an effective date. |
24 |
25 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
26 |
27 | Section 1. Managed care delivery systems.-- |
29 | PERSONS.-- |
30 | (a) Contingent upon federal approval, the Agency for |
31 | Health Care Administration may revise or apply for a waiver |
32 | pursuant to s. 1915 of the Social Security Act or apply for a |
33 | demonstration project waiver pursuant to s. 1115 of the Social |
34 | Security Act to reform Florida's Medicaid program in order to |
35 | integrate all state funding for Medicaid services to persons who |
36 | are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. Rates shall be |
37 | developed in accordance with 42 C.F.R. s. 438.6, certified by an |
38 | actuary, and submitted for approval to the Centers for Medicare |
39 | and Medicaid Services. The funds to be integrated shall include: |
40 | 1. All Medicaid home-based and community-based waiver |
41 | services funds. |
42 | 2. All funds for all Medicaid services, including Medicaid |
43 | nursing home services. |
44 | 3. Funds paid for Medicare premiums, coinsurance, and |
45 | deductibles for persons dually eligible for Medicaid and |
46 | Medicare, for which the state is responsible, but not to exceed |
47 | federal limits of liability specified in the state plan. |
48 | (b) When the agency integrates the funding for Medicaid |
49 | services for dually eligible recipients into a managed care |
50 | delivery system under paragraph (a) in any area of the state, |
51 | the agency shall provide to dually eligible recipients a choice |
52 | of plans which shall include: |
53 | 1. An entity licensed under chapter 627 or chapter 641, |
54 | Florida Statutes; or |
55 | 2. A state-certified provider, including entities eligible |
56 | to participate in the nursing home diversion program, other |
57 | qualified providers as defined in s. 430.703(7), Florida |
58 | Statutes, and community care for the elderly lead agencies that |
59 | meet the requirements set forth in s. 430.705(2)(a) and (b), |
60 | Florida Statutes, as determined by the Department of Financial |
61 | Services. |
62 | (c) The agency shall select managed care plans through |
63 | competitive procurements in order to ensure a choice of no more |
64 | than three plans for Medicaid eligible recipients in each of the |
65 | 11 agency areas in the state. |
66 | (d) When the agency integrates the funding for Medicaid |
67 | nursing home and community-based care services into a managed |
68 | care delivery system, the agency shall ensure that a plan, in |
69 | addition to other requirements: |
70 | 1. Allows an enrollee to select any provider with whom the |
71 | plan has a contract. |
72 | 2. Makes a good faith effort to develop contracts with |
73 | qualified providers currently under contract with the Department |
74 | of Elderly Affairs, area agencies on aging, or community care |
75 | for the elderly lead agencies. |
76 | 3. Secures subcontracts with providers of nursing home and |
77 | community-based long-term care services sufficient to ensure |
78 | access to and choice of providers. |
79 | 4. Develops and uses a service provider qualification |
80 | system that describes the quality-of-care standards that |
81 | providers of medical, health, and long-term care services must |
82 | meet in order to obtain a contract from the plan and that do not |
83 | duplicate other requirements of federal or state law. |
84 | 5. Contracts with all qualified nursing homes located in |
85 | the area that are served by the plan, including those designated |
86 | as Gold Seal. |
87 | 6. Ensures that a Medicaid recipient integrated into a |
88 | plan who is a resident of a facility licensed under chapter 400, |
89 | Florida Statutes, and who does not choose to move to another |
90 | setting is allowed to remain in the facility in which he or she |
91 | is currently receiving care. |
92 | 7. Includes persons who are in nursing homes and who |
93 | convert from non-Medicaid payment sources to Medicaid. Plans |
94 | shall be at risk for serving persons who convert to Medicaid. |
95 | The agency shall ensure that persons who choose community |
96 | alternatives instead of nursing home care and who meet the level |
97 | of care and financial eligibility standards continue to receive |
98 | Medicaid. |
99 | 8. Demonstrates a quality assurance and quality |
100 | improvement system that is satisfactory to the agency. |
101 | 9. Develops a system to identify recipients who have |
102 | special health care needs such as polypharmacy, mental health |
103 | and substance abuse problems, falls, chronic pain, nutritional |
104 | deficits, or cognitive deficits or who are ventilator-dependent |
105 | in order to respond to and meet these needs. |
106 | 10. Ensures a multidisciplinary team approach to recipient |
107 | management that facilitates the sharing of information among |
108 | providers responsible for delivering care to a recipient. |
109 | 11. Ensures medical oversight of care plans and service |
110 | delivery, regular medical evaluation of care plans, and the |
111 | availability of medical consultation for care managers and |
112 | service coordinators. |
113 | 12. Develops, monitors, and enforces quality-of-care |
114 | requirements using existing Agency for Health Care |
115 | Administration survey and certification data, whenever possible, |
116 | to avoid duplication of survey or certification activities |
117 | between the plans and the agency. |
118 | 13. Ensures a system of care coordination that includes |
119 | educational and training standards for care managers and service |
120 | coordinators. |
121 | 14. Develops a business plan that demonstrates the ability |
122 | of the contractor to organize and operate a risk-bearing entity. |
123 | 15. Furnishes evidence of liability insurance coverage or |
124 | a self-insurance plan that is determined by the Office of |
125 | Insurance Regulation to be adequate to respond to claims for |
126 | injuries arising out of the furnishing of health care. |
127 | 16. Complies with the prompt payment of claims |
128 | requirements of s. 641.3155, Florida Statutes. |
129 | 17. Provides for a periodic review of its facilities as |
130 | required by the agency, which does not duplicate other |
131 | requirements of federal or state law. The agency shall provide |
132 | provider survey results to the plan. |
133 | 18. Provides enrollees the ability, to the extent |
134 | possible, to choose care providers, including nursing home, |
135 | assisted living, and adult day care service providers affiliated |
136 | with a person's religious faith or denomination, nursing home |
137 | and assisted living facility providers that are part of a |
138 | retirement community in which an enrollee resides, and nursing |
139 | homes and assisted living facilities that are geographically |
140 | located as close as possible to an enrollee's family, friends, |
141 | and social support system. |
142 | (e) In addition to other quality assurance standards |
143 | required by law or by rule or in an approved federal waiver, and |
144 | in consultation with the Department of Elderly Affairs and area |
145 | agencies on aging, the agency shall develop quality assurance |
146 | standards that are specific to the care needs of elderly |
147 | individuals and that measure enrollee outcomes and satisfaction |
148 | with care management, nursing home services, and other services |
149 | that are provided to dually eligible recipients by managed care |
150 | plans pursuant to this section. The agency shall contract with |
151 | area agencies on aging to perform initial and ongoing |
152 | measurement of the appropriateness, effectiveness, and quality |
153 | of services that are provided to dually eligible recipients by |
154 | managed care plans and to collect and report the resolution of |
155 | enrollee grievances and complaints. The agency and the |
156 | department shall coordinate the quality measurement activities |
157 | performed by area agencies on aging with other quality assurance |
158 | activities required by this section in a manner that promotes |
159 | efficiency and avoids duplication. |
160 | (f) If there is not a contractual relationship between a |
161 | nursing home provider and a plan in an area in which the |
162 | demonstration project operates, the nursing home shall cooperate |
163 | with the efforts of the administrator of a plan to determine if |
164 | a recipient would be more appropriately served in a community |
165 | setting, and payments shall be made in accordance with Medicaid |
166 | nursing home rates as calculated in the Medicaid state plan. |
167 | (g) The agency may develop innovative risk-sharing |
168 | agreements that limit the level of custodial nursing home risk |
169 | that the plan assumes, consistent with the intent of the |
170 | Legislature to reduce the use and cost of nursing home care. |
171 | Under risk-sharing agreements, the agency may reimburse the |
172 | administering entity or a nursing home for the cost of providing |
173 | nursing home care for Medicaid-eligible recipients who have been |
174 | permanently placed and remain in nursing home care. |
175 | (h) The agency shall withhold a percentage of the |
176 | capitation rate that would otherwise have been paid to a plan in |
177 | order to create a quality reserve fund, which shall be annually |
178 | disbursed to those contracted plans that deliver high-quality |
179 | services, have a low rate of enrollee complaints, have |
180 | successful enrollee outcomes, are in compliance with quality |
181 | improvement standards, and demonstrate other indicators |
182 | determined by the agency to be consistent with high-quality |
183 | service delivery. |
184 | (i) The agency shall implement a system of profit rebates |
185 | that require a plan to rebate a portion of the plan's profits |
186 | that exceed 3 percent. The portion of profit above 3 percent |
187 | that is to be rebated shall be determined by the agency on a |
188 | sliding scale; however, no profits above 15 percent may be |
189 | retained by the plan. Rebates shall be paid to the agency. |
190 | (j) The agency may limit the number of persons enrolled in |
191 | a plan who are not nursing home facility residents but who would |
192 | be Medicaid eligible as defined under s. 409.904(3), Florida |
193 | Statutes, if served in an approved home-based or community-based |
194 | waiver program. |
195 | (k) In the demonstration areas, the area agency on aging |
196 | shall serve as the aging resource center, shall be the entry |
197 | point for eligibility determination for dually eligible persons, |
198 | and shall provide choice counseling to assist recipients in |
199 | choosing a managed care plan. |
200 | (l) The agency, in cooperation with the Florida Health |
201 | Care Association, the Florida Association of Homes for the |
202 | Aging, and the Department of Elderly Affairs, is directed to |
203 | create a task force for the purpose of developing a system of |
204 | monitoring and enforcing quality-of-care requirements and |
205 | managing and responding to enrollee grievances and complaints, |
206 | which is specific to long-term care service delivery in a |
207 | managed care environment. |
208 | (m) In the event that a managed care plan does not meet |
209 | its obligations under its contract with the agency or under the |
210 | requirements of this section, the agency may impose liquidated |
211 | damages. Such liquidated damages shall be calculated by the |
212 | agency as reasonable estimates of the agency's financial loss |
213 | and are not to be used to penalize the plan. If the agency |
214 | imposes liquidated damages, the agency may collect those damages |
215 | by reducing the amount of any monthly premium payments otherwise |
216 | due to the plan by the amount of the damages. Liquidated damages |
217 | are forfeited and will not be subsequently paid to a plan upon |
218 | compliance or cure of default unless a determination is made |
219 | after appeal that the damages should not have been imposed. |
220 | (n) In any area of the state in which the agency has |
221 | implemented a demonstration project pursuant to this section, |
222 | the agency shall grant a modification of certificate-of-need |
223 | conditions related to Medicaid participation to a nursing home |
224 | that has experienced decreased Medicaid patient day utilization |
225 | due to a transition to a managed care delivery system. |
226 | (o) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the |
227 | agency shall ensure that, to the extent possible, Medicare and |
228 | Medicaid services are integrated. When possible, persons served |
229 | by the managed care delivery system who are eligible for |
230 | Medicare shall be enrolled in a Medicare managed health care |
231 | plan operated by the same entity that is placed at risk for |
232 | Medicaid services. |
233 | (p) It is the intent of the Legislature that the agency |
234 | begin discussions with the federal Centers for Medicare and |
235 | Medicaid Services regarding the inclusion of Medicare in an |
236 | integrated long-term care system. |
238 | PROVIDERS.--It is the intent of the Legislature to facilitate |
239 | development of managed care delivery systems by networks of |
240 | essential community providers, including current community care |
241 | for the elderly lead agencies and other networks as defined in |
242 | this section. To allow the assumption of responsibility and |
243 | financial risk for managing a recipient through the entire |
244 | continuum of Medicaid services, the agency shall, subject to |
245 | appropriations included in the General Appropriations Act, award |
246 | up to $500,000 per applicant for the purpose of funding managed |
247 | care delivery system development costs. The terms of repayment |
248 | may not extend beyond 6 years after the date when the funding |
249 | begins and must include payment in full with a rate of interest |
250 | equal to or greater than the federal funds rate. The agency |
251 | shall establish a grant application process for awards. |
252 | (3) RULEMAKING.--The Agency for Health Care Administration |
253 | is authorized to adopt rules in consultation with the |
254 | appropriate state agencies to implement the provisions of this |
255 | section. |
256 | (4) IMPLEMENTATION.--Upon approval of a waiver by the |
257 | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Agency for |
258 | Health Care Administration shall report the provisions and |
259 | structure of the approved waiver and any deviations from this |
260 | section to the Legislature. The agency shall implement the |
261 | waiver after authority to implement the waiver is granted by the |
262 | Legislature. |
263 | (5) REVIEW AND REPEAL.--This section shall stand repealed |
264 | on July 1, 2010, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through |
265 | reenactment by the Legislature. |
266 | Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2005. |