HB 0313

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Lifeline telecommunications
3service; amending s. 364.10, F.S.; directing a local
4exchange telecommunications company to offer a consumer
5who applies for or receives Lifeline service the option of
6blocking toll calls; prohibiting a local exchange
7telecommunications company from discontinuing local
8service to a consumer receiving Lifeline service for
9nonpayment of other telephone services; directing the
10Public Service Commission to adopt rules to administer the
11prohibition; authorizing a local exchange
12telecommunications company to block specified long-
13distance services when a customer owes an outstanding
14account for those services; revising time for agencies to
15develop procedures to promote Lifeline participation;
16requiring certain state agencies to automatically enroll
17an eligible consumer in the Lifeline service with the
18appropriate local exchange telecommunications company;
19directing the commission to adopt rules to provide for an
20automatic Lifeline service enrollment process; requiring
21the commission, the Department of Children and Family
22Services, and the Office of Public Counsel to enter into a
23memorandum of understanding concerning the automatic
24enrollment of consumers in Lifeline services; providing an
25effective date.
27Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
29     Section 1.  Section 364.10, Florida Statutes, is amended to
31     364.10  Undue advantage to person or locality prohibited;
32Lifeline service.--
33     (1)  A telecommunications company may not make or give any
34undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any person or
35locality or subject any particular person or locality to any
36undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage in any respect
38     (2)(a)  The prohibitions of subsection (1) notwithstanding,
39a telecommunications company serving as carrier of last resort
40shall provide a Lifeline Assistance Plan to qualified
41residential subscribers, as defined in a commission-approved
42tariff and a preferential rate to eligible facilities as
43provided for in part II.
44     (b)  A local exchange telecommunications company shall
45offer a consumer who applies for or receives Lifeline service
46the option of blocking all toll calls or, if technically
47capable, placing a limit on the amount of toll calls a consumer
48can make. The local exchange telecommunications company may not
49charge the consumer an administrative charge or other additional
50fee for blocking the service.
51     (3)(a)  Effective September 1, 2003, any local exchange
52telecommunications company authorized by the commission to
53reduce its switched network access rate under pursuant to s.
54364.164 shall have tariffed and shall provide Lifeline service
55to any otherwise eligible customer or potential customer who
56meets an income eligibility test at 125 percent or less of the
57federal poverty income guidelines for Lifeline customers. The
58Such a test for eligibility must augment, rather than replace,
59the eligibility standards established by federal law and based
60on participation in certain low-income assistance programs. Each
61intrastate interexchange telecommunications company shall,
62effective September 1, 2003, file a tariff providing at a
63minimum the intrastate interexchange telecommunications
64carrier's current Lifeline benefits and exemptions to Lifeline
65customers who meet the income eligibility test set forth in this
66subsection. The Office of Public Counsel shall certify and
67maintain claims submitted by a customer for eligibility under
68the income test authorized by this subsection.
69     (b)  Each local exchange telecommunications company subject
70to this subsection shall provide to each state and federal
71agency providing benefits to persons eligible for Lifeline
72service applications, brochures, pamphlets, or other materials
73that inform the such persons of their eligibility for Lifeline,
74and each state agency providing the such benefits shall furnish
75the materials to affected persons at the time they apply for
77     (c)1.  Any local exchange telecommunications company
78customer receiving Lifeline benefits shall not be subject to any
79residential basic local telecommunications service rate
80increases authorized by s. 364.164 until the local exchange
81telecommunications company reaches parity as defined in s.
82364.164(5) or until the customer no longer qualifies for the
83Lifeline benefits established by this section or s. 364.105, or
84unless otherwise determined by the commission upon petition by a
85local exchange telecommunications company.
86     2.  A local exchange telecommunications company may not
87discontinue basic local exchange telephone service to a consumer
88who receives Lifeline service because of nonpayment by the
89consumer of charges for other services billed by the
90telecommunications company, including long-distance service. The
91commission shall adopt rules to administer this subparagraph.
92     3.  A local exchange telecommunications company may block a
93Lifeline service participant's access to all long-distance
94service except toll-free numbers when the participant owes an
95outstanding amount for long-distance service. The local exchange
96telecommunications company shall remove the block without
97additional cost to the participant on payment of the outstanding
99     (d)1.  By December 31, 2005 2003, each state agency
100providing that provides benefits to persons eligible for
101Lifeline service shall undertake, in cooperation with the
102Department of Children and Family Services, the commission, the
103Office of Public Counsel, and telecommunications companies
104providing Lifeline services, the development of procedures to
105promote Lifeline participation.
106     2.  Whenever a state agency determines that a person is
107eligible for Lifeline service, the agency must immediately
108ensure that the person is automatically enrolled in the Lifeline
109service with the appropriate local exchange telecommunications
110company. The commission shall adopt rules providing for an
111automatic enrollment process in order that eligible customers
112receive Lifeline service.
113     3.  The commission, the Department of Children and Family
114Services, and the Office of Public Counsel shall enter into a
115memorandum of understanding establishing the respective duties
116of the commission, the department, and the Public Counsel in
117relation to the automatic enrollment.
118     (e)  The commission shall report to the Governor, the
119President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
120Representatives by December 31 each year on the number of
121customers who are subscribing to Lifeline service and the
122effectiveness of any procedures to promote participation.
123     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.