1 | Representative(s) Simmons offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with directory and title amendments) |
4 | Between line(s) 1245 and 1246, insert: |
5 | (6) The Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation, |
6 | upon review and approval by the Chief Financial Officer, may |
7 | approve adjustments to the clerk's maximum annual budget for |
8 | court-related duties if either of the following conditions |
9 | exists: |
10 | (a) The additional funding is necessary to pay the cost of |
11 | performing new or additional functions required by changes in |
12 | law and the legislation which establishes the new or additional |
13 | functions specifically authorizes, by reference to this |
14 | subsection, the adjustment of maximum annual budgets; or |
15 | (b) The additional funding is necessary to pay the cost of |
16 | supporting increases in the number of judges or magistrates |
17 | authorized by the Legislature and the legislation which |
18 | establishes additional judges or magistrates specifically |
19 | authorizes, by reference to this subsection, the adjustment of |
20 | maximum annual budgets. |
21 |
22 | Before the maximum annual budget of any clerk can be increased |
23 | pursuant to this subsection, the corporation shall provide the |
24 | Chief Financial Officer and the Legislative Budget Commission |
25 | with a statement of the impact of the proposed budget changes on |
26 | state revenues, performance data indicating unit costs for the |
27 | affected clerk as compared to statewide averages, evidence that |
28 | the respective clerk of the court is meeting or exceeding the |
29 | established performance standards for measures on the fiscal |
30 | management, operational efficiency, and effective collection of |
31 | fines, fees, service charges, and court costs, and a proposed |
32 | staffing model, including the cost and number of staff necessary |
33 | to support additional statutory responsibilities for each new |
34 | judge or magistrate. If not otherwise specified in the |
35 | legislation that establishes additional responsibilities, judges |
36 | or magistrates, any adjustments approved by the corporation |
37 | pursuant to this subsection shall not, in the aggregate, exceed |
38 | 1 percent of the aggregate statewide maximum annual budgets that |
39 | would otherwise be established pursuant to the methodology |
40 | required by this section. Any adjustment to a maximum annual |
41 | budget authorized by this subsection is subject to review and |
42 | approval by the Legislative Budget Commission pursuant to |
43 | chapter 216. |
44 | (7)(6) The corporation may submit proposed legislation to |
45 | the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of |
46 | the House of Representatives no later than November 1 in any |
47 | year for approval of clerk budget request amounts exceeding the |
48 | restrictions in this section for the following October 1. If |
49 | proposed legislation is recommended, the corporation shall also |
50 | submit supporting justification with sufficient detail to |
51 | identify the specific proposed expenditures that would cause the |
52 | limitations to be exceeded for each affected clerk and the |
53 | estimated fiscal impact on state revenues. |
54 |
55 | =========== D I R E C T O R Y A M E N D M E N T ========== |
56 | Remove line 1194 and insert: |
57 | Florida Statutes, are amended, subsection (6) is renumbered as |
58 | subsection (7), and a new subsection (6) is added to said |
59 | section, to read: |
60 |
61 | ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ============= |
62 | Remove line(s) 107 and insert: |
63 | reference to the Chief Financial Officer; providing |
64 | conditions and requirements by which the corporation may |
65 | approve adjustments to the clerk's maximum annual budget |
66 | for court-related duties; amending s. |