HB 315

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to home inspection services; creating s.
3501.935, F.S.; providing definitions; providing
4requirements for practice; providing exemptions; providing
5prohibited acts and penalties; requiring liability
6insurance; exempting from duty to provide repair cost
7estimates; providing limitations; providing for
8enforcement of violations; providing an effective date.
10Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12     Section 1.  Section 501.935, Florida Statutes, is created
13to read:
14     501.935  Home inspection services; requirements;
15exemptions; prohibited acts and penalties; insurance;
16limitations and enforcement.--
17     (1)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
18     (a)  "Home" means any residential real property, or
19manufactured or modular home, that is a single-family dwelling,
20duplex, triplex, quadruplex, condominium unit, or cooperative
21unit. The term does not include the common areas of condominiums
22or cooperatives.
23     (b)  "Home inspector" means any person who provides or
24offers to provide a home inspection for a fee or other
26     (c)  "Home inspection" means a limited visual examination
27of one or more of the readily accessible installed systems and
28components of a home, including the structure, electrical
29system, HVAC system, roof covering, plumbing system, interior
30components, exterior components, and site conditions that affect
31the structure, for the purposes of providing a written
32professional opinion of the condition of the home.
34     (a)  A person shall not work as a home inspector unless he
35or she:
36     1.  Has successfully completed a course of study, which
37requires a passing score on a valid examination in home
38inspections which is not less than 80 hours and which includes,
39but is not limited to, each of the following components of a
40home: structure, electrical system, roof covering, plumbing
41system, interior components, exterior components, site
42conditions that affect the structure, and heating, ventilation,
43and cooling systems.
44     2.  Completes 8 hours of continuing education related to
45home inspections annually.
46     3.  Discloses each of the following to the consumer in
47writing and prior to contracting for or commencing a home
49     a.  The home inspector meets the education and examination
50requirements of this subsection.
51     b.  The home inspector maintains the commercial general
52liability insurance policy required by this section.
53     c.  The scope and any exclusions of the home inspection.
54     d.  A statement of experience which shall include either
55the approximate number of home inspections the home inspector
56has performed for a fee or the number of years of experience as
57a home inspector.
58     e.  Home inspectors are not regulated by any state agency,
59but any violation of this section may be an unfair and deceptive
60trade practice under part II of this chapter.
61     (b)  A business entity may not provide or offer to provide
62home inspection services unless each of the home inspectors
63employed by the business entity satisfies all the requirements
64of this section.
65     (c)  A business entity may not use, in connection with the
66name or signature of the business entity, the title "home
67inspectors" to describe the business entity's services unless
68each of the home inspectors employed by the business entity
69satisfies all the requirements of this section.
70     (3)  EXEMPTIONS.--The following persons are not required to
71comply with this section when acting within the scope of
72practice authorized by such license, except when such persons
73are conducting, producing, disseminating, or charging a fee for
74a home inspection or otherwise operating within the scope of
75this section:
76     (a)  A construction contractor licensed under chapter 489.
77     (b)  An architect licensed under chapter 481.
78     (c)  An engineer licensed under chapter 471.
79     (d)  A building code administrator, plans examiner, or
80building code inspector licensed under part XII of chapter 468.
81     (e)  A certified real estate appraiser, licensed real
82estate appraiser, or registered real estate appraiser licensed
83under part II of chapter 475.
84     (f)  An inspector whose report is being provided to, and is
85solely for the benefit of, the Federal Housing Administration or
86the Veterans Administration.
87     (g)  An inspector conducting inspections for wood-
88destroying organisms on behalf of a licensee under chapter 482.
89     (h)  A firesafety inspector certified under s. 633.081.
90     (i)  An insurance adjuster licensed under part VI of
91chapter 626.
92     (j)  An officer appointed by the court.
93     (k)  A master septic tank contractor licensed under part
94III of chapter 489.
95     (l)  A certified energy auditor performing an energy audit
96of any home or building conducted under chapter 366 or rules
97adopted by the Public Service Commission.
98     (m)  A mobile home manufacturer, dealer, or installer
99regulated or licensed pursuant to the requirements of chapter
100320 and any employees or agents of the manufacturer, dealer, or
103     (a)  A home inspector, a company that employs a home
104inspector, or a company that is controlled by a company that
105also has a financial interest in a company employing a home
106inspector may not:
107     1.  Perform or offer to perform, prior to closing, for any
108additional fee, any repairs to a home on which the inspector or
109the inspector's company has prepared a home inspection report.
110This paragraph does not apply to a home warranty company that is
111affiliated with or retains a home inspector to perform repairs
112pursuant to a claim made under a home warranty contract.
113     2.  Inspect for a fee any property in which the inspector
114or the inspector's company has any financial or transfer
116     3.  Offer or deliver any compensation, inducement, or
117reward to the owner of the inspected property, or any broker or
118agent therefor, for the referral of any business to the
119inspector or the inspection company.
120     4.  Accept an engagement to make an omission or prepare a
121report in which the inspection itself, or the fee payable for
122the inspection, is contingent upon either the conclusions in the
123report, preestablished findings, or the close of escrow.
124     (b)  Any person who violates any provision of this
125subsection commits:
126     1.  A misdemeanor of the second degree for a first
127violation, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
128     2.  A misdemeanor of the first degree for a second
129violation, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
130     3.  A felony of the third degree for a third or subsequent
131violation, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or
132s. 775.084.
133     (5)  INSURANCE.--A home inspector must maintain a
134commercial general liability insurance policy in an amount of
135not less that $300,000.
136     (6)  REPAIR COST ESTIMATES.--Home inspectors are not
137required to provide estimates related to the cost of repair of
138an inspected property.
139     (7)  STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.--Chapter 95 governs when an
140action to enforce an obligation, duty, or right arising under
141this section must be commenced.
142     (8)  ENFORCEMENT OF VIOLATIONS.--Any violation of this
143section constitutes a deceptive and unfair trade practice,
144punishable as provided in part II of this chapter.
145     Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.