Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 738
Barcode 072264
Senate House
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 The Committee on Criminal Justice (Smith) recommended the
12 following amendment:
14 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
15 Delete everything after the enacting clause,
17 and insert:
18 Section 1. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) of
19 section 943.11, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
20 943.11 Criminal Justice Standards and Training
21 Commission; membership; meetings; compensation.--
22 (1)(a) There is created a Criminal Justice Standards
23 and Training Commission within the Department of Law
24 Enforcement. The commission shall be composed of 19 members,
25 consisting of the Secretary of the Department of Corrections
26 or a designated assistant; the Attorney General or a designee;
27 the Director of the Division of the Florida Highway Patrol;
28 and 16 members appointed by the Governor, consisting of 3
29 sheriffs; 3 chiefs of police; 5 law enforcement officers who
30 are of the rank of sergeant or below within the employing
31 agency; 2 correctional officers, 1 of whom is an administrator
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 738
Barcode 072264
1 of a state correctional institution and 1 of whom is of the
2 rank of sergeant or below within the employing agency; 1
3 training center director; 1 person who is in charge of a
4 county correctional institution; and 1 resident of the state
5 who falls into none of the foregoing classifications. Prior to
6 the appointment, the sheriff, chief of police, law enforcement
7 officer, and correctional officer members must shall have had
8 at least 4 years' experience as law enforcement officers or
9 correctional officers.
10 (b) The Governor, in making appointments under this
11 section, shall take into consideration representation by
12 geography, population, and other relevant factors in order
13 that the representation on the commission be apportioned to
14 give representation to the state at large rather than to a
15 particular area. Of the appointed members, and except for
16 correctional officers of a state institution, there may be
17 only one appointment from any employing agency.
18 1. In appointing the 3 sheriffs, the Governor shall
19 choose each appointment from a list of 6 nominees submitted by
20 the Florida Sheriff's Association. The Sheriffs Association
21 shall submit its list of 6 nominees at least 3 months before
22 the expiration of the term of any sheriff member.
23 2. In appointing the 3 police chiefs, the Governor
24 shall choose each appointment from a list of 6 nominees
25 submitted by the Florida Police Chief's Association. The
26 Chiefs Association shall submit its list of 6 nominees at
27 least 3 months before the expiration of the term of any police
28 chief member. Except as provided in subparagraph 3., in
29 appointing the 5 law enforcement officers and 1 correctional
30 officer of the rank of sergeant or below, the Governor shall
31 choose each appointment from a list of 6 nominees submitted by
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 738
Barcode 072264
1 an eligible law enforcement organization. The eligible law
2 enforcement organization shall submit its list of 6 nominees
3 at least 3 months before the expiration of the term of any law
4 enforcement or correctional member of the rank of sergeant or
5 below. In order to be an eligible organization to submit a
6 list of nominees for an appointment, a law enforcement
7 organization must be a collective bargaining agent for
8 certified law enforcement and correctional bargaining units
9 coming under the jurisdiction of the Public Employees
10 Relations Commission and must represent at least 20 percent of
11 all such bargaining units. The number of appointees allotted
12 to each eligible organization from the 6 appointments shall be
13 in direct proportion to the aggregate number of actively
14 certified law enforcement and correctional bargaining units
15 represented by the respective eligible organizations,
16 inclusive of all chapters, charters and other subdivisions,
17 and be based on the total number of such certified bargaining
18 units as of May 1 of each year. The eligible organization with
19 the largest number of bargaining units shall submit its
20 nominees first, with other eligible organizations, thereafter
21 and in descending order of size, submitting nominees for the
22 remaining allotment of appointees. This paragraph does not
23 require membership in a labor organization as the basis for
24 placement on a list of appointees. In addition, at least one
25 of the 6 nominees for each of the five appointees who are law
26 enforcement officers must be an officer who is not in a
27 collective bargaining unit represented by the nominating
28 organization.
29 3. In appointing any of the 5 law enforcement officers
30 who are of the rank of sergeant or below, the Governor may
31 receive and consider an application for appointment from any
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 738
Barcode 072264
1 law enforcement officer who is qualified for and seeks
2 appointment and may appoint that law enforcement officer.
3 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
4 law.
7 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
8 And the title is amended as follows:
9 Delete everything before the enacting clause,
11 and insert:
12 A bill to be entitled
13 An act relating to the Criminal Justice
14 Standards and Training Commission; amending s.
15 943.11, F.S.; requiring that the members of the
16 commission who are law enforcement officers and
17 correctional officers and who are appointed by
18 the Governor be chosen from a list of nominees
19 submitted by the collective bargaining agents
20 certified by the Public Employees Relations
21 Commission; providing an exception for the
22 appointment of any qualified law enforcement
23 officer who seeks appointment to the
24 commission; requiring the members of the
25 commission who are sheriffs and who are
26 appointed by the Governor be chosen from a list
27 of nominees submitted by the Florida Sheriffs
28 Association; requiring that the members of the
29 commission who are police chiefs and who are
30 appointed by the Governor be chosen from a list
31 of nominees submitted by the Florida Police
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Florida Senate - 2005 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 738
Barcode 072264
1 Chief's Association; providing an effective
2 date.
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