(LATE FILED)Amendment
Bill No. 1901
Amendment No. 750113
Senate House

1Representative Attkisson offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 1535 and 1536, insert:
5     Section 6.  Section 551.45, Florida Statutes, is created to
7     551.45  Ethics.--
8     (1)  The public trust associated with implementing section
923 of Article X of the State Constitution makes it imperative
10that the highest standards of conduct apply to public officers
11and employees engaged in making decisions under this act. It is
12the intent of the Legislature to protect the public trust by
13avoiding even the appearance or perception that favoritism,
14special dealing, or political considerations are involved in
15decisions regarding slot machines.
16     (2)  As a condition of licensure, a business entity, as
17defined in s. 112.312(5), with a material interest in a slot
18machine gaming facility license may seek to influence the
19governmental decisionmaking of a public officer or seek or
20encourage the passage, defeat, or modification of any proposal
21or recommendation before such public officer. However, no such
22business entity may engage a lobbyist as defined in s. 11.045 or
23s. 112.3215, whether paid through contractual agreement or
24salary or otherwise, to seek to influence the governmental
25decisionmaking of a public officer or seek or encourage the
26passage, defeat, or modification of any proposal or
27recommendation before such public officer. A violation of this
28provision constitutes a misdemeanor of the first degree,
29punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
30     (3)  No elective public officer or candidate seeking
31election to public office may accept a campaign contribution as
32defined in s. 106.011(3), a gift as defined in s.
33112.312(12)(a), or expenses related to an honorarium event from
34any slot machine licensee over which the public officer or
35candidate seeking election has regulatory jurisdiction, is doing
36business with, or is or may be, in the foreseeable future, in a
37position to affect the regulatory environment of the slot
38machine licensee through legislation or contractual
40     (4)  As a condition of licensure, no slot machine licensee
41and no political committee that receives contributions from a
42slot machine licensee shall engage in any electioneering
43communication or political advertisement as defined in s.
44106.011 likely to impact the election of a public officer or
45candidate for public office who has, or if elected may have,
46regulatory or legislative jurisdiction over the licensee.
48================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
49     Remove line 216 and insert:
50prevention program; providing legislative intent;
51prohibiting certain businesses from engaging a lobbyist or
52seeking to influence the governmental decisionmaking of a
53public officer or seeking or encouraging the passage,
54defeat, or modification of any proposal or recommendation
55before such public officer; providing penalties;
56prohibiting a public official seeking election to public
57office from accepting certain campaign contributions;
58prohibiting slot machine licensees and political
59committees that receive contributions from slot machine
60licensees from engaging in certain electioneering
61communications and political advertisements; amending s.
62849.15, F.S.; providing

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.