HR 9109

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing Florida's Healthy Start
3coalitions and designating April 19, 2005, as "Healthy
4Start Coalitions Day."
6     WHEREAS, there are 32 Healthy Start coalitions throughout
7the state, each charged with reducing infant mortality, and
8these coalitions have played a large part in improving Florida's
9rank in infant mortality, which has dropped from 48th to 33rd in
10the nation, and
11     WHEREAS, Healthy Start coalitions, comprised of community
12volunteers who are uniquely positioned to assess and respond to
13maternal and infant health needs and to direct funding toward
14services that address those needs, have created a seamless
15system of care that benefited more than 174,126 moms and babies
16in Florida in fiscal year 2003-2004, and
17     WHEREAS, in 2003-2004, Healthy Start coalitions
18collectively leveraged more than $21 million, including 11,575
19volunteer hours and $2,615,038 of in-kind services and
20resources, cash, grants, and projects related to maternal and
21infant health, and drew down almost $16.5 million in federal
22funding, NOW, THEREFORE,
24Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
27     That the House of Representatives pauses in its
28deliberations to applaud the outstanding efforts of, and
29recognize the remarkable benefits afforded by, the state's
30dedicated Healthy Start coalitions and to designate April 19,
312005, as "Healthy Start Coalitions Day" in Florida.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.