Bill No. 6005
Amendment No. 832791
Senate House

1Representative(s) Patterson offered the following:
3     Substitute Amendment for Amendment (601761) (with title
5Between line(s) 1807 and 1808, insert:
6     Section 33.  Paragraph (i) of subsection (1) of section
71011.62, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
8     1011.62  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual
9allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each
10district for operation of schools is not determined in the
11annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing
12the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as
15OPERATION.--The following procedure shall be followed in
16determining the annual allocation to each district for
18     (i)  Calculation of full-time equivalent membership with
19respect to dual enrollment instruction from community colleges
20or state universities.--Students enrolled in community college
21or university dual enrollment instruction pursuant to s.
221007.271 may be included in calculations of full-time equivalent
23student memberships for basic programs for grades 9 through 12
24by a district school board. Dual enrollment instruction of high
25school students that is eligible for high school and
26postsecondary credit shall be reported by the school district in
27an amount equal to the hours of instruction that would be
28necessary to earn the FTE for the equivalent course if it were
29taught in the school district. Such students may also be
30calculated as the proportional shares of full-time equivalent
31enrollments they generate for a the community college or
32university conducting the dual enrollment instruction. Early
33admission students shall be considered dual enrollments for
34funding purposes. Students may be enrolled in dual enrollment
35instruction provided by an eligible independent college or
36university and may be included in calculations of full-time
37equivalent student memberships for basic programs for grades 9
38through 12 by a district school board. However, those provisions
39of law which exempt dual enrolled and early admission students
40from payment of instructional materials and tuition and fees,
41including laboratory fees, shall not apply to students who
42select the option of enrolling in an eligible independent
43institution. An independent college or university which is
44located and chartered in Florida, is not for profit, is
45accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern
46Association of Colleges and Schools or the Accrediting Council
47for Independent Colleges and Schools, and which confers degrees
48as defined in s. 1005.02 shall be eligible for inclusion in the
49dual enrollment or early admission program. Students enrolled in
50dual enrollment instruction shall be exempt from the payment of
51tuition and fees, including laboratory fees. No student enrolled
52in college credit mathematics or English dual enrollment
53instruction shall be funded as a dual enrollment unless the
54student has successfully completed the relevant section of the
55entry-level examination required pursuant to s. 1008.30.
57================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
58     Remove line(s) 158 and insert:
59providing a restriction on transfer of benefits; amending
60s. 1011.62, F.S.; providing for FTE calculation for dual
61enrollment instruction; amending

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.