HB 0787

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to deferred compensation programs;
3amending s. 112.215, F.S.; authorizing counties by
4ordinance to participate in the deferred compensation plan
5of the state and specifying responsibility of the Chief
6Financial Officer with respect thereto; amending s.
720.121, F.S., relating to the Department of Financial
8Services, to conform; providing effective dates.
10Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12     Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section
1320.121, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
14     20.121  Department of Financial Services.--There is created
15a Department of Financial Services.
16     (2)  DIVISIONS.--The Department of Financial Services shall
17consist of the following divisions:
18     (d)  The Division of Treasury, which shall include a Bureau
19of Deferred Compensation responsible for administering the
20Government Employees Deferred Compensation Plan as provided in
21established under s. 112.215 for state employees.
22     Section 2.  Effective October 1, 2005, paragraph (d) of
23subsection (2) of section 20.121, Florida Statutes, as amended
24by chapter 2004-301, Laws of Florida, is amended to read:
25     20.121  Department of Financial Services.--There is created
26a Department of Financial Services.
27     (2)  DIVISIONS.--The Department of Financial Services shall
28consist of the following divisions:
29     (d)  The Division of Treasury, which shall include a Bureau
30of Deferred Compensation responsible for administering the
31Government Employees Deferred Compensation Plan as provided in
32established under s. 112.215 for state employees.
33     Section 3.  Subsections (4), (5), (6), and (12) of section
34112.215, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
35     112.215  Government employees; deferred compensation
37     (4)(a)  The Chief Financial Officer, with the approval of
38the State Board of Administration, shall establish such plan or
39plans of deferred compensation for state employees and, at the
40county's option under subsection (5), county employees,
41including all such investment vehicles or products incident
42thereto, as may be available through, or offered by, qualified
43companies or persons, and may approve one or more such plans for
44implementation by and on behalf of the state and its agencies
45and employees and on behalf of participating counties and their
47     (b)  If the Chief Financial Officer deems it advisable, he
48or she shall have the power, with the approval of the State
49Board of Administration, to create a trust or other special
50funds for the segregation of funds or assets resulting from
51compensation deferred at the request of employees of the state
52or its agencies or of a participating county and for the
53administration of such program.
54     (c)  The Chief Financial Officer, with the approval of the
55State Board of Administration, may delegate responsibility for
56administration of the plan to a person the Chief Financial
57Officer determines to be qualified, compensate such person, and,
58directly or through such person or pursuant to a collective
59bargaining agreement, contract with a private corporation or
60institution to provide such services as may be part of any such
61plan or as may be deemed necessary or proper by the Chief
62Financial Officer or such person, including, but not limited to,
63providing consolidated billing, individual and collective
64recordkeeping and accountings, asset purchase, control, and
65safekeeping, and direct disbursement of funds to employees or
66other beneficiaries. The Chief Financial Officer may authorize a
67person, private corporation, or institution to make direct
68disbursement of funds under the plan to an employee or other
70     (d)  In accordance with such approved plan, and upon
71contract or agreement with an eligible employee, deferrals of
72compensation may be accomplished by payroll deductions made by
73the appropriate officer or officers of the state or
74participating county, with such funds being thereafter held and
75administered in accordance with the plan.
76     (e)  The administrative costs of the deferred compensation
77plan must be wholly or partially self-funded. Fees for such
78self-funding of the plan shall be paid by investment providers
79and may be recouped from their respective plan participants.
80Such fees shall be deposited in the Deferred Compensation Trust
82     (5)  Any county, municipality, or other political
83subdivision of the state may by ordinance, and any
84constitutional county officer under s. 1(d), Art. VIII of the
85State Constitution of 1968 may by contract agreement or other
86documentation constituting approval, adopt and establish for
87itself and its employees a deferred compensation program,
88including for any county, a deferred compensation program of the
89state. The ordinance shall designate an appropriate official of
90the county, municipality, or political subdivision to approve
91and administer a deferred compensation plan or otherwise provide
92for such approval and administration. The ordinance shall also
93designate a public official or body to make the determinations
94provided for in paragraph (6)(b). If a county adopts and
95establishes for itself and its employees a deferred compensation
96plan of the state, its ordinance shall designate the Chief
97Financial Officer as the official responsible for approval and
98administration of the plan in accordance with subsection (4) and
99paragraph (6)(a). If a constitutional county officer elects to
100adopt and establish for that office and its employees a deferred
101compensation program, the constitutional county officer shall be
102the appropriate official to make the determinations provided for
103in this subsection and in paragraph (6)(b).
104     (6)(a)  No deferred compensation plan of the state shall
105become effective until approved by the State Board of
106Administration and the Chief Financial Officer is satisfied by
107opinion from such federal agency or agencies as may be deemed
108necessary that neither the compensation deferred thereunder nor
109any and/or the investment product products purchased pursuant to
110the plan will not be included in the employee's taxable income
111under federal or state law until it is actually received by such
112employee under the terms of the plan, and that such compensation
113will nonetheless be deemed compensation at the time of deferral
114for the purposes of social security coverage, for the purposes
115of the state retirement system, and for any other retirement,
116pension, or benefit program established by law.
117     (b)  No deferred compensation plan of a county,
118municipality, other political subdivision, or constitutional
119county officer shall become effective until the appropriate
120official or body designated under subsection (5) is satisfied by
121opinion from such federal agency or agencies as may be deemed
122necessary that neither the compensation deferred thereunder nor
123any and/or the investment product products purchased pursuant to
124the plan will not be included in the employee's taxable income
125under federal or state law until it is actually received by such
126employee under the terms of the plan, and that such compensation
127will nonetheless be deemed compensation at the time of deferral
128for the purposes of social security coverage, for the purposes
129of the retirement system of the appropriate county,
130municipality, political subdivision, or constitutional county
131officer, and for any other retirement, pension, or benefit
132program established by law.
133     (12)  The Chief Financial Officer may adopt any rule
134necessary to administer and implement this act with respect to
135deferred compensation plans for state and participating county
137     Section 4.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this act
138shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.