HB 0603CS


1The Growth Management Committee recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to bicycle lanes; directing the Department
7of Transportation to select and fund a consultant to
8perform a study of bicycle facilities connected to the
9State Highway System; requiring the results of the study
10be presented to the Governor and the Legislature;
11providing for management of the study by the state
12Pedestrian and Bicycle Coordinator; providing for
13inclusion of certain elements in the study; requiring the
14study include an implementation plan; providing an
15effective date.
17Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
19     Section 1.  Bicycle program study.--Prior to October 1,
202005, the Department of Transportation shall perform a bicycle
21system study of bicycle facilities that are on or connected to
22the State Highway System. The results of the bicycle system
23study shall be presented to the Governor, the President of the
24Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
25October 1, 2005. The bicycle system study shall include paved
26bicycle lanes, bicycle trails, bicycle paths, and any route or
27facility designated specifically for bicycle traffic. The study
28shall be performed by a consultant selected and funded by the
29department and shall be managed by the department's state
30Pedestrian and Bicycle Coordinator. The study shall include:
31     (1)  Review of department standards for bicycle lanes to
32determine if they meet the needs of the state's bicyclists.
33     (2)  Identification of state highways with existing
34designated bicycle lanes.
35     (3)  Identification of those state highways with no
36designated bicycle lanes and any constraints to incorporating
37these facilities.
38     (4)  Providing electronic mapping of those facilities
39identified in subsections (2) and (3).
40     (5)  Identification of all bicycle facility needs on the
41State Highway System.
42     (6)  Review and identification of possible funding sources
43for new or improved facilities.
44     (7)  A proposed implementation plan that will identify the
45incorporation of bicycle facilities on those state highways
46programmed for rehabilitation or new construction in the
47department's 5-year work program. The proposed plan will include
48the costs associated within the work program to add these
50     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.