Bill No. 2646
Amendment No. 033295
Senate House

1Representative(s) Bendross-Mindingall and Gibson, A. offered the
4     Amendment (with title amendment)
5     On page 10, line(s) 10-14,
6remove:  all of said lines
8and insert:  
9a lobbyist or register to vote pursuant to this subsection,
10until the person:
11     1.  Has been released from incarceration and any
12postconviction supervision, and has paid all court costs and
13court-ordered restitution;
14     2.  Has had his or her civil rights restored; however, such
15a person's right to register or vote is automatically restored
16by operation of law 1 year after completion and satisfaction of
17all sentences imposed upon such person. For the purposes of this
18subparagraph, "completion and satisfaction of all sentences"
19occurs when a person is released from incarceration upon
20expiration of sentence and has achieved or completed all other
21nonmonetary terms and conditions of the sentence or subsequent
22supervision or, if the person has not been incarcerated for a
23felony offense, has achieved or completed all nonmonetary terms
24and conditions of community supervision imposed by a court. If a
25majority of the Board of Executive Clemency objects before the
26automatic restoration of the right to register or vote, such
27rights shall be restored only upon application to, and approval
28by, the Board of Executive Clemency; and
31================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =================
32     On page 1, line(s) 17,
33remove:  all of said line
35and insert:  
36registering as a legislative lobbyist and registering to vote;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.