HB 57B

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to assessments of hurricane-damaged
3homestead property; amending s. 193.1551, F.S.; applying
4to any year a time-limited exception to requirements to
5assess certain homestead property at just value under
6certain circumstances; providing limitations; providing an
7effective date.
9Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11     Section 1.  Section 193.1551, Florida Statutes, is amended
12to read:
13     193.1551  Assessment of certain homestead property damaged
14in 2004 named storms.--Notwithstanding the provisions of s.
15193.155(4), the assessment at just value for changes, additions,
16or improvements to homestead property rendered uninhabitable in
17one or more of the named storms in a calendar year of 2004 shall
18be limited to the square footage exceeding 110 percent of the
19homestead property's total square footage. Additionally, homes
20having square footage of 1,350 square feet or less which were
21rendered uninhabitable may rebuild up to 1,500 total square feet
22and the increase in square footage shall not be considered as a
23change, an addition, or an improvement that is subject to
24assessment at just value. The provisions of this section are
25limited to homestead properties in which repairs are completed
26by January 1 of the 4th year after which the named storm
27occurred, 2008, and apply retroactively to January 1 of the year
28after which the named storm occurred, 2005.
29     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.