HR 9143

House Resolution
2A resolution honoring General James T. Hill.
4     WHEREAS, General James T. Hill was honored at a retirement
5ceremony on November 9, 2004, after having served from August
62002 to November 2004 as commander of the United States Southern
7Command, a joint headquarter command comprised of members of all
8of the nation's military branches, as well as civilian
9employees, and
10     WHEREAS, originally from El Paso, Texas, General Hill was
11commissioned into the Infantry following graduation from Trinity
12University in San Antonio in 1968 and, after completing the
13Infantry Officers Basic, Ranger, and Airborne Courses and an
14initial assignment at Fort Hood, Texas, served with the 2-502d
15Infantry in the Republic of Vietnam as a rifle platoon leader,
16company executive officer, and company commander, and
17     WHEREAS, General Hill is a graduate of the Command and
18General Staff College and the National War College and also
19holds a Master's degree in Personnel Management from Central
20Michigan University, and
21     WHEREAS, General Hill's key posts in recent years have
22included the command of the "Always First" Brigade, 101st
23Airborne Division (Air Assault) from August 1989 through July
241991, which saw action in Southwest Asia during Operations
25Desert Shield and Desert Storm; he served as the Deputy Chief of
26Staff, Operations, Forces Command, from June 1995 to June 1997;
27and he became Commanding General, 25th Infantry Division (Light)
28in June 1997 and served in that position until he was named
29Commanding General, I Corps, at Fort Lewis, Washington, from
30September 1999 until August 2002, when he assumed command of the
31United States Southern Command, and
32     WHEREAS, employing outstanding leadership, commitment, and
33professionalism, General Hill greatly enhanced operational
34excellence, developed the methodology for the command's focused
35theater security cooperation strategy, significantly improved
36partner nations' awareness and engagement of collective security
37threats, and strengthened military relations between the United
38States and countries in the Southern Command area of
39responsibility, and
40     WHEREAS, General Hill led the planning of, and seamless
41execution for, detention and interrogation operations of enemy
42combatants in the Global War on Terror detained at Naval Station
43Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; managed with rare vision the command's
44immensely successful counter-drug strategy in the area; provided
45clear, concise support of Plan Colombia and Plan Patriota,
46receiving the country's highest military awards for aiding the
47Colombian military in its fight against narco-terrorist groups;
48and helped break down unwarranted restrictions on United States
49support to counter-terrorism in Colombia, and
50     WHEREAS, throughout his career, General Hill has led the
51men and women under his command with courage and respect, and
52his vision and leadership have helped secure our nation and
53improve relations with other countries, leading to our greater
54security, NOW, THEREFORE,
56Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
59     That General James T. Hill is recognized with utmost honor
60and gratitude for his accomplishments with the United States
61Southern Command Headquarters and is wished continued success in
62the future.
63     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
64presented to General James T. Hill as a tangible token of the
65sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.