Senate Bill sb0032B
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Florida Senate - 2005 SM 32-B
By Senator Klein
1 Senate Memorial
2 A memorial to the Florida delegation to the
3 United States House of Representatives, urging
4 unified resistance to proposals for the
5 revision of measures protecting the coastline
6 of Florida against oil and gas drilling.
8 WHEREAS, Florida's Congressional Delegation has long
9 stood united against proposals for oil and gas drilling off
10 the state's coasts, and
11 WHEREAS, across party lines, Florida's Congressional
12 representatives have long recognized that protection of
13 Florida's fragile coastal ecology is vital to the state's
14 economy as well as its ecology, and have understood that, in
15 Florida, the economy and the ecology are indeed inseparable,
16 and
17 WHEREAS, temporary energy shortages in the wake of
18 Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have encouraged oil- and
19 gas-drilling interests to attempt to break down defenses that
20 have thus far protected Florida's coastal resources from many
21 of the pollution and contamination risks of our time, and
22 WHEREAS, the United States Department of the Interior
23 has estimated that hydrocarbon reserves off western Florida
24 and the Panhandle would meet only about 200 days of the
25 nation's gasoline and heating oil needs projected for this
26 winter, and
27 WHEREAS, in practical terms, these reserves would not
28 become available for at least 2 years, and a possible maximum
29 of 10 years, after drilling begins, and thus do not constitute
30 a solution to the immediate shortfall or a justification for
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Florida Senate - 2005 SM 32-B
1 proposals to change current laws limiting coastal drilling,
2 and
3 WHEREAS, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have demonstrated
4 beyond doubt the extraordinary risks of placing additional
5 drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico, risks that are both
6 economic in the short term and ecological in the long term,
7 and
8 WHEREAS, scientists have alerted us to the presently
9 unpredictable results of contaminating marine organisms and
10 ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico, which are a vital part of
11 the food chain throughout the Southeastern United States and
12 the entire country, and
13 WHEREAS, our society stands at a point at which our
14 almost exclusive reliance on oil drilling has led to the
15 problems we face today, and our energy policy should be based
16 on the use of viable 21st-century energy sources, NOW,
19 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21 That the Florida delegation to the United States House
22 of Representatives is urged to stand strong and united against
23 any attempt to allow oil or gas drilling along Florida's
24 coastline.
25 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be
26 dispatched to the Speaker of the United States House of
27 Representatives and to each member of the Florida delegation
28 to the United States House of Representatives.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.