(LATE FILED)Amendment
Bill No. 1901
Amendment No. 232327
Senate House

1Representative(s) Attkisson offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove line(s) 789-790 and insert:
5     (c)  Any expenditures of slot machine taxes shall be used
6to supplement and not supplant public education dollars. Tax
7proceeds shall be used first to fund the Laptops for Achievers
8grant program, which shall be administered by the Department of
9Education. All school districts are eligible to submit grant
10applications to participate in the program, in a format to be
11determined by the department. Each district's grant program
12shall provide for the laptops to be made available to every
13public school seventh grade student, including charter school
14students, and shall require:
15     1.  Integrated use of the laptops with curriculum design,
16instructional planning, training, and delivery, and
17communication with parents;
18     2.  School site wiring and appropriate technology
19infrastructure needs;
20     3.  Assignment of a laptop computer on loan to each student
21entering seventh grade for use through grade 12;
22     4.  A contract with each student stipulating that if the
23student earns a passing score on the grade 10 FCAT, as required
24by ss. 1003.43(5) and 1003.429, the loaned laptop will be
25upgraded and given to the student to keep as a reward for the
26student's achievement.
28The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to implement the
29Laptops for Achievers program.
32================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
33     Remove line(s) 104 and insert:
34public education dollars; requiring tax proceeds be first used
35to fund a grant program for laptop computers for certain
36students; directing the State Board of Education to adopt rules
37to implement such program; providing payment procedures;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.