1 | House Resolution |
2 | A resolution recognizing Bessey Creek Elementary School as |
3 | a "National School of Character." |
4 |
5 | WHEREAS, at its eleventh National Forum in Houston, Texas, |
6 | on October 22, 2004, the Character Education Partnership of |
7 | Washington, D.C., designated Bessey Creek Elementary School of |
8 | Palm City, Florida, as a "National School of Character," and |
9 | WHEREAS, Bessey Creek Elementary School, under the |
10 | leadership of Principal Victoria Defenthaler, not only upholds |
11 | high academic standards, but works diligently to provide its |
12 | children with character education of the highest quality, as |
13 | evidenced, for example, by its use of Dr. Becky Bailey's |
14 | Conscious Discipline Program to teach the Character Counts! Six |
15 | Pillars of: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, |
16 | Caring and Citizenship, and |
17 | WHEREAS, the faculty and staff have implemented the |
18 | school's vision statement "using innovative pathways to awaken |
19 | academic, social/emotional, and physical excellence for every |
20 | child," taking the initiative to learn and apply new information |
21 | in order to positively affect the lives of the students, and |
22 | WHEREAS, the parents have faithfully attended workshops on |
23 | Conscious Discipline, earning the National PTA's "Parent |
24 | Involvement Schools of Excellence Certification," and |
25 | WHEREAS, the students themselves have demonstrated an |
26 | eagerness to learn new skills in order to resolve conflicts and |
27 | foster a caring community, and |
28 | WHEREAS, Bessey Creek Elementary School is most |
29 | appropriately recognized as a national model, an outstanding |
30 | example for developing character education that other schools |
31 | may well look to and follow, NOW, THEREFORE, |
32 |
33 | Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of |
34 | Florida: |
35 |
36 | That the House of Representatives proudly endorses the |
37 | Character Education Partnership of Washington, D.C., in its |
38 | choice of Bessey Creek Elementary School as a "National School |
39 | of Character" and commends the entire Bessey Creek Elementary |
40 | School Family as a very worthy recipient of this prestigious |
41 | designation. |
42 | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be |
43 | presented to Victoria Defenthaler, Principal of Bessey Creek |
44 | Elementary School, as a tangible token of the sentiments |
45 | expressed herein. |