HB 0609CS


1The Transportation Committee recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to traffic safety; amending s. 316.2015,
7F.S.; removing an exception to prohibition of persons
8riding on the exterior of a passenger vehicle; revising
9exceptions to prohibition of persons riding on any vehicle
10on an area of the vehicle not designed or intended for the
11use of passengers; prohibiting operator from allowing
12certain minors to ride within the open body of a pickup
13truck or flatbed truck; providing exceptions; providing
14penalties; amending s. 316.008, F.S.; providing for
15counties and municipalities to allow, by ordinance, for
16persons to ride on the bed of a pickup truck or flatbed
17truck; providing an effective date.
19Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21     Section 1.  Section 316.2015, Florida Statutes, is amended
22to read:
23     316.2015  Unlawful for person to ride on exterior of
25     (1)  It is unlawful for any operator of a passenger vehicle
26to permit any person to ride on the bumper, radiator, fender,
27hood, top, trunk, or running board of such vehicle when operated
28upon any street or highway which is maintained by the state, a
29county, or a municipality. However, the operator of any vehicle
30shall not be in violation of this section when such operator
31permits any person to occupy seats securely affixed to the
32exterior of such vehicle. Any person who violates the provisions
33of this subsection shall be cited for a moving violation,
34punishable as provided in chapter 318.
35     (2)(a)  No person shall ride on any vehicle upon any
36portion thereof not designed or intended for the use of
37passengers. This paragraph shall not apply to:
38     1.  An employee of a fire department or a volunteer
39firefighter when the firefighter is engaged in the necessary
40discharge of a duty;
41     2.  A person who is being transported in response to an
42emergency by a public agency or pursuant to the direction or
43authority of a public agency; or
44     3.  An employee of a solid waste or recyclable collection
45service while in the course of employment collecting solid waste
46or recyclables on designated routes This provision shall not
47apply to an employee engaged in the necessary discharge of a
48duty or to a person or persons riding within truck bodies in
49space intended for merchandise.
50     (b)  It is unlawful for any operator of a pickup truck or
51flatbed truck to permit a minor child who has not attained 18
52years of age to ride upon the public roads of the state within
53the open body of the pickup truck or flatbed truck unless the
54minor is restrained within the open body in the back of a truck
55which has been modified to include secure seating and safety
56restraints which would prevent the minor from being thrown,
57falling, or jumping from the truck. This paragraph shall not
58apply in a medical emergency if the child is accompanied within
59the truck by an adult and shall not apply when the truck is
60being operated on a farm or off the public roads of the state.
61     (c)  Any person who violates the provisions of this
62subsection shall be cited for a nonmoving violation, punishable
63as provided in chapter 318.
64     (3)  This section shall not apply to a performer engaged in
65a professional exhibition or person participating in an
66exhibition or parade, or any such person preparing to
67participate in such exhibitions or parades.
68     Section 2.  Subsection (7) is added to section 316.008,
69Florida Statutes, to read:
70     316.008  Powers of local authorities.--
71     (7)  A county or municipality may adopt an ordinance that
72authorizes persons to ride on the bed of a pickup truck or
73flatbed truck, notwithstanding the prohibition contained in s.
75     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.