HB 1003

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to high school athletics; amending s.
31006.20, F.S.; requiring the Florida High School Athletic
4Association to facilitate a 3-year drug testing program to
5randomly test for anabolic steroids in students in grades
69 through 12 who participate in interscholastic athletics
7in its member schools; requiring schools to consent to the
8provisions of the program as a prerequisite for membership
9in the organization; requiring the organization to
10establish procedures for the conduct of the program,
11including contracting with a testing agency to administer
12the program; providing that the finding of a drug test
13shall be separate from a student's educational records;
14providing for disclosure; requiring students and their
15parents to consent to the provisions of the program as a
16prerequisite for eligibility to participate in
17interscholastic athletics; providing penalties for
18students selected for testing who fail to provide a
19specimen; requiring the administration of a school to meet
20with a student who tests positive and his or her parent to
21review the finding, penalties, and procedure for challenge
22and appeal; providing penalties for first, second, and
23third positive findings; providing due process procedures
24for challenge and appeal; requiring the organization to
25provide an annual report to the Legislature on the results
26of the program; providing an exemption from civil
27liability resulting from implementation of the program;
28requiring the Department of Legal Affairs to provide
29defense in claims of civil liability; requiring program
30expenses to be paid through legislative appropriation;
31providing for expiration of the program; providing an
32appropriation; providing an effective date.
34Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
36     Section 1.  Subsection (10) is added to section 1006.20,
37Florida Statutes, to read:
38     1006.20  Athletics in public K-12 schools.--
40     (a)  The organization shall facilitate a 3-year program
41during the 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009 academic years in
42which students in grades 9 through 12 in its member schools who
43participate in interscholastic athletics governed by the
44organization shall be subject to random testing for the use of
45anabolic steroids as defined in s. 893.03(3)(d). All schools,
46both public and private, shall consent to the provisions of this
47subsection as a prerequisite for membership in the organization
48for the duration of the program.
49     (b)  The organization's board of directors shall establish
50procedures for the conduct of the program that, at a minimum,
51shall provide for the following:
52     1.  The organization shall select and enter into a contract
53with a testing agency that will administer the testing program.
54The laboratory utilized by the testing agency to analyze
55specimens shall be accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency.
56     2.  A minimum of 1 percent of the total students who
57participate in each interscholastic sport, based on
58participation numbers reported to the organization during the
59preceding academic year, shall be randomly selected to undergo a
60test in each year of the program.
61     3.  Each member school shall report to the organization
62each year the names of students who will represent the school in
63interscholastic athletics during that year. A student shall not
64be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics in a
65member school until the student's name has been reported to the
66organization by the school in the year in which such
67participation is to occur.
68     4.  Each year, the organization shall provide to the
69testing agency all names of students that are submitted by its
70member schools. The testing agency shall make its random
71selections for testing from these names.
72     5.  The testing agency shall notify not fewer than 7 days
73in advance both the administration of a school and the
74organization of the date on which its representatives will be
75present at the school to collect a specimen from a randomly
76selected student. However, the name of the student from which a
77specimen is to be collected shall not be disclosed.
78     6.  The finding of a drug test shall be separate from a
79student's educational records and shall be disclosed by the
80testing agency only to the organization, the student, the
81student's parent, the administration of the student's school,
82and the administration of any school to which the student may
83transfer during a suspension from participation in
84interscholastic athletics resulting from a positive finding.
85     (c)  In each year of the program, each student who wishes
86to participate in interscholastic athletics and his or her
87parent must consent to the provisions of this subsection as a
88prerequisite for athletic eligibility. This consent shall be in
89writing on a form prescribed by the organization and provided to
90the student by his or her school. Failure to complete and sign
91the consent form shall result in the student's ineligibility to
92participate in all interscholastic athletics. The consent form
93shall include the following information:
94     1.  A brief description of the drug testing program.
95     2.  The penalties for a first, second, and third positive
97     3.  The procedure for challenging a positive finding.
98     4.  The procedure for appealing a prescribed penalty.
99     (d)  A student who is selected for testing and fails to
100provide a specimen shall be immediately suspended from
101interscholastic athletic practice and competition until such
102time as a specimen is provided.
103     (e)  If a student tests positive in a test administered
104under this subsection, the administration of the school the
105student attends shall immediately:
106     1.  Suspend the student from participation in all
107interscholastic athletic practice and competition.
108     2.  Notify and schedule a meeting with the student and his
109or her parent during which the principal or his or her designee
110shall review with them the positive finding, the procedure for
111challenging the positive finding, the prescribed penalties, and
112the procedure for appealing the prescribed penalties.
113     (f)  The following penalties are prescribed for positive
114findings resulting from tests administered under this
116     1.  For a first positive finding, the student shall be
117suspended from all interscholastic athletic practice and
118competition for a period of 90 school days and shall be subject
119to a mandatory exit test for restoration of eligibility no
120sooner than the 60th school day of the suspension. If the exit
121test is negative, the organization shall restore the eligibility
122of the student at the conclusion of the 90-school-day period of
123suspension. If the exit test is positive, the student shall
124remain suspended from all interscholastic athletic practice and
125competition until such time as a subsequent retest of the
126student results in a negative finding. The student shall be
127subject to repeated tests for the duration of his or her high
128school athletic eligibility.
129     2.  For a second positive finding, the student shall be
130suspended from all interscholastic athletic practice and
131competition for a period of 1 calendar year and shall be subject
132to a mandatory exit test for restoration of eligibility no
133sooner than the 11th month of the suspension. If the exit test
134is negative, the organization shall restore the eligibility of
135the student at the conclusion of the 1-calendar-year period of
136suspension. If the exit test is positive, the student shall
137remain suspended from all interscholastic athletic practice and
138competition until such time as a subsequent retest of the
139student results in a negative finding. The student shall be
140subject to repeated tests for the duration of his or her high
141school athletic eligibility.
142     3.  For a third positive finding, the student shall be
143permanently suspended from all interscholastic athletic practice
144and competition.
145     (g)  In addition to the penalties prescribed in paragraph
146(f), a student who tests positive in a test administered under
147this subsection shall attend and complete an appropriate
148mandatory drug education program conducted by the student's
149school, the student's school district, or a third-party
150organization contracted by the school or school district to
151conduct such an education program.
152     (h)  The following due process shall be afforded each
153student who tests positive in a test administered under this
155     1.  The member school may challenge a positive finding and
156must challenge a positive finding at the request of the student.
157A sample of the original specimen provided by the student and
158retained by the testing agency shall be analyzed. The member
159school or the student's parent shall pay the cost of the
160analysis. If the analysis results in a positive finding, the
161student shall remain ineligible until the prescribed penalty is
162fulfilled. If the analysis results in a negative finding, the
163organization shall immediately restore the eligibility of the
164student and shall refund to the member school or student's
165parent the cost of the analysis. The student shall remain
166suspended from interscholastic athletic practice and competition
167during the challenge.
168     2.a.  A member school may appeal to the organization's
169commissioner the period of ineligibility imposed on a student as
170a result of a positive finding and must appeal at the request of
171the student. The commissioner may require the student to
172complete the prescribed penalty, reduce the prescribed penalty
173by one-half, or provide complete relief from the prescribed
174penalty. Regardless of the decision of the commissioner, the
175student shall remain ineligible until the student tests negative
176on the mandatory exit test and the student's eligibility is
177restored by the organization.
178     b.  Should the school or student be dissatisfied with the
179decision of the commissioner, the school may pursue the appeal
180before the organization's board of directors and must do so at
181the request of the student. The board of directors may require
182the student to complete the prescribed penalty, reduce the
183prescribed penalty by one-half, or provide complete relief from
184the prescribed penalty. Regardless of the decision of the board
185of directors, the student shall remain ineligible until the
186student tests negative on the mandatory exit test and the
187student's eligibility is restored by the organization. The
188decision of the board of directors on each appeal shall be
190     c.  Technical experts may serve as consultants to both the
191organization's commissioner and its board of directors in
192connection with such appeals.
193     (i)  No later than October 1 following each year of the
194program, the organization shall submit to the President of the
195Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a report
196on the results of the program for that year, as well as the
197aggregate results of the program to date. The report shall
198include statistics on the number of students tested; the number
199of first, second, and third violations; the number of challenges
200and their results; the number of appeals and their dispositions;
201and the costs incurred by the organization in the administration
202of the program, including attorney's fees and other expenses of
204     (j)  The organization, members of its board of directors,
205and its employees and member schools and their employees are
206exempt from civil liability arising from any act or omission in
207connection with the program conducted under this subsection. The
208Department of Legal Affairs shall defend the organization,
209members of its board of directors, and its employees and member
210schools and their employees in any action against such parties
211arising from any such act or omission. In providing such
212defense, the Department of Legal Affairs may employ or utilize
213the legal services of outside counsel.
214     (k)  All expenses of the program shall be paid with funds
215appropriated by the Legislature. Such expenses shall include,
216but not be limited to, all fees and expenses charged by the
217testing agency for administrative services, specimen collection
218services, and specimen analysis; all administrative expenses
219incurred by the organization in the facilitation of the program;
220and all attorney's fees and other expenses of litigation
221resulting from legal challenges related to the program.
222     (l)  The provisions of this subsection shall expire on June
22330, 2009, or at such earlier date as appropriated funds are
225     Section 2.  There is hereby appropriated from the General
226Revenue Fund to the Florida High School Athletic Association the
227sum of $3 million for the purpose of administering the
228provisions of s. 1006.20(10), Florida Statutes, as created by
229this act. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at
230the end of fiscal year 2008-2009 shall revert to the General
231Revenue Fund.
232     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.