Bill No. 1935
Amendment No. 100585
Senate House

1Representative(s) Simmons offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 2020 and 2021, insert:
6     Section 32.  Subsection (3) of section 44.103, Florida
7Statutes, is amended to read:
8     44.103  Court-ordered, nonbinding arbitration.--
9     (3)  Arbitrators shall be selected and compensated in
10accordance with rules adopted by the Supreme Court. Arbitrators
11shall be compensated by the parties, or, upon a finding by the
12court that a party is indigent, an arbitrator may be partially
13or fully compensated from state funds according to the party's
14present ability to pay. At no time may an arbitrator charge more
15than $1,500 per diem, unless the parties agree otherwise. Prior
16to approving the use of state funds to reimburse an arbitrator,
17the court must ensure that the party reimburses the portion of
18the total cost that the party is immediately able to pay and
19that the party has agreed to a payment plan established by the
20clerk of the court that will fully reimburse the state for the
21balance of all state costs for both the arbitrator and any costs
22of administering the payment plan and any collection efforts
23that may be necessary in the future. Whenever possible,
24qualified individuals who have volunteered their time to serve
25as arbitrators shall be appointed. If an arbitration program is
26funded pursuant to s. 44.108, volunteer arbitrators shall be
27entitled to be reimbursed pursuant to s. 112.061 for all actual
28expenses necessitated by service as an arbitrator.
31================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
32     Remove line 191 and insert:
34compensated by the county or parties; amending s. 44.103, F.S.;
35limiting the amount of per diem expenses an arbitrator may
36charge; amending s. 44.108,

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.