Bill No. 1935
Amendment No. 545543
Senate House

1Representative(s) Simmons offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between line(s) 2403 and 2404, insert:
5     Section 43.  Effective July 1, 2006, subsection (3) of
6section 218.245, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
7     218.245  Revenue sharing; apportionment.--
8     (3)  Revenues attributed to the increase in distribution to
9the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for Municipalities pursuant to s.
10212.20(6)(d)6. from 1.0715 percent to 1.3409 percent provided in
11chapter 2003-402, Laws of Florida, shall be distributed to each
12eligible municipality and any unit of local government which is
13consolidated as provided by s. 9, Art. VIII of the State
14Constitution of 1885, as preserved by s. 6(e), Art. VIII, 1968
15revised constitution, as follows: each eligible local
16government's allocation shall be based on the amount it received
17from the half-cent sales tax under s. 218.61 in the prior state
18fiscal year divided by the total receipts under s. 218.61 in the
19prior state fiscal year for all eligible local governments;
20provided, however, for the purpose of calculating this
21distribution, the amount received from the half-cent sales tax
22under s. 218.61 in the prior state fiscal year by a unit of
23local government which is consolidated as provided by s. 9, Art.
24VIII of the State Constitution of 1885, as amended, and as
25preserved by s. 6(e), Art. VIII, of the Constitution as revised
26in 1968, shall be reduced by 50 percent for such local
27government and for the total receipts. For eligible
28municipalities that began participating in the allocation of
29half-cent sales tax under s. 218.61 in the previous state fiscal
30year, their annual receipts shall be calculated by dividing
31their actual receipts by the number of months they participated,
32and the result multiplied by 12.
34================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
35     Between line(s) 246 and 247, insert:
36amending s. 218.245, F.S.; revising the requirements for
37revenue sharing with respect to certain local governments;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.