Senate Bill sb0348e2

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  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to family court efficiency;

  3         creating s. 25.375, F.S.; authorizing the

  4         Supreme Court to create a system to identify

  5         cases relating to individuals and families

  6         within the court system; requiring the Supreme

  7         Court, the Criminal and Juvenile Justice

  8         Information System Council, the Article V

  9         Technology Board, and the Florida Association

10         of State Court Clerks to provide

11         recommendations regarding a personal identifier

12         relating to individuals and families within the

13         court system; amending s. 39.013, F.S.;

14         providing for modifying a court order in a

15         subsequent civil proceeding; amending s.

16         39.0132, F.S.; providing for limited

17         admissibility of evidence in subsequent civil

18         proceedings; amending s. 39.521, F.S.;

19         conforming provisions to s. 39.0132, F.S.,

20         regarding modification of a court order in a

21         subsequent civil action or proceeding; amending

22         s. 39.814, F.S.; providing for limited

23         admissibility of evidence in subsequent civil

24         proceedings; amending s. 61.13, F.S.; providing

25         for the court to determine matters relating to

26         child support in any proceeding under ch. 61,

27         F.S.; eliminating provisions authorizing the

28         court to award grandparents visitation rights;

29         eliminating provisions giving grandparents

30         equal standing as parents for evaluating

31         custody arrangements; amending s. 61.21, F.S.;


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 1         requiring the Department of Children and Family

 2         Services to approve parenting courses;

 3         establishing requirements relating to the

 4         provision of approved parenting courses;

 5         specifying timeframes for completing the

 6         course; amending s. 741.30, F.S.; providing for

 7         an order of temporary custody, visitation, or

 8         support to remain in effect until the court

 9         enters an order in a subsequent action;

10         amending ss. 61.1827 and 409.2579, F.S.,

11         relating to information about applicants and

12         recipients of child-support services;

13         conforming cross-references; providing for

14         severability; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Section 25.375, Florida Statutes, is

19  created to read:

20         25.375  Identification of related cases.--The Supreme

21  Court may create a unique identifier for each person by which

22  to identify all court cases related to that person or his or

23  her family previously or currently in the court system. The

24  unique identifier must be the same for that person in any

25  court case. To create the unique identifier, the court may

26  collect a portion of the person's social security number or

27  other personal identification information, such as the

28  person's date of birth.  Failure to provide a social security

29  number for this purpose may not be grounds to deny any

30  services, rights, or remedies otherwise provided by law.  To

31  implement a unique identifier, the Supreme Court may require


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 1  the revision of only those information technology systems that

 2  are directly operated and funded by the state court system.

 3         Section 2.  In order for the Legislature to set a

 4  statewide policy on the creation, maintenance, and use of a

 5  statewide unique personal identifier by the state court

 6  system, the Supreme Court, the Criminal and Juvenile Justice

 7  Information System Council, the Article V Technology Board,

 8  and the Florida Association of State Court Clerks shall make

 9  recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate,

10  and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by January 2,

11  2006, for establishing and implementing a unique personal

12  identifier.  These recommendations should address the method

13  and responsibility for establishing the unique personal

14  identifier, the costs associated with implementing such

15  identifier, and the extent to which such efforts should be

16  coordinated with efforts that are underway at state and

17  federal agencies.  Recommendations should also address the

18  fiscal impact of implementing a unique personal identifier on

19  the court system, the clerks of court, the counties, state

20  attorneys, public defenders, local and state law enforcement

21  agencies, and other related state agencies.  This section

22  expires July 1, 2006.

23         Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 39.013, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         39.013  Procedures and jurisdiction; right to

26  counsel.--

27         (4)  Orders entered pursuant to this chapter which

28  affect the placement of, access to, parental time with,

29  adoption of, or parental rights and responsibilities for a

30  minor child The order of the circuit court hearing dependency

31  matters shall be filed by the clerk of the court in any


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 1  dissolution or other custody action or proceeding and shall

 2  take precedence over other custody and visitation orders

 3  entered in civil those actions or proceedings. However, if the

 4  court has terminated jurisdiction, such order may be

 5  subsequently modified by a court of competent jurisdiction in

 6  any other civil action or proceeding affecting placement of,

 7  access to, parental time with, adoption of, or parental rights

 8  and responsibilities for the same minor child.

 9         Section 4.  Subsection (6) of section 39.0132, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (7) is added to that

11  section, to read:

12         39.0132  Oaths, records, and confidential

13  information.--

14         (6)  No court record of proceedings under this chapter

15  shall be admissible in evidence in any other civil or criminal

16  proceeding, except that:

17         (a)  Orders permanently terminating the rights of a

18  parent and committing the child to a licensed child-placing

19  agency or the department for adoption shall be admissible in

20  evidence in subsequent adoption proceedings relating to the

21  child.

22         (a)(b)  Records of proceedings under this chapter

23  forming a part of the record on appeal shall be used in the

24  appellate court in the manner hereinafter provided.

25         (b)(c)  Records necessary therefor shall be admissible

26  in evidence in any case in which a person is being tried upon

27  a charge of having committed perjury.

28         (c)(d)  Records of proceedings under this chapter may

29  be used to prove disqualification pursuant to s. 435.06 and

30  for proof regarding such disqualification in a chapter 120

31  proceeding.


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 1         (d)  A final order entered pursuant to an adjudicatory

 2  hearing is admissible in evidence in any subsequent civil

 3  proceeding relating to placement of, access to, parental time

 4  with, adoption of, or parental rights and responsibilities for

 5  the same child or a sibling of that child.

 6         (e)  Evidence admitted in any proceeding under this

 7  chapter may be admissible in evidence when offered by any

 8  party in a subsequent civil proceeding relating to placement

 9  of, access to, parental time with, adoption of, or parental

10  rights and responsibilities for the same child or a sibling of

11  that child if:

12         1.  Notice is given to the opposing party or opposing

13  party's counsel of the intent to offer the evidence and a copy

14  of such evidence is delivered to the opposing party or the

15  opposing party's counsel; and

16         2.  The evidence is otherwise admissible in the

17  subsequent civil proceeding.

18         (e)  Orders permanently and involuntarily terminating

19  the rights of a parent shall be admissible as evidence in

20  subsequent termination of parental rights proceedings for a

21  sibling of the child for whom parental rights were terminated.

22         (7)  Final orders, records, and evidence in any

23  proceeding under this chapter which are subsequently admitted

24  in evidence pursuant to subsection (6) remain subject to

25  subsections (3) and (4).

26         Section 5.  Subsection (3) of section 39.521, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         39.521  Disposition hearings; powers of disposition.--

29         (3)  When any child is adjudicated by a court to be

30  dependent, the court shall determine the appropriate placement

31  for the child as follows:


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 1         (a)  If the court determines that the child can safely

 2  remain in the home with the parent with whom the child was

 3  residing at the time the events or conditions arose that

 4  brought the child within the jurisdiction of the court and

 5  that remaining in this home is in the best interest of the

 6  child, then the court shall order conditions under which the

 7  child may remain or return to the home and that this placement

 8  be under the protective supervision of the department for not

 9  less than 6 months.

10         (b)  If there is a parent with whom the child was not

11  residing at the time the events or conditions arose that

12  brought the child within the jurisdiction of the court who

13  desires to assume custody of the child, the court shall place

14  the child with that parent upon completion of a home study,

15  unless the court finds that such placement would endanger the

16  safety, well-being, or physical, mental, or emotional health

17  of the child. Any party with knowledge of the facts may

18  present to the court evidence regarding whether the placement

19  will endanger the safety, well-being, or physical, mental, or

20  emotional health of the child. If the court places the child

21  with such parent, it may do either of the following:

22         1.  Order that the parent assume sole custodial

23  responsibilities for the child. The court may also provide for

24  reasonable visitation by the noncustodial parent. The court

25  may then terminate its jurisdiction over the child. The

26  custody order shall continue unless modified by a subsequent

27  order of the circuit court hearing dependency matters. The

28  order of the circuit court hearing dependency matters shall be

29  filed in any dissolution or other custody action or proceeding

30  between the parents and shall take precedence over other

31  custody and visitation orders entered in those actions.


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 1         2.  Order that the parent assume custody subject to the

 2  jurisdiction of the circuit court hearing dependency matters.

 3  The court may order that reunification services be provided to

 4  the parent from whom the child has been removed, that services

 5  be provided solely to the parent who is assuming physical

 6  custody in order to allow that parent to retain later custody

 7  without court jurisdiction, or that services be provided to

 8  both parents, in which case the court shall determine at every

 9  review hearing which parent, if either, shall have custody of

10  the child. The standard for changing custody of the child from

11  one parent to another or to a relative or another adult

12  approved by the court shall be the best interest of the child.

13         (c)  If no fit parent is willing or available to assume

14  care and custody of the child, place the child in the

15  temporary legal custody of an adult relative or other adult

16  approved by the court who is willing to care for the child,

17  under the protective supervision of the department. The

18  department must supervise this placement until the child

19  reaches permanency status in this home, and in no case for a

20  period of less than 6 months. Permanency in a relative

21  placement shall be by adoption, long-term custody, or

22  guardianship.

23         (d)  If the child cannot be safely placed in a

24  nonlicensed placement, the court shall commit the child to the

25  temporary legal custody of the department. Such commitment

26  invests in the department all rights and responsibilities of a

27  legal custodian. The department shall not return any child to

28  the physical care and custody of the person from whom the

29  child was removed, except for court-approved visitation

30  periods, without the approval of the court. The term of such

31  commitment continues until terminated by the court or until


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 1  the child reaches the age of 18. After the child is committed

 2  to the temporary legal custody of the department, all further

 3  proceedings under this section are governed by this chapter.


 5  Protective supervision continues until the court terminates it

 6  or until the child reaches the age of 18, whichever date is

 7  first. Protective supervision shall be terminated by the court

 8  whenever the court determines that permanency has been

 9  achieved for the child, whether with a parent, another

10  relative, or a legal custodian, and that protective

11  supervision is no longer needed. The termination of

12  supervision may be with or without retaining jurisdiction, at

13  the court's discretion, and shall in either case be considered

14  a permanency option for the child. The order terminating

15  supervision by the department shall set forth the powers of

16  the custodian of the child and shall include the powers

17  ordinarily granted to a guardian of the person of a minor

18  unless otherwise specified. Upon the court's termination of

19  supervision by the department, no further judicial reviews are

20  required, so long as permanency has been established for the

21  child.

22         Section 6.  Subsection (6) of section 39.814, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (7) is added to that

24  section, to read:

25         39.814  Oaths, records, and confidential information.--

26         (6)  No court record of proceedings under this part

27  shall be admissible in evidence in any other civil or criminal

28  proceeding, except that:

29         (a)  Orders terminating the rights of a parent are

30  admissible in evidence in subsequent adoption proceedings



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 1  relating to the child and in subsequent termination of

 2  parental rights proceedings concerning a sibling of the child.

 3         (a)(b)  Records of proceedings under this part forming

 4  a part of the record on appeal shall be used in the appellate

 5  court in the manner hereinafter provided.

 6         (b)(c)  Records necessary therefor shall be admissible

 7  in evidence in any case in which a person is being tried upon

 8  a charge of having committed perjury.

 9         (c)  A final order entered pursuant to an adjudicatory

10  hearing is admissible in evidence in any subsequent civil

11  proceeding relating to placement of, access to, parental time

12  with, adoption of, or parental rights and responsibilities for

13  the same child or a sibling of that child.

14         (d)  Evidence admitted in any proceeding under this

15  part may be admissible in evidence when offered by any party

16  in a subsequent civil proceeding relating to placement of,

17  access to, parental time with, adoption of, or parental rights

18  and responsibilities for the same child or a sibling of that

19  child if:

20         1.  Notice is given to the opposing party or opposing

21  party's counsel of the intent to offer the evidence and a copy

22  of such evidence is delivered to the opposing party or

23  opposing party's counsel; and

24         2.  The evidence is otherwise admissible in the

25  subsequent civil proceeding.

26         (7)  Final orders, records, and evidence in any

27  proceeding under this part which are subsequently admitted in

28  evidence pursuant to subsection (6) remain subject to

29  subsections (3) and (4).

30         Section 7.  Section 61.13, Florida Statutes, is amended

31  to read:


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 1         61.13  Custody and support of children; visitation

 2  rights; power of court in making orders.--

 3         (1)(a)  In a proceeding under this chapter for

 4  dissolution of marriage, the court may at any time order

 5  either or both parents who owe a duty of support to a child to

 6  pay support in accordance with the guidelines in s. 61.30.

 7  The court initially entering an order requiring one or both

 8  parents to make child support payments shall have continuing

 9  jurisdiction after the entry of the initial order to modify

10  the amount and terms and conditions of the child support

11  payments when the modification is found necessary by the court

12  in the best interests of the child, when the child reaches

13  majority, or when there is a substantial change in the

14  circumstances of the parties.  The court initially entering a

15  child support order shall also have continuing jurisdiction to

16  require the obligee to report to the court on terms prescribed

17  by the court regarding the disposition of the child support

18  payments.

19         (b)  Each order for support shall contain a provision

20  for health care coverage for the minor child when the coverage

21  is reasonably available. Coverage is reasonably available if

22  either the obligor or obligee has access at a reasonable rate

23  to a group health plan.  The court may require the obligor

24  either to provide health care coverage or to reimburse the

25  obligee for the cost of health care coverage for the minor

26  child when coverage is provided by the obligee.  In either

27  event, the court shall apportion the cost of coverage, and any

28  noncovered medical, dental, and prescription medication

29  expenses of the child, to both parties by adding the cost to

30  the basic obligation determined pursuant to s. 61.30(6). The

31  court may order that payment of uncovered medical, dental, and


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 1  prescription medication expenses of the minor child be made

 2  directly to the obligee on a percentage basis.

 3         1.  In a non-Title IV-D case, a copy of the court order

 4  for health care coverage shall be served on the obligor's

 5  union or employer by the obligee when the following conditions

 6  are met:

 7         a.  The obligor fails to provide written proof to the

 8  obligee within 30 days after receiving effective notice of the

 9  court order, that the health care coverage has been obtained

10  or that application for coverage has been made;

11         b.  The obligee serves written notice of intent to

12  enforce an order for health care coverage on the obligor by

13  mail at the obligor's last known address; and

14         c.  The obligor fails within 15 days after the mailing

15  of the notice to provide written proof to the obligee that the

16  health care coverage existed as of the date of mailing.

17         2.a.  A support order enforced under Title IV-D of the

18  Social Security Act which requires that the obligor provide

19  health care coverage is enforceable by the department through

20  the use of the national medical support notice, and an

21  amendment to the support order is not required. The department

22  shall transfer the national medical support notice to the

23  obligor's union or employer. The department shall notify the

24  obligor in writing that the notice has been sent to the

25  obligor's union or employer, and the written notification must

26  include the obligor's rights and duties under the national

27  medical support notice. The obligor may contest the

28  withholding required by the national medical support notice

29  based on a mistake of fact. To contest the withholding, the

30  obligor must file a written notice of contest with the

31  department within 15 business days after the date the obligor


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 1  receives written notification of the national medical support

 2  notice from the department. Filing with the department is

 3  complete when the notice is received by the person designated

 4  by the department in the written notification. The notice of

 5  contest must be in the form prescribed by the department. Upon

 6  the timely filing of a notice of contest, the department

 7  shall, within 5 business days, schedule an informal conference

 8  with the obligor to discuss the obligor's factual dispute. If

 9  the informal conference resolves the dispute to the obligor's

10  satisfaction or if the obligor fails to attend the informal

11  conference, the notice of contest is deemed withdrawn. If the

12  informal conference does not resolve the dispute, the obligor

13  may request an administrative hearing under chapter 120 within

14  5 business days after the termination of the informal

15  conference, in a form and manner prescribed by the department.

16  However, the filing of a notice of contest by the obligor does

17  not delay the withholding of premium payments by the union,

18  employer, or health plan administrator. The union, employer,

19  or health plan administrator must implement the withholding as

20  directed by the national medical support notice unless

21  notified by the department that the national medical support

22  notice is terminated.

23         b.  In a Title IV-D case, the department shall notify

24  an obligor's union or employer if the obligation to provide

25  health care coverage through that union or employer is

26  terminated.

27         3.  In a non-Title IV-D case, upon receipt of the order

28  pursuant to subparagraph 1., or upon application of the

29  obligor pursuant to the order, the union or employer shall

30  enroll the minor child as a beneficiary in the group health

31  plan regardless of any restrictions on the enrollment period


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 1  and withhold any required premium from the obligor's income.

 2  If more than one plan is offered by the union or employer, the

 3  child shall be enrolled in the group health plan in which the

 4  obligor is enrolled.

 5         4.a.  Upon receipt of the national medical support

 6  notice under subparagraph 2. in a Title IV-D case, the union

 7  or employer shall transfer the notice to the appropriate group

 8  health plan administrator within 20 business days after the

 9  date on the notice. The plan administrator must enroll the

10  child as a beneficiary in the group health plan regardless of

11  any restrictions on the enrollment period, and the union or

12  employer must withhold any required premium from the obligor's

13  income upon notification by the plan administrator that the

14  child is enrolled. The child shall be enrolled in the group

15  health plan in which the obligor is enrolled. If the group

16  health plan in which the obligor is enrolled is not available

17  where the child resides or if the obligor is not enrolled in

18  group coverage, the child shall be enrolled in the lowest cost

19  group health plan that is available where the child resides.

20         b.  If health care coverage or the obligor's employment

21  is terminated in a Title IV-D case, the union or employer that

22  is withholding premiums for health care coverage under a

23  national medical support notice must notify the department

24  within 20 days after the termination and provide the obligor's

25  last known address and the name and address of the obligor's

26  new employer, if known.

27         5.a.  The amount withheld by a union or employer in

28  compliance with a support order may not exceed the amount

29  allowed under s. 303(b) of the Consumer Credit Protection Act,

30  15 U.S.C. s. 1673(b), as amended. The union or employer shall



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 1  withhold the maximum allowed by the Consumer Credit Protection

 2  Act in the following order:

 3         (I)  Current support, as ordered.

 4         (II)  Premium payments for health care coverage, as

 5  ordered.

 6         (III)  Past due support, as ordered.

 7         (IV)  Other medical support or coverage, as ordered.

 8         b.  If the combined amount to be withheld for current

 9  support plus the premium payment for health care coverage

10  exceed the amount allowed under the Consumer Credit Protection

11  Act, and the health care coverage cannot be obtained unless

12  the full amount of the premium is paid, the union or employer

13  may not withhold the premium payment. However, the union or

14  employer shall withhold the maximum allowed in the following

15  order:

16         (I)  Current support, as ordered.

17         (II)  Past due support, as ordered.

18         (III)  Other medical support or coverage, as ordered.

19         6.  The Department of Revenue may adopt rules to

20  administer the child support enforcement provisions of this

21  section which affect Title IV-D cases.

22         (c)  To the extent necessary to protect an award of

23  child support, the court may order the obligor to purchase or

24  maintain a life insurance policy or a bond, or to otherwise

25  secure the child support award with any other assets which may

26  be suitable for that purpose.

27         (d)1.  Unless the provisions of subparagraph 3. apply,

28  all child support orders entered on or after January 1, 1985,

29  shall direct that the payments of child support be made as

30  provided in s. 61.181 through the depository in the county

31  where the court is located. All child support orders shall


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 1  provide the full name and date of birth of each minor child

 2  who is the subject of the child support order.

 3         2.  Unless the provisions of subparagraph 3. apply, all

 4  child support orders entered before January 1, 1985, shall be

 5  modified by the court to direct that payments of child support

 6  shall be made through the depository in the county where the

 7  court is located upon the subsequent appearance of either or

 8  both parents to modify or enforce the order, or in any related

 9  proceeding.

10         3.  If both parties request and the court finds that it

11  is in the best interest of the child, support payments need

12  not be directed through the depository.  The order of support

13  shall provide, or shall be deemed to provide, that either

14  party may subsequently apply to the depository to require

15  direction of the payments through the depository.  The court

16  shall provide a copy of the order to the depository.

17         4.  If the parties elect not to require that support

18  payments be made through the depository, any party may

19  subsequently file an affidavit with the depository alleging a

20  default in payment of child support and stating that the party

21  wishes to require that payments be made through the

22  depository. The party shall provide copies of the affidavit to

23  the court and to each other party.  Fifteen days after receipt

24  of the affidavit, the depository shall notify both parties

25  that future payments shall be paid through the depository.

26         5.  In IV-D cases, the IV-D agency shall have the same

27  rights as the obligee in requesting that payments be made

28  through the depository.

29         (e)  In a judicial circuit with a work experience and

30  job training pilot project, if the obligor is unemployed or

31  has no income and does not have an account at a financial


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 1  institution, then the court shall order the obligor to seek

 2  employment, if the obligor is able to engage in employment,

 3  and to immediately notify the court upon obtaining employment,

 4  upon obtaining any income, or upon obtaining any ownership of

 5  any asset with a value of $500 or more.  If the obligor is

 6  still unemployed 30 days after any order for support, the

 7  court may order the obligor to enroll in the work experience,

 8  job placement, and job training pilot program for noncustodial

 9  parents as established in s. 409.2565, if the obligor is

10  eligible for entrance into the pilot program.

11         (2)(a)  The court shall have jurisdiction to determine

12  custody, notwithstanding that the child is not physically

13  present in this state at the time of filing any proceeding

14  under this chapter, if it appears to the court that the child

15  was removed from this state for the primary purpose of

16  removing the child from the jurisdiction of the court in an

17  attempt to avoid a determination or modification of custody.

18         (b)1.  The court shall determine all matters relating

19  to custody of each minor child of the parties in accordance

20  with the best interests of the child and in accordance with

21  the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. It

22  is the public policy of this state to assure that each minor

23  child has frequent and continuing contact with both parents

24  after the parents separate or the marriage of the parties is

25  dissolved and to encourage parents to share the rights and

26  responsibilities, and joys, of childrearing. After considering

27  all relevant facts, the father of the child shall be given the

28  same consideration as the mother in determining the primary

29  residence of a child irrespective of the age or sex of the

30  child.



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 1         2.  The court shall order that the parental

 2  responsibility for a minor child be shared by both parents

 3  unless the court finds that shared parental responsibility

 4  would be detrimental to the child. Evidence that a parent has

 5  been convicted of a felony of the third degree or higher

 6  involving domestic violence, as defined in s. 741.28 and

 7  chapter 775, or meets the criteria of s. 39.806(1)(d), creates

 8  a rebuttable presumption of detriment to the child. If the

 9  presumption is not rebutted, shared parental responsibility,

10  including visitation, residence of the child, and decisions

11  made regarding the child, may not be granted to the convicted

12  parent. However, the convicted parent is not relieved of any

13  obligation to provide financial support. If the court

14  determines that shared parental responsibility would be

15  detrimental to the child, it may order sole parental

16  responsibility and make such arrangements for visitation as

17  will best protect the child or abused spouse from further

18  harm. Whether or not there is a conviction of any offense of

19  domestic violence or child abuse or the existence of an

20  injunction for protection against domestic violence, the court

21  shall consider evidence of domestic violence or child abuse as

22  evidence of detriment to the child.

23         a.  In ordering shared parental responsibility, the

24  court may consider the expressed desires of the parents and

25  may grant to one party the ultimate responsibility over

26  specific aspects of the child's welfare or may divide those

27  responsibilities between the parties based on the best

28  interests of the child. Areas of responsibility may include

29  primary residence, education, medical and dental care, and any

30  other responsibilities that the court finds unique to a

31  particular family.


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 1         b.  The court shall order "sole parental

 2  responsibility, with or without visitation rights, to the

 3  other parent when it is in the best interests of" the minor

 4  child.

 5         c.  The court may award the grandparents visitation

 6  rights with a minor child if it is in the child's best

 7  interest. Grandparents have legal standing to seek judicial

 8  enforcement of such an award. This section does not require

 9  that grandparents be made parties or given notice of

10  dissolution pleadings or proceedings. A court may not order

11  that a child be kept within the state or jurisdiction of the

12  court solely for the purpose of permitting visitation by the

13  grandparents.

14         3.  Access to records and information pertaining to a

15  minor child, including, but not limited to, medical, dental,

16  and school records, may not be denied to a parent because the

17  parent is not the child's primary residential parent. Full

18  rights under this subparagraph apply to either parent unless a

19  court order specifically revokes these rights, including any

20  restrictions on these rights as provided in a domestic

21  violence injunction. A parent having rights under this

22  subparagraph has the same rights upon request as to form,

23  substance, and manner of access as are available to the other

24  parent of a child, including, without limitation, the right to

25  in-person communication with medical, dental, and education

26  providers.

27         (c)  The circuit court in the county in which either

28  parent and the child reside or the circuit court in which the

29  original award of custody was entered have jurisdiction to

30  modify an award of child custody. The court may change the

31  venue in accordance with s. 47.122.


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 1         (d)  No presumption shall arise in favor of or against

 2  a request to relocate when a primary residential parent seeks

 3  to move the child and the move will materially affect the

 4  current schedule of contact and access with the secondary

 5  residential parent.  In making a determination as to whether

 6  the primary residential parent may relocate with a child, the

 7  court must consider the following factors:

 8         1.  Whether the move would be likely to improve the

 9  general quality of life for both the residential parent and

10  the child.

11         2.  The extent to which visitation rights have been

12  allowed and exercised.

13         3.  Whether the primary residential parent, once out of

14  the jurisdiction, will be likely to comply with any substitute

15  visitation arrangements.

16         4.  Whether the substitute visitation will be adequate

17  to foster a continuing meaningful relationship between the

18  child and the secondary residential parent.

19         5.  Whether the cost of transportation is financially

20  affordable by one or both parties.

21         6.  Whether the move is in the best interests of the

22  child.

23         (3)  For purposes of shared parental responsibility and

24  primary residence, the best interests of the child shall

25  include an evaluation of all factors affecting the welfare and

26  interests of the child, including, but not limited to:

27         (a)  The parent who is more likely to allow the child

28  frequent and continuing contact with the nonresidential

29  parent.

30         (b)  The love, affection, and other emotional ties

31  existing between the parents and the child.


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 1         (c)  The capacity and disposition of the parents to

 2  provide the child with food, clothing, medical care or other

 3  remedial care recognized and permitted under the laws of this

 4  state in lieu of medical care, and other material needs.

 5         (d)  The length of time the child has lived in a

 6  stable, satisfactory environment and the desirability of

 7  maintaining continuity.

 8         (e)  The permanence, as a family unit, of the existing

 9  or proposed custodial home.

10         (f)  The moral fitness of the parents.

11         (g)  The mental and physical health of the parents.

12         (h)  The home, school, and community record of the

13  child.

14         (i)  The reasonable preference of the child, if the

15  court deems the child to be of sufficient intelligence,

16  understanding, and experience to express a preference.

17         (j)  The willingness and ability of each parent to

18  facilitate and encourage a close and continuing parent-child

19  relationship between the child and the other parent.

20         (k)  Evidence that any party has knowingly provided

21  false information to the court regarding a domestic violence

22  proceeding pursuant to s. 741.30.

23         (l)  Evidence of domestic violence or child abuse.

24         (m)  Any other fact considered by the court to be

25  relevant.

26         (4)(a)  When a noncustodial parent who is ordered to

27  pay child support or alimony and who is awarded visitation

28  rights fails to pay child support or alimony, the custodial

29  parent shall not refuse to honor the noncustodial parent's

30  visitation rights.



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 1         (b)  When a custodial parent refuses to honor a

 2  noncustodial parent's visitation rights, the noncustodial

 3  parent shall not fail to pay any ordered child support or

 4  alimony.

 5         (c)  When a custodial parent refuses to honor a

 6  noncustodial parent's or grandparent's visitation rights

 7  without proper cause, the court shall, after calculating the

 8  amount of visitation improperly denied, award the noncustodial

 9  parent or grandparent a sufficient amount of extra visitation

10  to compensate the noncustodial parent or grandparent, which

11  visitation shall be ordered as expeditiously as possible in a

12  manner consistent with the best interests of the child and

13  scheduled in a manner that is convenient for the person

14  deprived of visitation. In ordering any makeup visitation, the

15  court shall schedule such visitation in a manner that is

16  consistent with the best interests of the child or children

17  and that is convenient for the noncustodial parent or

18  grandparent. In addition, the court:

19         1.  May order the custodial parent to pay reasonable

20  court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the noncustodial

21  parent or grandparent to enforce their visitation rights or

22  make up improperly denied visitation;

23         2.  May order the custodial parent to attend the

24  parenting course approved by the judicial circuit;

25         3.  May order the custodial parent to do community

26  service if the order will not interfere with the welfare of

27  the child;

28         4.  May order the custodial parent to have the

29  financial burden of promoting frequent and continuing contact

30  when the custodial parent and child reside further than 60

31  miles from the noncustodial parent;


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 1         5.  May award custody, rotating custody, or primary

 2  residence to the noncustodial parent, upon the request of the

 3  noncustodial parent, if the award is in the best interests of

 4  the child; or

 5         6.  May impose any other reasonable sanction as a

 6  result of noncompliance.

 7         (d)  A person who violates this subsection may be

 8  punished by contempt of court or other remedies as the court

 9  deems appropriate.

10         (5)  The court may make specific orders for the care

11  and custody of the minor child as from the circumstances of

12  the parties and the nature of the case is equitable and

13  provide for child support in accordance with the guidelines in

14  s. 61.30.  An award of shared parental responsibility of a

15  minor child does not preclude the court from entering an order

16  for child support of the child.

17         (6)  In any proceeding under this section, the court

18  may not deny shared parental responsibility, custody, or

19  visitation rights to a parent or grandparent solely because

20  that parent or grandparent is or is believed to be infected

21  with human immunodeficiency virus; but the court may condition

22  such rights upon the parent's or grandparent's agreement to

23  observe measures approved by the Centers for Disease Control

24  and Prevention of the United States Public Health Service or

25  by the Department of Health for preventing the spread of human

26  immunodeficiency virus to the child.

27         (7)  In any case where the child is actually residing

28  with a grandparent in a stable relationship, whether the court

29  has awarded custody to the grandparent or not, the court may

30  recognize the grandparents as having the same standing as



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    CS for SB 348                                 Second Engrossed

 1  parents for evaluating what custody arrangements are in the

 2  best interest of the child.

 3         (7)(8)  If the court orders that parental

 4  responsibility, including visitation, be shared by both

 5  parents, the court may not deny the noncustodial parent

 6  overnight contact and access to or visitation with the child

 7  solely because of the age or sex of the child.

 8         (8)(9)(a)  Beginning July 1, 1997, each party to any

 9  paternity or support proceeding is required to file with the

10  tribunal as defined in s. 88.1011(22) and State Case Registry

11  upon entry of an order, and to update as appropriate,

12  information on location and identity of the party, including

13  social security number, residential and mailing addresses,

14  telephone number, driver's license number, and name, address,

15  and telephone number of employer. Beginning October 1, 1998,

16  each party to any paternity or child support proceeding in a

17  non-Title IV-D case shall meet the above requirements for

18  updating the tribunal and State Case Registry.

19         (b)  Pursuant to the federal Personal Responsibility

20  and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, each party is

21  required to provide his or her social security number in

22  accordance with this section.  Disclosure of social security

23  numbers obtained through this requirement shall be limited to

24  the purpose of administration of the Title IV-D program for

25  child support enforcement.

26         (c)  Beginning July 1, 1997, in any subsequent Title

27  IV-D child support enforcement action between the parties,

28  upon sufficient showing that diligent effort has been made to

29  ascertain the location of such a party, the court of competent

30  jurisdiction shall deem state due process requirements for

31  notice and service of process to be met with respect to the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for SB 348                                 Second Engrossed

 1  party, upon delivery of written notice to the most recent

 2  residential or employer address filed with the tribunal and

 3  State Case Registry pursuant to paragraph (a). Beginning

 4  October 1, 1998, in any subsequent non-Title IV-D child

 5  support enforcement action between the parties, the same

 6  requirements for service shall apply.

 7         (9)(10)  At the time an order for child support is

 8  entered, each party is required to provide his or her social

 9  security number and date of birth to the court, as well as the

10  name, date of birth, and social security number of each minor

11  child that is the subject of such child support order.

12  Pursuant to the federal Personal Responsibility and Work

13  Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, each party is required

14  to provide his or her social security number in accordance

15  with this section. All social security numbers required by

16  this section shall be provided by the parties and maintained

17  by the depository as a separate attachment in the file.

18  Disclosure of social security numbers obtained through this

19  requirement shall be limited to the purpose of administration

20  of the Title IV-D program for child support enforcement.

21         Section 8.  Subsections (3), (4), (5), and (6) of

22  section 61.21, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         61.21  Parenting course authorized; fees; required

24  attendance authorized; contempt.--

25         (3)  Each course provider offering a parenting course

26  pursuant to this section must be approved by the Department of

27  Children and Family Services.

28         (a)  The Department of Children and Family Services

29  shall provide each judicial circuit with a list of approved

30  course providers and sites at which the parent education and

31  family stabilization course may be completed. Each judicial


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for SB 348                                 Second Engrossed

 1  circuit must make information regarding all course providers

 2  approved for their circuit available to all parents.

 3         (b)  The Department of Children and Family Services

 4  shall include on the list of approved course providers and

 5  sites for each circuit at least one site in that circuit where

 6  the parent education and family stabilization course may be

 7  completed on a sliding fee scale, if available.

 8         (c)  The Department of Children and Family Services

 9  shall include on the list of approved course providers,

10  without limitation as to the area of the state for which the

11  course is approved, a minimum of one statewide approved course

12  to be provided through the Internet and one statewide approved

13  course to be provided through correspondence. The purpose of

14  the Internet and correspondence courses is to ensure that the

15  parent education and stabilization course is available in the

16  home county of each state resident and to those out-of-state

17  persons subject to this section.

18         (d)  The Department of Children and Family Services may

19  remove a provider who violates this section, or its

20  implementing rules, from the list of approved court providers.

21         (e)  The Department of Children and Family Services

22  shall adopt rules to administer subsections (2) and (3).

23         (4)(3)  All parties to a dissolution of marriage

24  proceeding with minor children or a paternity action that

25  which involves issues of parental responsibility shall be

26  required to complete the Parent Education and Family

27  Stabilization Course prior to the entry by the court of a

28  final judgment. The court may excuse a party from attending

29  the parenting course, or from completing the course within the

30  required time, for good cause.



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    CS for SB 348                                 Second Engrossed

 1         (5)(4)  All parties required to complete a parenting

 2  course under this section shall begin the course as

 3  expeditiously as possible. For dissolution of marriage

 4  actions, unless excused by the court pursuant to subsection

 5  (4), the petitioner must complete the course within 45 days

 6  after the filing of the petition, and all other parties must

 7  complete the course within 45 days after service of the

 8  petition. For paternity actions, unless excused by the court

 9  pursuant to subsection (4), the petitioner must complete the

10  course within 45 days after filing the petition, and any other

11  party must complete the course within 45 days after an

12  acknowledgement of paternity by that party, an adjudication of

13  paternity of that party, or an order granting visitation to or

14  support from that party.  Each party to a dissolution or

15  paternity action after filing for dissolution of marriage and

16  shall file proof of compliance with this subsection with the

17  court prior to the entry of the final judgment.

18         (6)(5)  All parties to a modification of a final

19  judgment involving shared parental responsibilities, custody,

20  or visitation may be required to complete a court-approved

21  parenting course prior to the entry of an order modifying the

22  final judgment.

23         (6)  The department shall provide each judicial circuit

24  with a list of approved course providers and sites at which

25  the parent education and family stabilization course required

26  by this section may be completed. The department shall also

27  include on the list of course providers and sites at least one

28  site in each circuit at which the parent education and family

29  stabilization course may be completed on a sliding fee scale,

30  if available.



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    CS for SB 348                                 Second Engrossed

 1         Section 9.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) and

 2  paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section 741.30, Florida

 3  Statutes, are amended to read:

 4         741.30  Domestic violence; injunction; powers and

 5  duties of court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing;

 6  temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide

 7  verification system; enforcement.--

 8         (5)(a)  When it appears to the court that an immediate

 9  and present danger of domestic violence exists, the court may

10  grant a temporary injunction ex parte, pending a full hearing,

11  and may grant such relief as the court deems proper, including

12  an injunction:

13         1.  Restraining the respondent from committing any acts

14  of domestic violence.

15         2.  Awarding to the petitioner the temporary exclusive

16  use and possession of the dwelling that the parties share or

17  excluding the respondent from the residence of the petitioner.

18         3.  On the same basis as provided in s. 61.13 s.

19  61.13(2), (3), (4), and (5), granting to the petitioner

20  temporary custody of a minor child or children. An order of

21  temporary custody remains in effect until the order expires or

22  an order is entered by a court of competent jurisdiction in a

23  pending or subsequent civil action or proceeding affecting the

24  placement of, access to, parental time with, adoption of, or

25  parental rights and responsibilities for the minor child.

26         (6)(a)  Upon notice and hearing, when it appears to the

27  court that the petitioner is either the victim of domestic

28  violence as defined by s. 741.28 or has reasonable cause to

29  believe he or she is in imminent danger of becoming a victim

30  of domestic violence, the court may grant such relief as the

31  court deems proper, including an injunction:


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    CS for SB 348                                 Second Engrossed

 1         1.  Restraining the respondent from committing any acts

 2  of domestic violence.

 3         2.  Awarding to the petitioner the exclusive use and

 4  possession of the dwelling that the parties share or excluding

 5  the respondent from the residence of the petitioner.

 6         3.  On the same basis as provided in chapter 61,

 7  awarding temporary custody of, or temporary visitation rights

 8  with regard to, a minor child or children of the parties. An

 9  order of temporary custody or visitation remains in effect

10  until the order expires or an order is entered by a court of

11  competent jurisdiction in a pending or subsequent civil action

12  or proceeding affecting the placement of, access to, parental

13  time with, adoption of, or parental rights and

14  responsibilities for the minor child.

15         4.  On the same basis as provided in chapter 61,

16  establishing temporary support for a minor child or children

17  or the petitioner. An order of temporary support remains in

18  effect until the order expires or an order is entered by a

19  court of competent jurisdiction in a pending or subsequent

20  civil action or proceeding affecting child support.

21         5.  Ordering the respondent to participate in

22  treatment, intervention, or counseling services to be paid for

23  by the respondent. When the court orders the respondent to

24  participate in a batterers' intervention program, the court,

25  or any entity designated by the court, must provide the

26  respondent with a list of all certified batterers'

27  intervention programs and all programs which have submitted an

28  application to the Department of Children and Family Services

29  Corrections to become certified under s. 741.32 s. 741.325,

30  from which the respondent must choose a program in which to

31  participate. If there are no certified batterers' intervention


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    CS for SB 348                                 Second Engrossed

 1  programs in the circuit, the court shall provide a list of

 2  acceptable programs from which the respondent must choose a

 3  program in which to participate.

 4         6.  Referring a petitioner to a certified domestic

 5  violence center. The court must provide the petitioner with a

 6  list of certified domestic violence centers in the circuit

 7  which the petitioner may contact.

 8         7.  Ordering such other relief as the court deems

 9  necessary for the protection of a victim of domestic violence,

10  including injunctions or directives to law enforcement

11  agencies, as provided in this section.

12         Section 10.  Subsection (1) of section 61.1827, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         61.1827  Identifying information concerning applicants

15  for and recipients of child support services.--

16         (1)  Any information that reveals the identity of

17  applicants for or recipients of child support services,

18  including the name, address, and telephone number of such

19  persons, in the possession of a non-Title IV-D county child

20  support enforcement agency is confidential and exempt from

21  public disclosure pursuant to s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a) of

22  Art. I of the State Constitution. The use or disclosure of

23  such information by the non-Title IV-D county child support

24  enforcement agency is limited to the purposes directly

25  connected with:

26         (a)  Any investigation, prosecution, or criminal or

27  civil proceeding connected with the administration of any

28  non-Title IV-D county child support enforcement program;

29         (b)  Mandatory disclosure of identifying and location

30  information as provided in s. 61.13(8) s. 61.13(9) by the



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    CS for SB 348                                 Second Engrossed

 1  non-Title IV-D county child support enforcement agency when

 2  providing non-Title IV-D services; or

 3         (c)  Mandatory disclosure of information as required by

 4  ss. 409.2577, 61.181, 61.1825, and 61.1826 and Title IV-D of

 5  the Social Security Act.

 6         (d)  Disclosure to an authorized person, as defined in

 7  45 C.F.R. s. 303.15, for purposes of enforcing any state or

 8  federal law with respect to the unlawful taking or restraint

 9  of a child or making or enforcing a child custody or

10  visitation determination. As used in this paragraph, the term

11  "authorized person" includes a noncustodial parent, unless a

12  court has entered an order under s. 741.30, s. 741.31, or s.

13  784.046.

14         Section 11.  Subsection (1) of section 409.2579,

15  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

16         409.2579  Safeguarding Title IV-D case file

17  information.--

18         (1)  Information concerning applicants for or

19  recipients of Title IV-D child support services is

20  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1).

21  The use or disclosure of such information by the IV-D program

22  is limited to purposes directly connected with:

23         (a)  The administration of the plan or program approved

24  under part A, part B, part D, part E, or part F of Title IV;

25  under Title II, Title X, Title XIV, Title XVI, Title XIX, or

26  Title XX; or under the supplemental security income program

27  established under Title XVI of the Social Security Act;

28         (b)  Any investigation, prosecution, or criminal or

29  civil proceeding connected with the administration of any such

30  plan or program;



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    CS for SB 348                                 Second Engrossed

 1         (c)  The administration of any other federal or

 2  federally assisted program which provides service or

 3  assistance, in cash or in kind, directly to individuals on the

 4  basis of need;

 5         (d)  Reporting to an appropriate agency or official,

 6  information on known or suspected instances of physical or

 7  mental injury, child abuse, sexual abuse or exploitation, or

 8  negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child who is the

 9  subject of a support enforcement activity under circumstances

10  which indicate that the child's health or welfare is

11  threatened thereby; and

12         (e)  Mandatory disclosure of identifying and location

13  information as provided in s. 61.13(8) s. 61.13(9) by the IV-D

14  program when providing Title IV-D services.

15         Section 12.  If any provision of this act or its

16  application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the

17  invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of

18  the act which can be given effect without the invalid

19  provision or application, and to this end the provisions of

20  this act are severable.

21         Section 13.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.












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