HB 0783CS


1The Local Government Council recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to the Sarasota County Public Hospital
8District; amending chapter 2003-359, Laws of Florida;
9authorizing the Sarasota County Public Hospital Board to
10establish, operate, and maintain facilities and services
11outside the boundaries of the district; restricting the
12use of ad valorem tax funds to facilities and services
13within the district; providing for severability; providing
14an effective date.
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  Subsections (20), (21), (22), and (23) are
19added to section 8 of section 3 of chapter 2003-359, Laws of
20Florida, to read:
21     (20)  The Hospital Board is hereby authorized and
22empowered, notwithstanding any language contained elsewhere in
23this act to the contrary, to establish, construct, equip,
24operate, and maintain both within and beyond the boundaries of
25the District, in addition to hospitals, all manner of other
26health care facilities and all manner of other health care
27services which promote the public health and the health care
28needs of those members of the public served by the Sarasota
29County Public Hospital Board.
30     (21)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this act which
31permits the joint participation with other hospitals and health
32care providers or which permits the establishment or providing
33of other health care facilities or services beyond the
34boundaries of the Sarasota County Public Hospital District, the
35Hospital Board shall be expressly prohibited from using any
36funds derived from the assessment of ad valorem taxes on
37property located within the District to support any such joint
38participation or to establish or provide any health care
39facility or health care service beyond the boundaries of the
40District, it being the express intent of the Legislature that
41any ad valorem tax funds be used solely toward health care
42facilities or health care services within the District.
43     (22)  The Hospital Board is authorized and empowered to
44contract with individuals, partnerships, corporations,
45municipalities, the county, the state, and any subdivision or
46agency thereof in the United States of America, to carry out the
47purposes of this act, including participation in the joint
48provision with other hospitals and health care providers of all
49manner of inpatient and outpatient facilities and health care
50services which provide benefit to those members of the public
51served by the hospital or hospitals of the District both within
52and beyond the boundaries of the Sarasota County Public Hospital
53District and to the extent such participation is consistent with
54all restrictions contained in the constitution and general laws
55of the state.
56     (23)  The Hospital Board shall have and exercise all powers
57necessary, incidental, or convenient to effect any or all of the
58purposes for which the District or the Hospital Board is
59organized under the provisions of this act.
60     Section 2.  If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause,
61phrase, or other part of this act shall be declared
62unconstitutional, or if this act should be declared inapplicable
63in any case, such declaration shall not affect the remainder of
64this act or the applicability thereof in any other case.
65     Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.