Florida Senate - 2005                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. SB 2556
                        Barcode 823940
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
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11  The Committee on Health Care (Fasano) recommended the
12  following amendment:
14         Senate Amendment 
15         On page 3, line 24, through
16            page 5, line 3, delete those lines
18  and insert:  
19         (5)(1)  "Natureopathy" and "Naturopathy" are shall be
20  construed as synonymous terms. Naturopathy means a system of
21  health care practice which employs natural health modalities,
22  substances, and education to promote health. The terms
23  "natureopathy," "naturopathy," "naturopathic practitioner" and
24  "naturopath" are not synonymous with "naturopathic medicine,"
25  "doctor of naturopathic medicine" or "naturopathic physician"
26  and the practice of naturopathy and the use of these terms are
27  not restricted or regulated by or under this chapter and mean.
28  A doctor of naturopathic medicine employs the use and practice
29  of psychological, mechanical, and material health sciences to
30  aid in purifying, cleansing, and normalizing human tissues for
31  the preservation or restoration of health, according to the
    5:22 PM   04/25/05                             s2556b-he11-c7r

Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 2556 Barcode 823940 1 fundamental principles of anatomy, physiology, and applied 2 psychology, as may be required. Naturopathic medicine practice 3 employs, among other agencies, phytotherapy, dietetics, 4 psychotherapy, suggestotherapy, hydrotherapy, zone therapy, 5 biochemistry, external applications, electrotherapy, 6 mechanotherapy, mechanical and electrical appliances, hygiene, 7 first aid, sanitation, administration of vitamins, food, and 8 food supplements, and heliotherapy.; provided, However, that 9 nothing in this chapter shall be held or construed to 10 authorize any doctor of naturopathic medicine, naturopathic 11 doctor, or naturopathic physician licensed under this chapter 12 hereunder to practice materia medica, or surgery, or 13 chiropractic medicine, the examination, diagnosis, and 14 treatment of teeth and gums, acupuncture, oriental medicine, 15 child birth attendance, or midwifery, nor shall the provisions 16 of this chapter law in any manner apply to or affect the 17 practice of osteopathic medicine, chiropractic medicine, 18 Christian Science, naturopathy, or any other treatment 19 authorized and provided for by law for the cure or prevention 20 of disease and ailments. 21 (6) "Naturopathic Medicine" means a system of primary 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 5:22 PM 04/25/05 s2556b-he11-c7r