HB 0617

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to state tax funds; amending s. 213.756,
3F.S.; specifying a complete defense to certain actions by
4a purchaser to recover taxes or for a refund of taxes;
5providing application; providing an effective date.
7Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9     Section 1.  Section 213.756, Florida Statutes, is amended
10to read:
11     213.756  Funds collected are state tax funds.--
12     (1)  Funds collected from a purchaser under the
13representation that they are taxes provided for under the state
14revenue laws are state funds from the moment of collection and
15are not subject to refund absent proof that such funds have been
16refunded previously to the purchaser.
17     (2)  In any action by a purchaser against a retailer,
18dealer, or vendor to obtain a refund of or to otherwise recover
19taxes collected by the retailer, dealer, or vendor from the
20purchaser, it is a complete defense to such action when the
21retailer, dealer, or vendor:
22     (a)  Was authorized or required by law to collect the tax
23from the purchaser.
24     (b)  Actually remitted the amount collected to the
25appropriate taxing authority, less any discount or collection
26allowance authorized by law.
28This subsection applies to those taxes enumerated in s. 72.011
29and to taxes imposed under chapter 205.
30     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.