1 | Representative(s) Pickens offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment to Amendment (092171) (with title amendment) |
4 | Remove line(s) 607-623 and insert: |
5 | this section is $88 million. However, at least 1 percent of the |
6 | total statewide amount authorized for the tax credit shall be |
7 | reserved for taxpayers who meet the definition of a small |
8 | business provided in s. 288.703(1) at the time of application. |
9 |
10 | ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ============= |
11 | Remove line(s) 1191-1194 and insert: |
12 | scholarship and restricting eligibility therefor; revising |
13 | provisions relating to tax credit for small businesses; |
14 | providing for rescindment of tax credit |