1 | Representative(s) Pickens offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment to Amendment (092171) |
4 | Remove line(s) 713-715 and insert: |
5 | (k) With the prior approval of the Department of |
6 | Education, may transfer funds to another eligible nonprofit |
7 | scholarship-funding organization if additional funds are |
8 | required to meet scholarship demand at the receiving nonprofit |
9 | scholarship-funding organization. A transfer shall be limited to |
10 | the greater of $500,000 or 20 percent of the total contributions |
11 | received by the nonprofit scholarship-funding organization |
12 | making the transfer. All transferred funds must be deposited by |
13 | the receiving nonprofit scholarship-funding organization into |
14 | its scholarship accounts. All transferred amounts received by |
15 | any nonprofit scholarship-funding organization must be |
16 | separately disclosed in the annual financial and compliance |
17 | audit required in this section. |