Senate Bill sb1874

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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1874

    By Senator Alexander


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to farm workers; amending s.

  3         316.003, F.S.; changing the term "migrant farm

  4         worker" to "farm worker"; modifying the

  5         definition accordingly; deleting the definition

  6         of "migrant farm worker carrier"; defining the

  7         term "farm labor vehicle" as any vehicle

  8         designed, used, or maintained for the

  9         transportation of nine or more farm workers to

10         or from a place of employment or

11         employment-related activities; amending s.

12         316.614, F.S.; providing that on or after

13         January 1, 2006, the term "motor vehicle" also

14         means any farm labor vehicle for purposes of

15         the Florida Safety Belt Law; repealing s.

16         316.620, F.S., relating to rules for the safe

17         transportation of migrant farm workers;

18         creating s. 316.622, F.S.; requiring that farm

19         labor vehicles operating on public state

20         highways conform to applicable vehicle federal

21         and state safety standards; providing that only

22         an authorized labor contractor may operate a

23         farm labor vehicle; requiring that such

24         contractor display an inspection sticker;

25         providing that a violation constitutes a

26         noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a

27         nonmoving violation; amending s. 450.33, F.S.;

28         conforming a cross-reference; requiring that

29         the Department of Business and Professional

30         Regulation develop by rule a display sticker

31         for vehicles used to transport farm workers;


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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1874

 1         requiring that such sticker indicate that the

 2         vehicle is authorized for use in transporting

 3         farm workers and include an expiration date of

 4         the authorization; providing an effective date.


 6  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


 8         Section 1.  Subsections (61) and (62) of section

 9  316.003, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

10         316.003  Definitions.--The following words and phrases,

11  when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings

12  respectively ascribed to them in this section, except where

13  the context otherwise requires:

14         (61)  MIGRANT FARM WORKER.--Any person employed in the

15  planting, cultivation, or harvesting of agricultural crops who

16  is not indigenous to, or domiciled in, the locale where so

17  employed.

18         (62)  FARM LABOR VEHICLE.--

19         (a)  A "farm labor vehicle" is any vehicle designed,

20  used, or maintained for the transportation of nine or more

21  farm workers, in addition to the driver, to or from a place of

22  employment or employment-related activities.

23         (b)  "Farm labor vehicle" does not include:

24         1.  Any vehicle carrying only members of the immediate

25  family of the owner or driver thereof.

26         2.  Any vehicle while being operated by a common

27  carrier of passengers. MIGRANT FARM WORKER CARRIER.--Any

28  person who transports, or who contracts or arranges for the

29  transportation of, nine or more migrant farm workers to or

30  from their employment by motor vehicle other than a passenger

31  automobile or station wagon, except a migrant farm worker


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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1874

 1  transporting himself or herself or the migrant farm worker's

 2  immediate family.

 3         Section 2.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (3) of

 4  section 316.614, Florida Statutes, to read:

 5         316.614  Safety belt usage.--

 6         (3)  As used in this section:

 7         (d)  On or after January 1, 2006, "motor vehicle" also

 8  means any farm labor vehicle.

 9         Section 3.  Section 316.620, Florida Statutes, is

10  repealed.

11         Section 4.  Section 316.622, Florida Statutes, is

12  created to read:

13         316.622  Farm labor vehicles.--

14         (1)  Each owner or operator of a farm labor vehicle

15  that is operated on the public highways of this state shall

16  ensure that such vehicle conforms to vehicle safety standards

17  prescribed by the Secretary of Labor under s. 401(b) of the

18  Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, 29

19  U.S.C. 1841(b), and other applicable federal and state safety

20  standards.

21         (2)  A farm labor contractor may not operate a farm

22  labor vehicle to transport farm workers unless authorized to

23  do so by the Department of Business and Professional

24  Regulation and unless the display sticker described in s.

25  450.33 is clearly displayed on the vehicle.

26         (3)  A violation of this section is a noncriminal

27  traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as

28  provided in chapter 318.

29         Section 5.  Subsection (9) of section 450.33, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (12) is added to that

31  section, to read:


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    Florida Senate - 2005                                  SB 1874

 1         450.33  Duties of farm labor contractor.--Every farm

 2  labor contractor must:

 3         (9)  Produce evidence to the department that each

 4  vehicle he or she uses for the transportation of employees

 5  complies with the requirements and specifications established

 6  in chapter 316, s. 316.622 s. 316.620, or Pub. L. No. 93-518

 7  as amended by Pub. L. No. 97-470 meeting Department of

 8  Transportation requirements or, in lieu thereof, bears a valid

 9  inspection sticker showing that the vehicle has passed the

10  inspection in the state in which the vehicle is registered.

11         (12)  Clearly display on each vehicle used to transport

12  farm workers a display sticker developed by the department by

13  rule. This display sticker shall indicate that the vehicle is

14  authorized by the department for use in transporting farm

15  workers and the expiration date of the authorization.

16         Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.


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19                          SENATE SUMMARY

20    Deletes the term "migrant farm worker," replacing it with
      the term "farm worker." Deletes the term "migrant farm
21    worker carrier" and replaces it with the term "farm labor
      vehicle." Defines the term "farm labor vehicle" as any
22    vehicle used, designed, or maintained for the purpose of
      carrying 9 or more workers, not including the driver, to
23    or from a place of employment. Requires owners and
      operators of farm labor vehicles to comply with
24    applicable state and federal safety requirements.
      Requires that farm labor contractors display a sticker on
25    all farm labor vehicles stating that the vehicle is
      authorized by the Department of Business and Professional
26    Regulation to be used as a farm labor vehicle.







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