HB 517

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to university campus planning; amending s.
31013.30, F.S.; defining terms; requiring each university
4board of trustees to maintain a copy of the campus master
5plan on the university's website and provide for
6electronic copies of its draft master plan; providing
7duties of the Board of Governors; requiring that the
8university hold an informal public information session
9before the required public hearings are held on the draft
10master plan; requiring that the public hearings be held at
11specified times; limiting the issues that an individual
12may raise challenging a campus master plan; authorizing
13the university to execute a campus development agreement
14during the pendency of a challenge; providing for an
15evidentiary hearing to be held by the Division of
16Administrative Hearings if a challenge to the master plan
17is not resolved; specifying the evidentiary procedures to
18be used in such hearing; providing for attorney's fees in
19any dispute submitted to the state land planning agency or
20the Administration Commission in which the pleading or
21motion was made for an improper purpose or for economic
22advantage; revising procedures to resolve disputes between
23the university board of trustees and the host local
24government; requiring that Board of Governors rather than
25the State Board of Education adopt rules to administer the
26procedures for preparing and adopting the campus master
27plan; providing an effective date.
29Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
31     Section 1.  Section 1013.30, Florida Statutes, is amended
32to read:
33     1013.30  University campus master plans and campus
34development agreements.--
35     (1)  This section contains provisions for campus planning
36and concurrency management that supersede the requirements of
37part II of chapter 163, except when stated otherwise in this
38section. These special growth management provisions are adopted
39in recognition of the unique relationship between university
40campuses and the local governments in which they are located.
41While the campuses provide research and educational benefits of
42statewide and national importance, and further provide
43substantial educational, economic, and cultural benefits to
44their host local governments, they may also have an adverse
45impact on the public facilities and services and natural
46resources of host governments. On balance, however, universities
47should be considered as vital public facilities of the state and
48local governments. The intent of this section is to address this
49unique relationship by providing for the preparation of campus
50master plans and associated campus development agreements.
51     (2)  As used in this section:
52     (a)  "Affected local government" means a unit of local
53government that provides public services to or is responsible
54for maintaining facilities within a campus of an institution or
55is directly affected by development that is proposed for a
57     (b)  "Affected person" means a host local government; an
58affected local government; any state, regional, or federal
59agency; or a person who resides, owns property, or owns or
60operates a business within the boundaries of a host local
61government or affected local government. In order to qualify
62under this definition, each person, other than a host or
63affected local government, must have submitted oral or written
64comments, recommendations, or objections to the university
65during the period of time beginning with the advertisement of
66the first public hearing under subsection (6) and ending with
67the adoption of the campus master plan or plan amendment. If the
68plan or plan amendment is amended at the adoption hearing, the
69time period shall be extended by 7 calendar days. However, any
70comments, recommendations, or objections filed during the
71extension must be limited to those amendments adopted at the
72adoption hearing.
73     (c)  "Host local government" means a local government
74within the jurisdiction of which all or part of a campus of an
75institution is located, but does not include a county if no part
76of an institution is located within its unincorporated area.
77     (d)  "Institution" means a university.
78     (e)  Division" means the Division of Administrative
80     (3)  Each university board of trustees shall prepare and
81adopt a campus master plan for the university and maintain a
82copy of the plan on the university's website. The master plan
83must identify general land uses and address the need for and
84plans for provision of roads, parking, public transportation,
85solid waste, drainage, sewer, potable water, and recreation and
86open space during the coming 10 to 20 years. The plans must
87contain elements relating to future land use, intergovernmental
88coordination, capital improvements, recreation and open space,
89general infrastructure, housing, and conservation. Each element
90must address compatibility with the surrounding community. The
91master plan must identify specific land uses, general location
92of structures, densities and intensities of use, and contain
93standards for onsite development, site design, environmental
94management, and the preservation of historic and archaeological
95resources. The transportation element must address reasonable
96transportation demand management techniques to minimize offsite
97impacts where possible. Data and analyses on which the elements
98are based must include, at a minimum: the characteristics of
99vacant lands; projected impacts of development on onsite and
100offsite infrastructure, public services, and natural resources;
101student enrollment projections; student housing needs; and the
102need for academic and support facilities. Master plans must be
103updated at least every 5 years.
104     (4)  Campus master plans may contain additional elements at
105the discretion of the Board of Governors State Board of
106Education; however, such elements are not subject to review
107under this section. These additional elements may include the
108academic mission of the institution, academic program,
109utilities, public safety, architectural design, landscape
110architectural design, and facilities maintenance.
111     (5)  Subject to the right of the university board of
112trustees to initiate the dispute resolution provisions of
113subsection (8), a campus master plan must not be in conflict
114with the comprehensive plan of the host local government and the
115comprehensive plan of any affected local governments. A campus
116master plan must be consistent with the state comprehensive
118     (6)  Before a campus master plan is adopted, a copy of the
119draft master plan must be sent for review or made available
120electronically to the host and any affected local governments,
121the state land planning agency, the Department of Environmental
122Protection, the Department of Transportation, the Department of
123State, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and the
124applicable water management district and regional planning
125council. At the request of a governmental entity, a hard copy of
126the draft master plan shall be submitted within 7 business days
127of an electronic copy being made available. These agencies must
128be given 90 days after receipt of the campus master plans in
129which to conduct their review and provide comments to the
130university board of trustees. The commencement of this review
131period must be advertised in newspapers of general circulation
132within the host local government and any affected local
133government to allow for public comment. Following receipt and
134consideration of all comments, and the holding of an informal
135information session and at least two public hearings within the
136host jurisdiction, the university board of trustees shall adopt
137the campus master plan. It is the intent of the Legislature that
138the university board of trustees comply with the notice
139requirements set forth in s. 163.3184(15) to ensure full public
140participation in this planning process. The informal public
141information session must be held before the first public
142hearing. The first public hearing shall be held before the draft
143master plan is sent to the agencies specified in this
144subsection. The second public hearing shall be held in
145conjunction with the adoption of the draft master plan by the
146university board of trustees. Campus master plans developed
147under this section are not rules and are not subject to chapter
148120 except as otherwise provided in this section.
149     (7)  Notice that the campus master plan has been adopted
150must be forwarded within 45 days after its adoption to any
151affected person that submitted comments on the draft campus
152master plan. The notice must state how and where a copy of the
153master plan may be obtained or inspected. Within 30 days after
154receipt of the notice of adoption of the campus master plan, or
15530 days after the date the adopted plan is available for review,
156whichever is later, an affected person who submitted comments on
157the draft master plan may petition the university board of
158trustees, challenging the campus master plan as not being in
159compliance with this section or any rule adopted under this
160section. The petition must state each objection, identify its
161source, and provide a recommended action. A petition filed by an
162affected local government may raise only those issues directly
163pertaining to the public facilities or services that the
164affected local government provides to or maintains within the
165campus or to the direct impact that campus development would
166have on the affected local government. A petition filed by an
167affected person must include those items required by the uniform
168rules adopted under s. 120.54(5). Any affected person who files
169a petition under this subsection may challenge only those
170provisions in the plan that were raised by that person's oral or
171written comments, recommendations, or objections presented to
172the university board of trustees, as required by s.
1731013.30(1)(b). The university may, during the pendency of a
174challenge, negotiate a campus development agreement as provided
175in subsection (11).
176     (8)  Following receipt of a petition challenging a campus
177master plan or plan amendment, the university board of trustees
178must submit the petition to the Division of Administrative
179Hearings of the Department of Management Services for assignment
180to an administrative law judge under ss. 120.569 and 120.57.
181     (a)  If a party to the proceeding requests mediation, the
182parties have no more than 30 days to resolve any issue in
183dispute. The costs of the mediation must be borne equally by all
184of the parties to the proceeding.
185     (b)  If the matter is not resolved within 30 days, the
186administrative law judge shall proceed with a hearing under ss.
187120.569 and 120.57. The hearing shall be held in the county
188where the campus of the university subject to the amendment is
189located. Within 60 days after receiving the petition, the
190administrative law judge must, consistent with the applicable
191requirements and procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act,
192hold a hearing, identify the issues remaining in dispute,
193prepare a record of the proceedings, and submit a recommended
194order to the state land planning agency for final action.
195Parties to the proceeding may submit written exceptions to the
196recommended order within 10 days after the recommended order is
197issued. The state land planning agency must issue its final
198order no later than 60 days after receiving the recommended
200     (8)  Following receipt of a petition, the petitioning party
201or parties and the university board of trustees shall mediate
202the issues in dispute as follows:
203     (a)  The parties have 60 days to resolve the issues in
204dispute. Other affected parties that submitted comments on the
205draft campus master plan must be given the opportunity to
206participate in these and subsequent proceedings.
207     (b)  If resolution of the matter cannot be achieved within
20860 days, the issues must be submitted to the state land planning
209agency. The state land planning agency has 60 days to hold
210informal hearings, if necessary,  identify the issues remaining
211in dispute, prepare a record of the proceedings, and submit the
212matter to the Administration Commission for final action. The
213report to the Administration Commission must list each issue in
214dispute, describe the nature and basis for each dispute,
215identify alternative resolutions of the dispute,  and make
217     (c)  After receiving the report from the state land
218planning agency, the Administration Commission shall take action
219to resolve the issues in dispute. In deciding upon a proper
220resolution, the Administration Commission shall consider the
221nature of the issues in dispute, the compliance of the parties
222with this section, the extent of the conflict between the
223parties, the comparative hardships, and the public interest
224involved. If the Administration Commission incorporates in its
225final order a term or condition that specifically requires the
226university board of trustees or a local government to amend or
227modify its plan, the university board of trustees shall have a
228reasonable period of time to amend or modify its plan, and a
229local government shall initiate the required plan amendment,
230which shall be exempt from the requirements of s. 163.3187(1).
231Any required amendment to a local government comprehensive plan
232must be limited in scope so as to only relate to specific
233impacts attributable to the campus development. The final order
234of the state land planning agency Administration Commission is
235subject to judicial review as provided in s. 120.68.
236     (d)  The signature of an attorney or party constitutes a
237certificate that he or she has read the pleading, motion, or
238other paper and that, to the best of his or her knowledge,
239information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, it is
240not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to
241cause unnecessary delay, or for economic advantage, competitive
242reasons, frivolous purposes, or needless increase in the cost of
243litigation. If a pleading, motion, or other paper is signed in
244violation of these requirements, the division, upon motion or
245its own initiative, shall impose upon either the person who
246signed it or a represented party, or both, an appropriate
247sanction, which may include an order to pay to the other party
248or parties the amount of reasonable expenses incurred because of
249the filing of the pleading, motion, or other paper, including
250reasonable attorney's fees.
251     (9)  An amendment to a campus master plan must be reviewed
252and adopted under subsections (6)-(8) if such amendment, alone
253or in conjunction with other amendments, would:
254     (a)  Increase density or intensity of use of land on the
255campus by more than 10 percent;
256     (b)  Decrease the amount of natural areas, open space, or
257buffers on the campus by more than 10 percent; or
258     (c)  Rearrange land uses in a manner that will increase the
259impact of any proposed campus development by more than 10
260percent on a road or on another public facility or service
261provided or maintained by the state, the county, the host local
262government, or any affected local government.
263     (10)  Upon adoption of a campus master plan, the university
264board of trustees shall draft a proposed campus development
265agreement for each local government and send it to the local
266government within 270 days after the adoption of the relevant
267campus master plan.
268     (11)  At a minimum, each campus development agreement:
269     (a)  Must identify the geographic area of the campus and
270local government covered by the campus development agreement.
271     (b)  Must establish its duration, which must be at least 5
272years and not more than 10 years.
273     (c)  Must address public facilities and services including
274roads, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water,
275parks and recreation, and public transportation.
276     (d)  Must, for each of the facilities and services listed
277in paragraph (c), identify the level-of-service standard
278established by the applicable local government, identify the
279entity that will provide the service to the campus, and describe
280any financial arrangements between the Board of Governors State
281Board of Education and other entities relating to the provision
282of the facility or service.
283     (e)  Must, for each of the facilities and services listed
284in paragraph (c), determine the impact of existing and proposed
285campus development reasonably expected over the term of the
286campus development agreement on each service or facility and any
287deficiencies in such service or facility which the proposed
288campus development will create or to which it will contribute.
289     (f)  May, if proposed by the university board of trustees,
290address the issues prescribed in paragraphs (d) and (e) with
291regard to additional facilities and services, including, but not
292limited to, electricity, nonpotable water, law enforcement, fire
293and emergency rescue, gas, and telephone.
294     (g)  Must, to the extent it addresses issues addressed in
295the campus master plan and host local government comprehensive
296plan, be consistent with the adopted campus master plan and host
297local government comprehensive plan.
298     (12)(a)  Each proposed campus development agreement must
299clearly identify the lands to which the university board of
300trustees intends the campus development agreement to apply.
301     (b)  Such land may include:
302     1.  Land to be purchased by the university board of
303trustees and if purchased with state appropriated funds titled
304in the name of the board of trustees of the Internal Improvement
305Trust Fund for use by an institution over the life of the campus
306development agreement.
307     2.  Land not owned by the board of trustees of the Internal
308Improvement Trust Fund if the university board of trustees
309intends to undertake development activities on the land during
310the term of the campus development agreement.
311     (c)  Land owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal
312Improvement Trust Fund for lease to the Board of Governors State
313Board of Education acting on behalf of the institution may be
314excluded, but any development activity undertaken on excluded
315land is subject to part II of chapter 163.
316     (13)  With regard to the impact of campus development on
317the facilities and services listed in paragraph (11)(c), the
318following applies:
319     (a)  All improvements to facilities or services which are
320necessary to eliminate the deficiencies identified in paragraph
321(11)(e) must be specifically listed in the campus development
323     (b)  The university board of trustees' fair share of the
324cost of the measures identified in paragraph (a) must be stated
325in the campus development agreement. In determining the fair
326share, the effect of any demand management techniques, which may
327include such techniques as flexible work hours and carpooling,
328that are used by the Board of Governors State Board of Education
329to minimize the offsite impacts shall be considered.
330     (c)  The university board of trustees is responsible for
331paying the fair share identified in paragraph (b), and it may do
332so by:
333     1.  Paying a fair share of each of the improvements
334identified in paragraph (a); or
335     2.  Taking on full responsibility for the improvements,
336selected from the list of improvements identified in paragraph
337(a), and agreed to between the host local government and the
338Board of Governors State Board of Education, the total cost of
339which equals the contribution identified in paragraph (b).
340     (d)  All concurrency management responsibilities of the
341university board of trustees are fulfilled if the university
342board of trustees expends the total amount of funds identified
343in paragraph (b) notwithstanding that the university board of
344trustees may not have undertaken or made contributions to some
345of the measures identified in paragraph (a).
346     (e)  Capital projects included in the campus development
347agreement may be used by the local government for the
348concurrency management purposes.
349     (f)  Funds provided by universities in accordance with
350campus development agreements are subject to appropriation by
351the Legislature. A development authorized by a campus
352development agreement may not be built until the funds to be
353provided pursuant to paragraph (b) are appropriated by the
355     (14)  A campus development agreement may not address or
356include any standards or requirements for onsite development,
357including environmental management requirements or requirements
358for site preparation.
359     (15)  Once the university board of trustees and host local
360government agree on the provisions of the campus development
361agreement, the campus development agreement shall be executed by
362the university board of trustees and the host local government
363in a manner consistent with the requirements of s. 163.3225.
364Once the campus development agreement is executed, it is binding
365upon the university board of trustees and host local government.
366A copy of the executed campus development agreement must be sent
367to the state land planning agency within 14 days after the date
368of execution.
369     (16)  If, within 180 days following the host local
370government's receipt of the proposed campus development
371agreement, the university board of trustees and host local
372government cannot reach agreement on the provisions of the
373campus development agreement, the following procedures for
374resolving the matter must be followed:
375     (a)  The matter must be submitted to the state land
376planning agency, which has 60 days to hold informal hearings, if
377necessary, and identify the issues remaining in dispute, prepare
378a record of the proceedings, and submit the matter to the
379Administration Commission for final action. The report to the
380Administration Commission must list each issue in dispute,
381describe the nature and basis for each dispute, identify
382alternative resolutions of each dispute, and make
384     (b)  After receiving the report from the state land
385planning agency, the Administration Commission shall take action
386to resolve the issues in dispute. In deciding upon a proper
387resolution, the state land planning agency Administration
388Commission shall consider the nature of the issues in dispute,
389the compliance of the parties with this section, the extent of
390the conflict between the parties, the comparative hardships, and
391the public interest involved. In resolving the matter, the state
392land planning agency Administration Commission may prescribe, by
393order, the contents of the campus development agreement.
394     (17)  Disputes that arise in the implementation of an
395executed campus development agreement must be resolved as
397     (a)  Each party shall select one mediator and notify the
398other in writing of the selection. Thereafter, within 15 days
399after their selection, the two mediators selected by the parties
400shall select a neutral, third mediator to complete the mediation
402     (b)  Each party is responsible for all costs and fees
403payable to the mediator selected by it and shall equally bear
404responsibility for the costs and fees payable to the third
405mediator for services rendered and costs expended in connection
406with resolving disputes pursuant to the campus development
408     (c)  Within 10 days after the selection of the mediation
409panel, proceedings must be convened by the panel to resolve the
410issues in dispute.
411     (d)  Within 60 days after the convening of the panel, the
412panel shall issue a report containing a recommended resolution
413of the issues in dispute.
414     (e)  If either the university board of trustees or local
415government rejects the recommended resolution of the issues in
416dispute, the disputed issues must be resolved pursuant to the
417procedures provided by subsection (16).
418     (18)  Once the campus development agreement is executed,
419all campus development may proceed without further review by the
420host local government if it is consistent with the adopted
421campus master plan and associated campus development agreement.
422     (19)  A campus development agreement may be amended under
423subsections (10)-(16):
424     (a)  In conjunction with any amendment to the campus master
425plan subject to the requirements in subsection (9).
426     (b)  If either party delays by more than 12 months the
427construction of a capital improvement identified in the
429     (20)  Any party to a campus development agreement or
430aggrieved or adversely affected person, as defined in s.
431163.3215(2), may file an action for injunctive relief in the
432circuit court where the host local government is located to
433enforce the terms of a campus development agreement or to
434challenge compliance of the agreement with this section. This
435action shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of an adversely
436affected person other than a party to the agreement to enforce
437any rights or obligations arising from a development agreement.
438     (21)  State and regional environmental program requirements
439remain applicable, except that this section supersedes all other
440sections of part II of chapter 163 and s. 380.06 except as
441provided in this section.
442     (22)  In consultation with the state land planning agency,
443the Board of Governors State Board of Education shall adopt a
444single, uniform set of rules to administer implementing
445subsections (3)-(6). The rules must set specific schedules and
446procedures for the development and adoption of campus master
447plans. Before adopting the rules, the Board of Governors must
448obtain written verification from the state land planning agency
449that the rules satisfy the minimum statutory criteria required
450by subsections (3)-(6). The state land planning agency shall
451provide the verification within 45 days after receiving a copy
452of the rules.
453     (23)  Until the campus master plan and campus development
454agreement for an institution have been finalized, any dispute
455between the university board of trustees and a local government
456relating to campus development for that institution shall be
457resolved by the process established in subsection (8).
458     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.