HR 9081

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing March 2005 as "National Athletic
3Training Month" in Florida.
5     WHEREAS, quality health care is vital for all individuals
6who are involved in physical activity, and
7     WHEREAS, certified athletic trainers have a long history of
8providing quality health care for athletes and others engaged in
9strenuous physical activity through the application of specific
10tasks, knowledge, and skills acquired through nationally
11regulated educational processes, and
12     WHEREAS, certified athletic trainers possess knowledge of
13methods for the prevention of injuries; recognition, evaluation,
14and aggressive treatment of injuries; rehabilitation; health
15care administration; and education and guidance, and
16     WHEREAS, in 1990, the American Medical Association
17recognized athletic training as an allied health care
18profession, and
19     WHEREAS, the National Athletic Trainers' Association
20represents the more than 30,000 members of the athletic training
21profession employed in areas such as professional sports,
22colleges and universities, high schools, clinics and hospitals,
23corporate and industrial settings, and the United States
24Military, and
25     WHEREAS, leading organizations concerned with athletic
26training and health care have joined together in a common desire
27to emphasize the importance of quality health care for athletes
28and those engaged in strenuous physical activity in the above
29settings and to raise public awareness as to the vital role of
30the athletic training profession in these areas, and
31     WHEREAS, such emphasis will result in improved health care
32for athletes and others engaged in strenuous physical activity
33and an appreciation of certified athletic trainers as allied
34health care professionals, NOW, THEREFORE,
36Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
39     That March 2005 is recognized as "National Athletic
40Training Month" in Florida.
41     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
42presented to the Board of Directors of the National Athletic
43Trainers' Association as a tangible token of the sentiments
44expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.