Florida Senate - 2005                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for SB 1910
                        Barcode 461640
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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11  The Committee on Transportation and Economic Development
12  Appropriations (Sebesta) recommended the following amendment:
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         On page 7, lines 1 and 2, delete those lines
17  and insert:  
18         Section 2.  Florida Youth Summer Jobs Pilot Program.--
19         (1)  CREATION.--Contingent upon appropriations, there
20  is created the Florida Youth Summer Jobs Pilot Program within
21  workforce development district 22 served by the Broward
22  Workforce Development Board. The board shall, in consultation
23  with Workforce Florida, Inc., provide a program offering
24  at-risk and disadvantaged children summer jobs in partnership
25  with local communities and public employers.
26         (2)  ELIGIBILITY.--
27         (a)  Children at least 14 but not more than 18 years of
28  age are eligible to participate in the program if they are:
29         1.  At risk of welfare dependency, including
30  economically disadvantaged children, children of participants
31  in the welfare transition program, children of migrant
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1910 Barcode 461640 1 farmworkers, and children of teen parents. For purposes of 2 this section, "economically disadvantaged children" are those 3 whose family income is below 150 percent of the federal 4 poverty level; 5 2. Children of working families whose family income 6 does not exceed 150 percent of the federal poverty level; 7 3. Juvenile offenders; 8 4. Children in foster care; or 9 5. Children with disabilities. 10 (b) Employers are eligible to participate in the 11 program under the following conditions: 12 1. The employer shall meet the program requirements of 13 subsection (3). 14 2. The employer shall pay the state minimum wage to a 15 program participant hired under the program. 16 3. The maximum hours required of a program participant 17 per week shall not exceed 30 hours. 18 4. The employer shall comply with state and federal 19 child labor and antidiscrimination laws. 20 (3) PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS.-- 21 (a) The program shall: 22 1. Provide the program participant a work experience 23 that will teach personal responsibility and reinforce the 24 obligations and rewards of holding a job. 25 2. Allow for an academic enrichment component that 26 will assist the program participant in remaining in or 27 returning to school. 28 3. Provide documented learning experiences relevant to 29 the type of work performed and tailored to the needs of the 30 program participant. 31 4. Allow for the provision of life skills training by 2 1:46 PM 04/12/05 s1910c1c-ta16-c4d
Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1910 Barcode 461640 1 the local community or a third-party provider contracted by 2 the local community if such skills training takes up no more 3 than 10 percent of the program participant's work time. 4 (b) The program may begin on the day after the end of 5 the regular school year in the local community and shall end 6 before the first regular day of school in the local community. 7 (4) GOVERNANCE.-- 8 (a) The pilot program shall be administered by the 9 regional workforce board in consultation with Workforce 10 Florida, Inc. 11 (b) The regional workforce board shall report to 12 Workforce Florida, Inc., the number of at-risk and 13 disadvantaged children who enter the program, the types of 14 work activities they participate in, and the number of 15 children who return to school, go on to postsecondary school, 16 or enter the workforce full time at the end of the program. 17 Workforce Florida, Inc., shall report to the Legislature by 18 November 1 of each year on the performance of the program. 19 (5) FUNDING.-- 20 (a) The regional workforce board shall, consistent 21 with state and federal laws, use funds appropriated 22 specifically for the pilot program to provide youth wage 23 payments and educational enrichment activities. The regional 24 workforce board and local communities may obtain private or 25 state and federal grants or other sources of funds in addition 26 to any appropriated funds. 27 (b) Program funds shall be used as follows: 28 1. No less than 85 percent of the funds shall be used 29 for youth wage payments or educational enrichment activities. 30 These funds shall be matched on a one-to-one basis by each 31 local community that participates in the program. 3 1:46 PM 04/12/05 s1910c1c-ta16-c4d
Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1910 Barcode 461640 1 2. No more than 2 percent of the funds may be used for 2 administrative purposes. 3 3. The remainder of the funds may be used for 4 transportation assistance, childcare assistance, or other 5 assistance to enable a program participant to enter or remain 6 in the program. 7 (c) The regional workforce board shall pay a 8 participating employer an amount equal to one-half of the 9 wages paid to a youth participating in the program. Payments 10 shall be made monthly for the duration that the youth 11 participant is employed as documented by the employer and 12 confirmed by the regional workforce board. 13 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 14 law. 15 16 17 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 18 And the title is amended as follows: 19 On page 1, line 19, after the second semicolon, 20 21 insert: 22 creating the Florida Youth Summer Jobs Pilot 23 Program; providing eligibility requirements for 24 program participants and public employers; 25 requiring the program to be administered by a 26 regional workforce board in consultation with 27 Workforce Florida, Inc.; providing employment 28 and educational requirements; requiring the 29 regional workforce board to make an annual 30 report; providing certain uses for program 31 funds; providing an effective date. 4 1:46 PM 04/12/05 s1910c1c-ta16-c4d