HR 9175

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing the accomplishments of Florida's
3Hometown U.S.A. participants for the year 2005.
5     WHEREAS, Florida's Hometown U.S.A., an educational youth
6program organized in 1986, plays a significant role in the
7development of young people in the State of Florida by
8encouraging their active involvement in home, church, school,
9and community activities, and
10     WHEREAS, recognizing that today's students will carry with
11them into tomorrow's society those values and skills learned in
12their youth, Florida Hometown U.S.A. seeks out five young women
13each year and provides them opportunities to represent their
14hometowns while performing volunteer service throughout the
15state, and
16     WHEREAS, opportunities for service have run the gamut from
17distributing toys to youngsters in children's hospitals to
18entertaining residents of nursing homes and retirement centers,
19from sharing smiles with patients of veterans hospitals to
20participating in sing-alongs with lonely seniors, and from
21distributing food to needy families to acting as Grand Marshals
22in the Walt Disney World Parade, and
23     WHEREAS, in addition to having received recognition from
24the President of the United States, as well as from the Vice
25President, the First Lady, and the United States Congress, the
26young representatives of Florida's Hometown U.S.A. have been
27commended by the Governor, the Florida Legislature, and the
28State Department of Commerce, and
29     WHEREAS, especially meaningful during this year of service
30is the annual trip to the State Capital, where the young women
31are conducted on a tour of the Capitol and shown points of
32interest around the city, with emphasis on the state government
33and the history of Florida, and
34     WHEREAS, the five outstanding representatives of Florida
35Hometown U.S.A. for the year 2005 are Lexie Zarifis, from
36Rotoada West; Katelyn Wildes, from Callahan; Courtney Larkin,
37from Marianna; Meagan Waters, from Groveland; and Cassie
38Burbank, from Leesburg, NOW, THEREFORE,
40Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
43     That the House of Representatives enthusiastically
44recognizes Florida's Hometown U.S.A. participants for the year
452005 as extraordinary examples of the state's fine young ladies
46and extends to them its sincere good wishes in their future
48     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
49presented to each of these young people as a tangible token of
50the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.