HB 0753CS


1The Local Government Council recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to the Sebring Airport Authority,
7Highlands County; codifying, amending, reenacting, and
8repealing special acts relating to the authority; defining
9the powers and duties of said authority; granting to the
10authority power to acquire, lease, construct, reconstruct,
11improve, extend, enlarge, equip, repair, maintain, and
12operate airport and other facilities; providing for the
13issuance of bonds of the authority, payable solely from
14funds provided therefor under the act, to pay the cost of
15acquiring, constructing, or reconstructing any facilities
16and the cost of improvements, extensions, enlargements,
17and equipment; granting to the authority power to acquire
18necessary real and personal property and to exercise the
19power of eminent domain; providing for the imposition and
20collection of charges for the use of and for the services
21furnished by any such facilities; authorizing the City of
22Sebring to make grants and conveyances to the authority;
23prescribing the powers and duties of the authority in
24connection with the foregoing and the rights and remedies
25of the holders of any bonds or revenue certificates issued
26under the provisions of this act; providing an effective
29Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
31     Section 1.  Pursuant to section 189.429, Florida Statutes,
32this act constitutes the codification of all special acts
33relating to the Sebring Airport Authority. It is the intent of
34the Legislature in enacting this law to provide a single,
35comprehensive special act charter for the authority, including
36all current legislative authority granted to the authority by
37its several legislative enactments and any additional authority
38granted by this act. It is further the intent to preserve all
39authority powers and authority.
40     Section 2.  Chapters 67-2070, 82-382, 89-484, 91-415, 95-
41526, and 2001-332, Laws of Florida, are codified, reenacted,
42amended, and repealed as herein provided.
43     Section 3.  The Sebring Airport Authority is re-created and
44the charter for the authority is re-created and reenacted to
46     Section 1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the
47"Sebring Airport Authority Act."
48     Section 2.  There is hereby created an authority to be
49known as the Sebring Airport Authority which shall be a body
50politic and corporate. The Sebring Airport Authority is hereby
51constituted a public instrumentality and the exercise of said
52authority of the powers conferred by this act shall be deemed
53and held to be the performance of essential governmental
55     Section 3.  (1)(a)  The Sebring Airport Authority shall
56exercise its powers and jurisdiction over the property now known
57as "Sebring Regional Airport and Industrial Park," as follows:
59The West Half (W1/2) of Section 4; All of Section 5,
60less and except that portion of the North Half (N1/2)
61lying West of the canal and the Railroad right-of-way
62spur; the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of the Southeast
63Quarter (SE1/4) of Section 6; All of Section 7, less
64and except that portion of the West Half (W1/2) lying
65northerly of State Road No. 623 and West of the canal;
66All of Section 8; the West Half (W1/2) of Section 9;
67and that part of Section 18 lying North and West of
68the airport access road, less and except the following
69land deeded to the Humane Society generally described
70as being a 10-acre tract lying adjacent to the
71westerly boundary of the Hendricks Field access road
72and adjacent to and South of the north boundary of
73Section 18, Township 35 South, Range 30 East, more
74particularly described as follows: Commencing as a
75point of beginning at the intersection of the westerly
76boundary of Hendricks Field access road (said road
77being 100 feet in width, being 50 feet on either side
78of said center line) with the North boundary of
79Section 18, Township 35 South, Range 30 East,
80Highlands County, Florida, thence South 89°01'45" West
81West along the North boundary of Section 18 a distance
82of 505.70 feet to a point, thence South 01°54'30" East
83East a distance of 908.84 feet to a point, thence
84North 88°05'30" East a distance of 500.00 feet to a

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.